Friday, June 26, 2015


Friday, June 26/2015

TGIF everyone!!!!

Been a pretty busy week with the new job, my son's last exam, and some soccer practices/games so I'm really looking forward to the weekend.

I'm heading into what I jokingly like to refer to as my bachelor week since my son transitioned to his mom's place last night after his sisters soccer game. Normally he would have gone over at some point in time today but there is a birthday party for one of his buddies happening at lunch and he didn't want any stress on not getting picked up on time lol

Last night was double soccer duty as both kids had a game, my son at 6:30 and my daughter at 8:30. The double dip Thursday is going to be common this summer but the nice thing is when her team has home games they don't start till 8:30 and thus provides me a chance to see both games.

His game was pretty awful with a 6-1 loss but offset by her teams 2-2 draw that keeps them in second place. I think there is going to be a coaching change soon with his team as the current head coach has too much on his plate right now and there have been a lot of rumblings from the parents. Been doing my best to stay on the sidelines but my ex did give me a heads up that my name has come up as the preferred choice to coach the remainder of the season. Not sure how I feel about it other than at least the coach would know the players, the best formation to use, and where to play the lads. Something that was brutally lacking last night. I'll keep you all updated future developments.

My plans for the weekend reflect the exciting life I lead - cutting the lawn tonight and doing some laundry, playing golf tomorrow and running some errands, and Sunday I'm debating going to see the new Jurassic World movie.

I'm not sure whether to be proud I have a list of things to check off or hang my head in shame at the actual things on my list lol  I don't think anyone will ever confuse me with a swinging bachelor and I'm ok with that. After all, I am just being true to the guy I am inside :)

So what big plans do the readers have? Please tell me there are dates lined up, gatherings of friends to attend, and social soirees to be caught at by the paparazzi.

No, there aren't?  Then lie to me for gosh sakes lol

I've been going through some old blogs I had posted elsewhere and think I might import them over as some were pretty good, well in my humble opinion.

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