Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day II

Sunday, June 21/2015

Well as usual I posted a bit too early today as something happened that I want to share.

When my daughter came over to pick my son and I up for lunch at Fusion Sushi she gave me my Father's Day card and a nice bottle of Old Spice. The card made me tear up a bit as the cover had a picture of a little girl standing on her father's feet as they danced, something that I remember doing when she was little.

Oddly there was nothing from my son and he made a comment about how his sister broke their agreement not to get cards this year. I thought that odd but didn't say anything as we left for lunch, Chapters, and Golf Town to use the gift card she had put inside my card. Lunch was great and both of them had me smiling with their antics as we walked Chapters and I was looking at shirts at GT.

When we got home she dropped us off as she was heading out to run some errands with her boyfriend and I told my son I was going to take Moki for a walk in the park. He said have fun and headed off to his room to chat with his own girlfriend. 

Well Moki enjoyed her walk and did her usual princess diva walk as we came back down the sidewalk near my house, almost as if to say she'd always be a puppy just for me. As we came through the door lo and behold there was a envelope with a card inside sitting on the half wall near the stairs. I called out to my son asking what the envelope was all about since he had some agreement with his sister and he laughed and said since she broke the treaty he wanted to do the right thing - cheeky little bugger!

I opened the card and read what he had written to me and started to cry right away. My son is not as expressive with the written word as his old man but he outdid himself this time.  He wrote about how this year had been a bit of a struggle at school and that I was always there for him when he needed some help, how when he had issues balancing his time between school, friends, girlfriend, and soccer I offered suggestions and helped him set up timeline guides, and how whenever he was feeling down I seemed to know and there to offer him a hug. He said that he didn't think he'd have done as well this past school year without me and wanted me to know how much he loved me.

Those words meant more to me than any gift he could ever give me as I never had those feelings towards my own father as I grew up feeling like I was some kind of burden to him, the reason I've always tried to let my kids know how much they mean to me day in and day out.

I went to his room and hugged him and as the tears fell down my cheeks I held him tight and told him that there wasn't a luckier father than myself in all the world. He smiled and hugged me back and told me he loved me more than all the sand on all the beaches in the world.

Oh, and as I walked to put his card next to his sisters a certificate in the back fell out that is good for a round of golf with a kids know me so well :)

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