Thursday, March 9, 2017

Does it Make Me a Sexist If I Say......

Thursday, March 09/17

So as I was driving home from work tonight I noticed something and did the whole double take thing we see people do in the movies when they see something and can't believe they've actually seen what they thought they just saw.

I was sitting at the intersection of Bank and 3rd when I looked over to my right and noticed a woman standing near the bus stop chatting with a man. Both were dressed in business casual with nice coats on to ward off the wind and cold weather.

What caught my eye was the woman was wearing a skirt with a sweater top. Nothing out of the ordinary other than she wasn't wearing leggings, tight pants, long socks, or panty hose.

Nope, none of those present to keep her legs warm.

Well other than the fine leg hair that covered both legs.

You heard me right...........she had as much leg hair as I do on my legs.

So as the light changed colours and I drove off I wondered if my first thought that this was kind of gross makes me a sexist in any way?

I really don't have an answer and am sure I could get votes both ways from both genders if I really put out there and polled the readers.

Maybe I'm just a product of Madison Avenues concentrated mass advertising efforts and all the those commercials showing smooth legs, shaving creams, and feminine razors to really appreciate the beauty of a woman in her natural state. But than again, maybe I'd prefer to feel smooth legs next to mine and not have my own leg hairs make battle with my partners.

What's worse? A woman who doesn't shave her legs or a man who shaves his chest?


P.S. Yes, I'm aware I didn't post an entry last night but I was feeling under the weather and pretty bushed when I got home so I had a quick bite and crashed early hoping it would help me fight off any potential cold, so far so good.

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