Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Ah Ha Moment With A Doppleganger

Monday, June 15/2015

Today's song is "Heart Is A Drum" by Beck

So there is a TV show on Netflix that I recently discovered and have been binge watching since last Thursday called Taxi Brooklyn.

The premise of the show is that there is this female detective who can't drive without getting into an accident and enlists the help of a taxi driver to drive her around. The kicker here is that the driver is French and given my disdain for all things French you'd think that would have been enough to make me turn it off but the show somehow clicked with me and I've totally gotten into it.

But the one thing that has been really giving me some pause for thought is why this show has me so hooked and tonight it dawned on me and I had to sit back and shake my head in disbelief that I hadn't seen it earlier.

There is a theory that each of us has a doppelganger, that there is someone one this planet that looks almost identical to us, that they could literally be mistaken for us if someone we knew came across them.

I used to joke that I was the combination of Dilbert and Drew Carey due to the thick black glasses I used to wear combined with being sort of chubby and having a crew cut for a hair cut. Someone once told me that I really looked more like Robert Urich, the actor who played Spencer for Hire. Now that one I could embrace as I loved that show and have read each and every novel written by Robert B Parker in the Spencer series and felt a sense of loss when both Urich and Parker passed as it felt like I lost a little of myself with each's passing.

But this isn't about me but rather the doppelganger that I did recognize tonight sitting on the couch down in the man cave with Moki the wonder puppy curled up next to me while watching Taxi Brooklyn.

The French cab driver is named Leon and I can honestly say I like him. He makes me laugh and see things in a new light. But he isn't the source of my Ah Ha moment tonight.

The detective is named Caitlyn "Cat" Sullivan and played by Chyler Leigh. Some of you make recognize that name from her stint on Grey's Anatomy.

As I sat there tonight I realized I felt this connection with Caitlyn and it took a moment for me to figure out why but when it came I almost face palmed myself for not seeing it sooner.

I was dating someone whose name started with C and here was an actress with her first name using that same letter as well as the character she played. That wasn't it though, there was a scene where the camera did a close up and I recognized her earrings as the same pair I bought C for birthday and then it all came together.  Chyler Leigh is C's doppelganger through and through. They both rock short hair, have this smile that seems to begin in their eyes with a this little twinkle, and each has this playful nature about them that makes me feel warm inside.

The funny thing about C is that if you'd told me I'd fall for someone with short hair I'd have laughed as it isn't something I've ever found appealing on a woman, just my personal preference and not an indictment on short hair so don't be offended. But C rocked the short hair and I used to love running my fingers through it when we were all cuddled up watching a movie, I used to tease her that she needed a haircut as often as I did so as to keep me around with that short hair lol

So there is my proof that doppelgangers exist and they can be a good thing, least this one is for me as it reminds me of someone who I was fortunate enough to have in my life for a much too brief moment, but one whose memories will bring me many a smile over the coming years.......

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