Tuesday, June 23/2015
Today is a very special day. It is the day that C has been working for her entire career and will mark the culmination of all her efforts.
Today at 10am I will pause what I am doing and think of her and the ceremony that is taking place. I will picture her smile, the smiles of her boys, and her parents. I will see the twinkle in her eyes that always made me feel warm inside.
C has had to make tough choices throughout her life and career. Today's undertaking is no different as I know the cost it is placing on her and I respect her all the more for making it. My hope is that it really is all she hopes it will be and give her a sense of purpose as she wrestles with the things she has had to give up or postpone to achieve it.
It is a very big deal and I have the engraved invitation to show for it. It hangs on my fridge as a reminder that there are events in life that transcend the ordinary and make one think about someone other than themselves.
I debated making the journey to view the proceedings from the rear but decided not to out of worry that she might catch a glance of me as I smile in pride as she made her way across the podium, not wanting to take anything away from her moment I have chosen to honour her from afar.
C you are an amazing woman who brought sunshine into my life, showed me what it felt like to love and be loved, and made me feel so alive. You made me realize that I am a good person and have a lot to offer someone. I hope you know that you are more than that in every way and I earnestly hope that you find love as thinking of you alone makes me sad.
Maybe I wasn't the one for you but there is one out there and I know he'll cross your path. Be bold, be brave, be open to him and reach for the golden ring of love.
C I wish you nothing but the best and want you to succeed in all you do. I am proud of the woman I had the chance to spend time with and will always hold you close to my heart.
Today is your day and I hope you realize that all the people wishing you well are truly in your corner and wanting you to be all that you can be.
All the best my friend and remember to kick ass and take names!!!!!
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