Friday, June 26, 2015

Music & the Blog

Friday, June 26/2015

I normally include a musical recommendation with each blog entry I post but haven't for some of the recent posts.

There is neither rhyme nor reason to what makes me select a particular artist or if I even make the recommendation.

Sometimes I'll hear a song and it will trigger an entry and sometimes as I'm writing an entry a song will come to mind. For the most part I believe the song chosen reflects my mood at that specific moment.

On a different site I used to mix it up and recommend songs, movies, and books.  I found books are people specific so stopped commenting on them as it just felt like I was reaching with some of my suggestions.  Movies should be easier but I've found we all have different tastes and what is good for me might not work for you. Case in point, I love Rom Com's (romantic comedies) and I've found a lot of women I've talked with really don't, so suggesting one always left me scratching my head a bit wondering how it was being perceived.

But music is something entirely different as I have a very open mind when it comes to music and pretty much have a song or two from most genre's. Well most genre's that are in the mainstream and by this I don't mean soda pop rock or heavy metal but music a lot of people listen to day in and day out. So that means you won't find much polka, let alone any, on my iPod or in my music library, but you will find soulful love songs from the likes of Norah Jones to heavy metal combined with orchestral arrangements with Metallica & SFO to old school boogie by Earth Wind & Fire to 60's rock by the Beach Boys/Beatles/CSN&Y to current indies like Marianna's Trench to Simple Plan to Blink 182 to electric house music like Calvin Harris and David Guetta.

Where do I get it all?  A lot of it is stuff I stumble across on various radio stations, some I knew from my own youth, and some from my kids, well mostly my son as he loves to share new music with me and see my reaction as it plays. His favourite thing to do is plug his phone in the car when we are driving somewhere and play some new tunes for me and get my feedback.  These are moments I treasure as I remember growing up and my own dad knowing the lyrics to the majority of songs he heard and I hope years from now my own son has such memories to reflect upon with his own children.

But there won't always be a song recommended and that is just part of life. Sometimes nothing special comes to mind right off the bat and even if one does come up later after the blog has been posted I'm not usually too keen on editing something I've already posted, though I have done so when I've noticed some misspelled word or poor grammar.

So there is some background on the music you might see on the blog.

I always have my phone with me as it is my life anchor that keeps me readily accessible to my family and friends. In my car and the backpack that I carry to work you'll find extra USB power cords and ear buds as I can't be far from the tunes.......

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