Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Rule of Three's

Tuesday, June 09/15

Today's song is "Wish You Were Here" by Avril Lavigne

In life there are certain things we take as givens and sometimes they become known as a cliche or a generally accepted rule.

The Rule of Three's is one such thing but the interesting fact is that it was originally created to explain a literary process where it was outlined that humorous events in a story were best accepted by the reader in cycles of three's.  I'm not convinced of this but than who am I to argue with accepted literary standards.

The funny thing is that along the way this rule of three's has been suborned to describe events in life, not always for the best I might add.  I doubt any of us haven't heard the old saying "Things happen in Three's" at one point or another.  Now usually we hear this in reference to negative events as a warning after the second bad thing has happened that the person can expect one more bad event to occur.  I myself made reference to the Rule of Three's back in May when I resumed blogging after both my job and relationship came to an abrupt end.

Now every since that point in time I've sort of been waiting for that third event to materialize but after a conversation with a friend last week think I'm at the point where I now believe all three events have happened and now I'm looking for a new cycle to start, one full of positive outcomes I might add.

Why the change of heart you might ask? Well during lunch my friend M asked how my son was doing and after telling her about his recent trip to the emergency for tightness in his chest following a soccer match she asked if he'd had his annual checkup at CHEO related to his abscess and surgeries back in '09 and I replied he gets them now through our family physician and he's been clear for going on almost 5 years now.

She smiled and told me how happy she was as she knows how hard that was on me and than said how that was the really first negative thing that had happened to me that she could remember.  That got me thinking and she was pretty much dead on right, his surgery was the first negative thing and from 2009 to this year I'd experienced some unhappy events but none that rocked my world like his surgery. Now I'm positing that the Rule of Three's knows no time limits so it is perfectly possible for years to pass between additions to the cycle.

So I'm now on record as saying this most recent cycle is complete and anything that happens next, whether good or bad, will be the start of a new Rule of Three cycle and like all the rest, I'll make my way through it just like I've done the rest of them.

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