Sunday, March 12, 2017


Sunday, March 12/17

Word is defined in the dictionary as a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning.

A word can be a beautiful gift or it can be a devastating weapon.

A single word can make a person feel alive, as if anything is possible, or it can leave one feeling despondent, as if there is no reason to continue on.

Some people understand the power of words and use them sparingly in order to keep a person from feeling too great a sense of self importance or to spare them the pain from knowing how they are really viewed by the people around them.

Some people use words to improve their own lot in life without any thought to the impact those words may have, not only to the person they are communicated to but to themselves as well when they come to understand the price those words will demand later on.

Words can be spoken or written.

They can be whispered so only a single person hears them, they can spoken softly to keep them within a select group, or they can be shouted as loud as possible so everyone can hear them and feel the impact.

Words can be written down and shared or written down and kept secret. My blog is shared and possibly your diary or journal is kept private, allowing you to revisit them at a later date to experience once more some emotion when the time is right.

I've had wonderful words spoken to me, whispered in my ear, shared about me with others.

I've heard words that have left me emotionally drained, ready to scream at the world in anger, and words that made me cry, that left me dazed and confused.

"I love you"

"Your my best friend"

"Playing for you has made me not only a better player but a better person too"

"Your work these past few months has been so dead on and really helped us meet our objectives"

"This isn't working, I think we need to move on"

"You'll never amount to anything in life"

"You are too stupid to realize how ugly you are"

"You just don't turn me on anymore"

"You will die alone and that makes me so happy"

are examples of words I've heard over the course of my life. Some nice, some pretty harsh, but all viewed as the truth by one person or another when they spoke them.

I understand the power of words and have tried my best to always think about my choice in words before ever uttering them out loud to another person.

Once spoken, you can never take them back, you might be forgiven for something you've said, but they'll never be forgotten, ever.

I think my point here is that we all need to take that extra moment and understand how the words we might say could be conveyed and the impact they'll have on the other person.

I know I do my best to use positive words when dealing with my kids as I always want them to feel good inside when they hear them, that's not to say we haven't had some hard talks in the past, and will again in the future, but I do my best to down play the negative and highlight ways to change for the better. That's my job after all as a parent.

My name is Marcus and words have meaning to me. It's my greatest desire to hear the best three words ever combined to make a heart skip a beat.......I love you

I think it appropriate that today's musical suggestions is "Words" by Missing Persons

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