Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

Sunday, June 21/2015

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all the single parents, regardless of gender, who are busy raising kids on their own a very Happy Father's Day.

I'm fortunate to have a really good relationship with my ex and we have shared custody of our kids and have always made it about them and not us.

There are parents out there, of both genders but the majority are men, who don't view being a parent with the kind of responsibility they should. Hell, there are parents out there who have sole custody who don't do it justice and leave a lot of the parenting up to the kids themselves, not cool in my book and they are losing out on so much as kids learn who cares the most and to whom they need to turn for love and guidance.

So while today is my day as a father I view it as another opportunity for me to show my kids how much they mean to me and how fortunate I feel every morning to wake up and get to think of myself as dad to such an amazing son and kick ass daughter.

Take a moment and imagine how empty your life would be without them in it, I do every day and there are times I almost want to cry. My daughter is in her twenties and doesn't need dad as much these days and it's only a matter of time until my son is in the same place in life but I know I'll always be dad for them until my last breathe, and that is something they both know too!!

Happy Father's Day :)

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