Monday, March 28/16
So originally my daughter had a soccer game scheduled for tonight at 7pm which meant dinner for my son and I would have to be something fast and easy given the time crunch between when I got home and we had to leave to watch the game. Spaghetti is the fallback dinner of choice at times like this and that was what I was planning on making until I got a text from the daughter saying she was feeling exhausted from the weekend and probably not going to play tonight after all.
I sent my son a text letting him now the change of plans and asked him if he wanted to have something else for dinner besides spaghetti and soon got a response saying he wanted to have hamburger helper, not my favourite but I do like to make things that he enjoys now and again.
I sent him another one telling him to take the hamburger out of the freezer and out it in the sink so it could thaw out and he said no problem consider it done.
When I got home the first thing I noticed was the box of hamburger patties sitting on the counter so I asked my son to come to the kitchen while I hung up my jacket and put my work bag on one of the bar chairs. When he entered the kitchen I pointed at the box and asked what was it doing out and even as I asked the question I knew the answer he was going to tell me.....
"Dad, you asked me to take it out earlier when we were texting about dinner"
"Son, I asked you to take out the ground beef"
"No, you said hamburger, reread the text dad"
So I did just that......and lo and behold he was right in that I asked him to take out the hamburger.
When I asked him to take it out I'd been visualizing the ground beef in the freezer, which he has seen me use to make his favourite meal numerous times over the years.
In my mind he knew I meant ground beef when I used hamburger and in his mind he heard hamburger so he took it out.
When I asked him if he'd ever seen me use hamburgers to make hamburger helper he said he didn't think so but why call something hamburger helper if it didn't contain hamburgers??
I was thinking of a response to that one when it dawned on me that he is a typical teenager and in particular a typical male teenager in that his mind works almost solely in absolutes.
So based on that conclusion there was no way I could be upset with him as he'd done just what I asked and if it was wrong, well that was on me and not him.
Going forward I'm going to have to really think about what it is I'm asking him and phrase any requests in such a way as to remove any ambiguities.
As it turns out we ended up having the spaghetti after all but it was still a nice meal.
The more I've thought about this little exchange the more it makes me smile and kind of cherish it as one of those things that makes me appreciate the relationship I have with my son. He's a good kid and if this is the worse he does than we're going to be just fine.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Sushi, the look, and a confession
Sunday, March 27/16
Yesterday I had some errands to run and decided to use that as an opportunity to get my son some more behind the wheel experience as he'll be taking his G1 test in May and the more he drives the more confident he becomes.
Now having my own driver is kind of cool and even though I can't relax as much when he's driving as I do when my daughter drives it's still different sitting in the passenger seat and observing him as he masters yet another one of life's little obstacles.
We both were in the mood for some Sushi and ended up at our usual spot for lunch. After getting seated and placing our order we settled in some general chit chat about things going on in our lives, with me telling him about the craziness that has been and will be work for the next little while, and him bringing me current on how school is going. As usual our talk turned to soccer and what we think will develop in the various leagues as the seasons wind down, how his summer soccer might work out given his move back to recreational soccer from rep, and who we think has the best chance of winning Euro 2016.
As our food was arriving and we were each going after our favourites he mentioned he'd tried a new place near the Kanata Centrum with his mom that wasn't full meals but rather little samples of different dishes from all over the place, I asked how he liked it and he said it was different, and for some reason it made me ask him if he had tried Haggis when he'd been in England last summer.
Well from the confused look I knew he hadn't as I think it's something you remember if you've ever tried it before and this was confirmed when he asked me what it was. Seeing the look on his face was almost priceless as he visualized what I described, I almost felt kind of sorry for him as I thought he might get sick for a moment but he got over it. I asked if he'd had bangers and mash and he said he'd tried it and also real fish and chips, though it was so large he didn't even have a snack that night afterward, which if you have a teenage son means a lot as they can eat and eat all the time!!!
Thinking about the different foods he'd tried made me wonder about the route of the trip they took as I was curious if they'd been through Belgium on the way from Paris to London and he said he didn't think so as they caught the ferry in some dreary port on the coast of France. I brought up a map of Europe on my iPhone and we figured out they'd crossed at Calais.
He asked why I was asking and I said they got lucky when they went as it was before all the mess of the attacks in Paris and now recently Brussels. I told him I'd just been curious how close they'd been to both epicentres. He said he'd thought about it each time he'd heard of the attacks and was glad that they missed out on that and was home safe and sound.
We went back to chatting about sports as if an unspoken agreement had come up to not mention how close it had been for them while on holiday.
After a few moments I could see him struggling a bit and knew there was something he wanted to say to me but didn't know how to broach the subject so I put my chop sticks down and smiled at him and said "Whatever you want to say or ask isn't going to ask itself son"
He looked around and than back at me and softly replied "but what if what I ask makes you feel sad?"
I paused for a moment and told him "if what you ask me helps you deal with something than I'm more than ok to deal with any pain it might bring me"
Once more he looked around and then said "but what if it's about C?"
I didn't know where this was going so I took a sip of water to gather my thoughts before replying "I'm not sure what you want to ask but lets get it out in the open and deal with it instead of what if'ing it to death ok"
"I know you think about her more than you let on and I was wondering how much you worried about her these days"
I asked what he meant and he said he remembered what I'd said about C and her career and how she'd been in dangerous spots in the past and wondered if recent events made me think more about her and how I was dealing with it all.
I took my time answering as it had all been on my mind a lot lately, not that I could do anything about it but it was still something I was coping with mentally.
I told him when she was working downtown I never really worried about it as her role at that time was more supportive and these things wouldn't have directly impacted her at that time but that as she moved into her new position it was something on my mind all the time. That I knew she could be sent anywhere around the world on literally a moments notice and it had scared the hell out of me. The one time I was up at her place last summer when her work cell started going off at 2am almost made me stop breathing and it wasn't until I was able to understand that there was an issue with some of the people who reported to her and not a call to go somewhere did my heart slow down.
He asked how she reacted when I told her I was afraid for her and I explained I'd never had that conversation with her as the last thing she needed to think about was me worrying about her if she did get sent somewhere dangerous. If that happened she'd have to deal with her concerns for her people and how her boys would be thinking about her, there was no way I was going to add to that mental load, not when she needed me to just support her without adding weight.
I could sense his next question and beat it to it when I said "Yes, that wasn't the right thing to do as I should have shared my feelings but at the time it seemed the best approach"
He smiled at me and said maybe I'd get a chance to rectify my error and I just smiled and wondered when he became such an optimist and didn't have the heart to tell him that boat had sailed on with her finding new happiness and love.
The truth is that I do still worry about her when I hear some of the things going on around the world and the dangers it might cause her, but on the other hand I know she doing something she loves and is damn good at so there's no way I would have ever let her know how damn scared I'd have been had she been sent to deal with these kinds of things. No, I'd have put on my brave face and let her know that I'd be here when she got back......but we moved past that so now I just send safe thought her way whenever something bad happens in the world.
As we left the restaurant my son gave me a love tap on the arm and told me he hoped he hadn't brought up any bad memories and I smiled and told him all my thoughts of and for C were all good and not to worry that much about me as I'm not made of crystal.
Ironically, Brussels is one of the spots open to C for her new assignment when her current one ends and we'd talked about the opportunity of going there for 2 years............
To C and all of those like her.......stay safe and come home to those waiting for you with love and hope.......
Yesterday I had some errands to run and decided to use that as an opportunity to get my son some more behind the wheel experience as he'll be taking his G1 test in May and the more he drives the more confident he becomes.
Now having my own driver is kind of cool and even though I can't relax as much when he's driving as I do when my daughter drives it's still different sitting in the passenger seat and observing him as he masters yet another one of life's little obstacles.
We both were in the mood for some Sushi and ended up at our usual spot for lunch. After getting seated and placing our order we settled in some general chit chat about things going on in our lives, with me telling him about the craziness that has been and will be work for the next little while, and him bringing me current on how school is going. As usual our talk turned to soccer and what we think will develop in the various leagues as the seasons wind down, how his summer soccer might work out given his move back to recreational soccer from rep, and who we think has the best chance of winning Euro 2016.
As our food was arriving and we were each going after our favourites he mentioned he'd tried a new place near the Kanata Centrum with his mom that wasn't full meals but rather little samples of different dishes from all over the place, I asked how he liked it and he said it was different, and for some reason it made me ask him if he had tried Haggis when he'd been in England last summer.
Well from the confused look I knew he hadn't as I think it's something you remember if you've ever tried it before and this was confirmed when he asked me what it was. Seeing the look on his face was almost priceless as he visualized what I described, I almost felt kind of sorry for him as I thought he might get sick for a moment but he got over it. I asked if he'd had bangers and mash and he said he'd tried it and also real fish and chips, though it was so large he didn't even have a snack that night afterward, which if you have a teenage son means a lot as they can eat and eat all the time!!!
Thinking about the different foods he'd tried made me wonder about the route of the trip they took as I was curious if they'd been through Belgium on the way from Paris to London and he said he didn't think so as they caught the ferry in some dreary port on the coast of France. I brought up a map of Europe on my iPhone and we figured out they'd crossed at Calais.
He asked why I was asking and I said they got lucky when they went as it was before all the mess of the attacks in Paris and now recently Brussels. I told him I'd just been curious how close they'd been to both epicentres. He said he'd thought about it each time he'd heard of the attacks and was glad that they missed out on that and was home safe and sound.
We went back to chatting about sports as if an unspoken agreement had come up to not mention how close it had been for them while on holiday.
After a few moments I could see him struggling a bit and knew there was something he wanted to say to me but didn't know how to broach the subject so I put my chop sticks down and smiled at him and said "Whatever you want to say or ask isn't going to ask itself son"
He looked around and than back at me and softly replied "but what if what I ask makes you feel sad?"
I paused for a moment and told him "if what you ask me helps you deal with something than I'm more than ok to deal with any pain it might bring me"
Once more he looked around and then said "but what if it's about C?"
I didn't know where this was going so I took a sip of water to gather my thoughts before replying "I'm not sure what you want to ask but lets get it out in the open and deal with it instead of what if'ing it to death ok"
"I know you think about her more than you let on and I was wondering how much you worried about her these days"
I asked what he meant and he said he remembered what I'd said about C and her career and how she'd been in dangerous spots in the past and wondered if recent events made me think more about her and how I was dealing with it all.
I took my time answering as it had all been on my mind a lot lately, not that I could do anything about it but it was still something I was coping with mentally.
I told him when she was working downtown I never really worried about it as her role at that time was more supportive and these things wouldn't have directly impacted her at that time but that as she moved into her new position it was something on my mind all the time. That I knew she could be sent anywhere around the world on literally a moments notice and it had scared the hell out of me. The one time I was up at her place last summer when her work cell started going off at 2am almost made me stop breathing and it wasn't until I was able to understand that there was an issue with some of the people who reported to her and not a call to go somewhere did my heart slow down.
He asked how she reacted when I told her I was afraid for her and I explained I'd never had that conversation with her as the last thing she needed to think about was me worrying about her if she did get sent somewhere dangerous. If that happened she'd have to deal with her concerns for her people and how her boys would be thinking about her, there was no way I was going to add to that mental load, not when she needed me to just support her without adding weight.
I could sense his next question and beat it to it when I said "Yes, that wasn't the right thing to do as I should have shared my feelings but at the time it seemed the best approach"
He smiled at me and said maybe I'd get a chance to rectify my error and I just smiled and wondered when he became such an optimist and didn't have the heart to tell him that boat had sailed on with her finding new happiness and love.
The truth is that I do still worry about her when I hear some of the things going on around the world and the dangers it might cause her, but on the other hand I know she doing something she loves and is damn good at so there's no way I would have ever let her know how damn scared I'd have been had she been sent to deal with these kinds of things. No, I'd have put on my brave face and let her know that I'd be here when she got back......but we moved past that so now I just send safe thought her way whenever something bad happens in the world.
As we left the restaurant my son gave me a love tap on the arm and told me he hoped he hadn't brought up any bad memories and I smiled and told him all my thoughts of and for C were all good and not to worry that much about me as I'm not made of crystal.
Ironically, Brussels is one of the spots open to C for her new assignment when her current one ends and we'd talked about the opportunity of going there for 2 years............
To C and all of those like her.......stay safe and come home to those waiting for you with love and hope.......
Happy Easter!
Sunday, March 27/16
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Easter!
My day has been pretty good so far with an early morning walk with Moki, followed by my new favourite breakfast of eggs and bacon in the muffin tray.
I'll be dropping my son off at his mom's around 3pm so he can join her family for a combined Easter Dinner and family birthday celebration for his aunt.
Thinking a drive might be nice as the weather is awesome and I always love seeing the sights around my amazing city - so nice to get out of the urban core and be reminded of real roots of the Ottawa Valley.
Hope you enjoy the day and are able to share it with those near and dear to your heart :)
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Easter!
My day has been pretty good so far with an early morning walk with Moki, followed by my new favourite breakfast of eggs and bacon in the muffin tray.
I'll be dropping my son off at his mom's around 3pm so he can join her family for a combined Easter Dinner and family birthday celebration for his aunt.
Thinking a drive might be nice as the weather is awesome and I always love seeing the sights around my amazing city - so nice to get out of the urban core and be reminded of real roots of the Ottawa Valley.
Hope you enjoy the day and are able to share it with those near and dear to your heart :)
Friday, March 25, 2016
The Tag Line
Friday, March 25/16
So I was asked why I use the tag line at the end of most of my blog entries and I think the most basic answer is that it pretty much says what I'm about in a very concise way.
"My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my journey living, being a parent, friend, working, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, re-entering the dating scene, and maybe someday having another relationship."
My name really is Marcus. Marcus Anthony to be a bit more precise without revealing too much.
I'm a part time parent in that I have my son every other week under a shared custody arrangement with my ex and see my daughter as our schedules permit, but I'm a full time dad as both my kids know that no matter the time or distance between us I am only a phone call away....always and forever
I'm a friend to those I let into my world. I don't mean this to sound snobbish but for me making friends is a very painful process due to my shyness and self confidence issues. It has caused me problems as I'd love to have more friends but just don't really know how to go about socializing in such a manner for that to happen. The curse of being an only child I'd say if asked.
I work. No shocker there as unless one is born to money or hits it big with the lottery it's something we all have to do. I used to work a lot and put it before everything else but over time have come to realize that working to live is far more enjoyable to living to work. I thank the introduction of my kids into my life for that realization and will never put a job before family ever again.
Golf is pretty much my biggest hobby and I've done really well working on my driver and mid fairway game but seem to have lost the touch with those shots from just around the 135 yard spot and have made it a point to master that shot this season. Last year my 8 iron was either deadly accurate at 135 yards or way short with no real rhyme or reason as to why, though things did seem to improve with the introduction of the new Ping G30's that one amazing woman gave me for my birthday.
Dating....the bane of my existence as unless I am willing to subject myself to getting out there and trying the whole dating process I'll have no hope in hell of meeting someone and possibly having that connection we all so dearly desire. Nobody wants to wake up alone morning after morning, least of all this guy so that means I've got to some point as the heart just isn't ready for it right now but I think if I remind myself of it enough times there may come a point where it says the hell with it lets go............
Relationship..........don't need one......had one.........want one........but need to do that dating thing first and let nature take it's course. Relationship doesn't mean a number of random hookups that let me or anyone else put a notch in a belt or, it means so damn much more than that, almost more than words can ever is that look from across a room, that subtle touch, the sound of a voice, the smell of her perfume that lingers long after she has left, the gentle reminders that there is someone out there who is thinking about you, cares about you, desires you in every way, shape, and form......that is the relationship I want.....the one I desire......the one we all deserve.....
So that is the meaning of my tag line and why more often than not I leave it at the end of the blog as reminder to myself and you the reader of what I am about and what I hope to find when the time is right and all the planets align in just such a way as to let me meet the one....nay, not the one but rather my one............
My name is Marcus and now you know my end plan.
So I was asked why I use the tag line at the end of most of my blog entries and I think the most basic answer is that it pretty much says what I'm about in a very concise way.
"My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my journey living, being a parent, friend, working, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, re-entering the dating scene, and maybe someday having another relationship."
My name really is Marcus. Marcus Anthony to be a bit more precise without revealing too much.
I'm a part time parent in that I have my son every other week under a shared custody arrangement with my ex and see my daughter as our schedules permit, but I'm a full time dad as both my kids know that no matter the time or distance between us I am only a phone call away....always and forever
I'm a friend to those I let into my world. I don't mean this to sound snobbish but for me making friends is a very painful process due to my shyness and self confidence issues. It has caused me problems as I'd love to have more friends but just don't really know how to go about socializing in such a manner for that to happen. The curse of being an only child I'd say if asked.
I work. No shocker there as unless one is born to money or hits it big with the lottery it's something we all have to do. I used to work a lot and put it before everything else but over time have come to realize that working to live is far more enjoyable to living to work. I thank the introduction of my kids into my life for that realization and will never put a job before family ever again.
Golf is pretty much my biggest hobby and I've done really well working on my driver and mid fairway game but seem to have lost the touch with those shots from just around the 135 yard spot and have made it a point to master that shot this season. Last year my 8 iron was either deadly accurate at 135 yards or way short with no real rhyme or reason as to why, though things did seem to improve with the introduction of the new Ping G30's that one amazing woman gave me for my birthday.
Dating....the bane of my existence as unless I am willing to subject myself to getting out there and trying the whole dating process I'll have no hope in hell of meeting someone and possibly having that connection we all so dearly desire. Nobody wants to wake up alone morning after morning, least of all this guy so that means I've got to some point as the heart just isn't ready for it right now but I think if I remind myself of it enough times there may come a point where it says the hell with it lets go............
Relationship..........don't need one......had one.........want one........but need to do that dating thing first and let nature take it's course. Relationship doesn't mean a number of random hookups that let me or anyone else put a notch in a belt or, it means so damn much more than that, almost more than words can ever is that look from across a room, that subtle touch, the sound of a voice, the smell of her perfume that lingers long after she has left, the gentle reminders that there is someone out there who is thinking about you, cares about you, desires you in every way, shape, and form......that is the relationship I want.....the one I desire......the one we all deserve.....
So that is the meaning of my tag line and why more often than not I leave it at the end of the blog as reminder to myself and you the reader of what I am about and what I hope to find when the time is right and all the planets align in just such a way as to let me meet the one....nay, not the one but rather my one............
My name is Marcus and now you know my end plan.
Good Friday Movie
Friday, March 25/16
So originally my daughter and her boyfriend were going to come over for breakfast this morning since she is working the home show this weekend to earn some extra cash for things around her new house but that changed when they asked if she could also work today.
In a series of calls and texts yesterday we rescheduled our brunch to next weekend when she is not working. She felt bad about bailing but I told her that is part of growing up in that you'll have things come up and need to change plans on the fly, I wasn't hurt by it, and was kind of proud of her for trying to do as much as she could on her own in terms of her house.
Well literally seconds after posting the "Good Friday" entry my cell rang and lo and behold it was my baby girl asking what I was up to, I told her not much other than cleaning up after a breakfast of eggs and bacon and asked what she was doing. She said she was on her way to meet her mom and brother for lunch and wondered if I'd like to see a movie, I asked what happened to working today and she said they overbooked staff for the day and anyways she didn't want to work all fours days seeing as how she was now booked to work Monday.
We exchanged thoughts on movies and settled on seeing the 2pm showing of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding II". That gives me time to get home before the son heads here after seeing the new Batman & Superman movie with his mom.
Now I'm not going to give much away in terms of the movie as it only recently opened other than to say I absolutely loved the character Mana-Yiala, so much so that I almost cried at one point when she smiles at something unexpected - if you see the movie you'll know the exact moment I felt the tears.
There comes a scene with Toula & Ian that makes me realize how ready I was to actually commit to asking someone to marry me. That one hit me really hard and almost took my breath away when it dawned on me how deep my emotions had run for that person, ok...still run as I've yet to manage a day where she doesn't cross my mind...I keep saying it will happen and it probably will but for now I still have them and have given up fighting them.
When the movie ended we headed out to the lobby and our separate ways as we'd both parked in different parking lots. My daughter hugged me and thanked me for meeting her to which I replied anytime as I love spending time with the woman my little girl has grown into.
As we turned to leave she reached out and touched my arm asking me if everything was ok as I seemed really quiet. I'm really starting to find it a bit scary how perceptive my kids have become over
the years.
I smiled and told her I was fine, the scene with Toula & Ian just made me miss someone a lot. She walked over and gave me a huge hug, told me she loved me, and if there was anything she could do to help to tell her......
Time heals all wounds, or so the saying goes right..............
This healing process is like sitting in the last class of the semester before school lets out for the summer.....each second ticked away feels like hours....except in this case each day that goes by feels like's been almost 5 damn months and I don't feel any closer to being able to move forward than I was before all this went down.
I think I've really got to reconsider my decisions to see movies that have any hint of romance as they just completely screw me up afterwards and make me feel so damn lonely, ripping open the wounds of my heart..............
My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my journey living, being a parent, friend, working, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, re-entering the dating scene, and maybe someday having another relationship.
Give this video a watch and let me know how it made you feel:
So originally my daughter and her boyfriend were going to come over for breakfast this morning since she is working the home show this weekend to earn some extra cash for things around her new house but that changed when they asked if she could also work today.
In a series of calls and texts yesterday we rescheduled our brunch to next weekend when she is not working. She felt bad about bailing but I told her that is part of growing up in that you'll have things come up and need to change plans on the fly, I wasn't hurt by it, and was kind of proud of her for trying to do as much as she could on her own in terms of her house.
Well literally seconds after posting the "Good Friday" entry my cell rang and lo and behold it was my baby girl asking what I was up to, I told her not much other than cleaning up after a breakfast of eggs and bacon and asked what she was doing. She said she was on her way to meet her mom and brother for lunch and wondered if I'd like to see a movie, I asked what happened to working today and she said they overbooked staff for the day and anyways she didn't want to work all fours days seeing as how she was now booked to work Monday.
We exchanged thoughts on movies and settled on seeing the 2pm showing of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding II". That gives me time to get home before the son heads here after seeing the new Batman & Superman movie with his mom.
Now I'm not going to give much away in terms of the movie as it only recently opened other than to say I absolutely loved the character Mana-Yiala, so much so that I almost cried at one point when she smiles at something unexpected - if you see the movie you'll know the exact moment I felt the tears.
There comes a scene with Toula & Ian that makes me realize how ready I was to actually commit to asking someone to marry me. That one hit me really hard and almost took my breath away when it dawned on me how deep my emotions had run for that person, ok...still run as I've yet to manage a day where she doesn't cross my mind...I keep saying it will happen and it probably will but for now I still have them and have given up fighting them.
When the movie ended we headed out to the lobby and our separate ways as we'd both parked in different parking lots. My daughter hugged me and thanked me for meeting her to which I replied anytime as I love spending time with the woman my little girl has grown into.
As we turned to leave she reached out and touched my arm asking me if everything was ok as I seemed really quiet. I'm really starting to find it a bit scary how perceptive my kids have become over
the years.
I smiled and told her I was fine, the scene with Toula & Ian just made me miss someone a lot. She walked over and gave me a huge hug, told me she loved me, and if there was anything she could do to help to tell her......
Time heals all wounds, or so the saying goes right..............
This healing process is like sitting in the last class of the semester before school lets out for the summer.....each second ticked away feels like hours....except in this case each day that goes by feels like's been almost 5 damn months and I don't feel any closer to being able to move forward than I was before all this went down.
I think I've really got to reconsider my decisions to see movies that have any hint of romance as they just completely screw me up afterwards and make me feel so damn lonely, ripping open the wounds of my heart..............
My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my journey living, being a parent, friend, working, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, re-entering the dating scene, and maybe someday having another relationship.
Give this video a watch and let me know how it made you feel:
Good Friday
Friday, March 25/16
Been a crazy week with work and a bit of a health matter that looks to be getting worse and has been referred to a surgeon for further options. Not life threatening but at my age any surgery is cause for some concern, least to me it is. A draw back is that I've had to curtail my training and have started to feel the effects on my mood as I exercise a bit less, and for those wondering, the issue predates my decision to begin working out and has had no bearing on making matters worse.
The sale of the company is scheduled for next Friday so this past week has been a right shit show in all meanings of the phrase as we've had to deal with multiple teams from the acquiring company as they try and determine our fixed asset base, our transfer pricing procedure, annual tax and SR&ED filings, global supply chain, and the tangible value of the organization. All of this means there are 4 of us in the finance team dealing with upwards of 6-10 people on each thing mentioned and each team has different people. Top this off by saying we don't have a central person taking point on this and at least one of our team prefers to delegate work than do it and you can just imagine how fun this whole process has been and will continue to be. Next week will only be worse.
So having done my little whine or rant fest here is my goal for today: Relax and recharge my mental batteries.
My son is seeing a movie with his mom today and than heads my way around 4pm. Seeing as how we are Catholic I'll be making some fish and chips for dinner, don't read too much into that as we aren't overboard Catholics but I do like to observe some things now and again.
There were some planned golf course openings for this weekend but they've been put on hold as we got snow yesterday and to be honest I thought those were a little premature. I'm hoping some of my favourite courses open by mid April. Hopefully by than the health matter is taken care of and I can enjoy my weekends on a course when possible.
I would like to wish all of you a Good Friday and hope you have a Happy Easter with time well spent with family and loved ones.
Been a crazy week with work and a bit of a health matter that looks to be getting worse and has been referred to a surgeon for further options. Not life threatening but at my age any surgery is cause for some concern, least to me it is. A draw back is that I've had to curtail my training and have started to feel the effects on my mood as I exercise a bit less, and for those wondering, the issue predates my decision to begin working out and has had no bearing on making matters worse.
The sale of the company is scheduled for next Friday so this past week has been a right shit show in all meanings of the phrase as we've had to deal with multiple teams from the acquiring company as they try and determine our fixed asset base, our transfer pricing procedure, annual tax and SR&ED filings, global supply chain, and the tangible value of the organization. All of this means there are 4 of us in the finance team dealing with upwards of 6-10 people on each thing mentioned and each team has different people. Top this off by saying we don't have a central person taking point on this and at least one of our team prefers to delegate work than do it and you can just imagine how fun this whole process has been and will continue to be. Next week will only be worse.
So having done my little whine or rant fest here is my goal for today: Relax and recharge my mental batteries.
My son is seeing a movie with his mom today and than heads my way around 4pm. Seeing as how we are Catholic I'll be making some fish and chips for dinner, don't read too much into that as we aren't overboard Catholics but I do like to observe some things now and again.
There were some planned golf course openings for this weekend but they've been put on hold as we got snow yesterday and to be honest I thought those were a little premature. I'm hoping some of my favourite courses open by mid April. Hopefully by than the health matter is taken care of and I can enjoy my weekends on a course when possible.
I would like to wish all of you a Good Friday and hope you have a Happy Easter with time well spent with family and loved ones.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Sunday Breakfast :)
Sunday, March 20/16
So here is what the blogger made for breakfast this morning after a nice long walk with Moki the Wonder Puppy :)
Back on Christmas morning my daughter made a delicious breakfast that consisted of eggs, bacon, some grated cheese on a cut out piece of bread and cooked in the oven in a muffin tin. It was so freaking good. I tried my hand at it last weekend and here is my results:
Not quite as good as hers as I felt like too much of the bacon was pushed up. They tasted really good but weren't as aesthetically pleasing to the eye, though my son said I was way too hard on myself and should be proud of the results.
So Saturday I purchased a muffin tin while in Westport that is a deeper and made of a pliable material that lets you pop the muffins right out with ease so I tried my hand at it once again as it's my goal to make these for Easter Brunch this Sunday. Here is the latest results:
Now before anyone freaks out, the above is precooked but I wanted to give you an idea of how deep the new tin is now - way better and really means I can add more cheese and use two slices of bacon per muffin in order to keep the egg centered.
Yes, I think yesterday's results are much better and I can't wait to show the kids what dear old dad is capable of preparing for them.
So what have you tried new lately? Care to share with the blogger? The recipe and not the end product as that would be kind of weird wouldn't it, well wouldn't it? No? Interesting :)
Below is the recipe for those interested in trying it for themselves.
So here is what the blogger made for breakfast this morning after a nice long walk with Moki the Wonder Puppy :)
Back on Christmas morning my daughter made a delicious breakfast that consisted of eggs, bacon, some grated cheese on a cut out piece of bread and cooked in the oven in a muffin tin. It was so freaking good. I tried my hand at it last weekend and here is my results:
Not quite as good as hers as I felt like too much of the bacon was pushed up. They tasted really good but weren't as aesthetically pleasing to the eye, though my son said I was way too hard on myself and should be proud of the results.
So Saturday I purchased a muffin tin while in Westport that is a deeper and made of a pliable material that lets you pop the muffins right out with ease so I tried my hand at it once again as it's my goal to make these for Easter Brunch this Sunday. Here is the latest results:
Now before anyone freaks out, the above is precooked but I wanted to give you an idea of how deep the new tin is now - way better and really means I can add more cheese and use two slices of bacon per muffin in order to keep the egg centered.
Yes, I think yesterday's results are much better and I can't wait to show the kids what dear old dad is capable of preparing for them.
So what have you tried new lately? Care to share with the blogger? The recipe and not the end product as that would be kind of weird wouldn't it, well wouldn't it? No? Interesting :)
Below is the recipe for those interested in trying it for themselves. is the link to the website in case you can't read the above page - there I go thinking about the readers and making life easier on you, damn I'm a good guy and possible keeper, if I do say so myself, and I do as nobody else is saying it on my behalf these days lol
Bon Appetite!!
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Road Trip - Updated
Saturday, March 19/16
Discovered I'm almost out of the spices I bought last March down in Westport on the drive down to C's brother's place to celebrate her moms birthday and can't think of a better reason for a road trip on such a beautiful day.
So I'm now I'm all cleaned up from this mornings workout session with Connor, Moki has been for a nice walk, the camera is primed, and directions printed off to Rosie Yumski's Fine Food Emporium in Westport and I'm off for an afternoon drive.
I'll try and post a new blog entry later when I'm home....after I've used those new seasonings on a steak to grill for dinner tonight......Mmmmmmmmm........such a proud carnivore :)
Monday, March 21/16
So just a little update on my road trip down to Westport on Saturday.
It's about an hour fifteen to an hour twenty from my place to Westport and I took my time and enjoyed the sights on my drive down.
Now there are two ways to get down there from the west end - one involves taking highway 7 though Perth and using Glen Tay Road you loop over to Scotch Line/Route 10 that offers a straight run into Westport or it's possible to take Route 10 from just South of Kanata all the way down.
I'm one of those people who can remember a route after only driving it once and as I made my way south it all started coming back to me but still felt a little off, as if I'd missed a turn or something.
I used the first way and made it to Westport without any issues, enjoying the views of farmland and woods that seem to dot the landscape once you get outside of Ottawa.
Now me being me meant I also noticed a lot of golf courses on the way and now I've got a couple I want to try this spring, especially Mapleview as it looked to be in great shape.
When I got to Rosie Yumski's the proprieter, funnily enough not named Rosie but rather Helen, helped me find my missing spices, a very cool new muffin tin, and some pub glasses.
As she was ringing me up she asked where I was from and I told her I'd made the drive down from Ottawa and the route I took. She suggested I try the 10 all the way back as it was nothing but two lane country road and had some nice views of the Upper Rideau Lake, upon which Westport anchors the western shore, as well as numerous other little lakes that dot the scenery in eastern Ontario.
She asked how I knew about the store and I explained I'd been there last year almost dead to the day when my girlfriend stopped to get some spices on our way down to see her family near Kildar. She looked around and asked if she was with me and I smiled and said no, we've gone our separate ways but that I loved the foodie that she tried to make me into and thus drove over an hour to buy the perfect spices, spices that not only made my food come alive but also make me smile whenever I pull one of the grinders out and have a flashback to wandering around the store that day last year saying I like cake just to make her grimace, knowing inside she was really laughing at the goofball she was dating.
When I left I took the 10 back to Ottawa and as I hit the outskirts of Perth knew what I'd done wrong on the drive down as I recognized some of the building and remembered that on our drive we'd looped through Perth to the 10 and not gone past it to the Glen Tay.
My drive went smoothly and when I got home I let my steak sit with some spices while I prepped some roasted potatoes and took Moki for a walk.
Once that was done I grilled my steak up and watched some of the NCAA March Madness, least till my daughter called and asked me if I wanted to join her and her boyfriend for a cold beer and a movie.............guess what my answer was :-)
We ended up seeing the 9:15 showing of Divergent Series: Allegiant and I didn't get home till after 11:30pm.....way past my bed time but well worth it.
So my Saturday was well spent and my Sunday wasn't too bad either, but that's a story for another post, well that and my observation with Connor during my session on Saturday morning.
Discovered I'm almost out of the spices I bought last March down in Westport on the drive down to C's brother's place to celebrate her moms birthday and can't think of a better reason for a road trip on such a beautiful day.
So I'm now I'm all cleaned up from this mornings workout session with Connor, Moki has been for a nice walk, the camera is primed, and directions printed off to Rosie Yumski's Fine Food Emporium in Westport and I'm off for an afternoon drive.
I'll try and post a new blog entry later when I'm home....after I've used those new seasonings on a steak to grill for dinner tonight......Mmmmmmmmm........such a proud carnivore :)
Monday, March 21/16
So just a little update on my road trip down to Westport on Saturday.
It's about an hour fifteen to an hour twenty from my place to Westport and I took my time and enjoyed the sights on my drive down.
Now there are two ways to get down there from the west end - one involves taking highway 7 though Perth and using Glen Tay Road you loop over to Scotch Line/Route 10 that offers a straight run into Westport or it's possible to take Route 10 from just South of Kanata all the way down.
I'm one of those people who can remember a route after only driving it once and as I made my way south it all started coming back to me but still felt a little off, as if I'd missed a turn or something.
I used the first way and made it to Westport without any issues, enjoying the views of farmland and woods that seem to dot the landscape once you get outside of Ottawa.
Now me being me meant I also noticed a lot of golf courses on the way and now I've got a couple I want to try this spring, especially Mapleview as it looked to be in great shape.
When I got to Rosie Yumski's the proprieter, funnily enough not named Rosie but rather Helen, helped me find my missing spices, a very cool new muffin tin, and some pub glasses.
As she was ringing me up she asked where I was from and I told her I'd made the drive down from Ottawa and the route I took. She suggested I try the 10 all the way back as it was nothing but two lane country road and had some nice views of the Upper Rideau Lake, upon which Westport anchors the western shore, as well as numerous other little lakes that dot the scenery in eastern Ontario.
She asked how I knew about the store and I explained I'd been there last year almost dead to the day when my girlfriend stopped to get some spices on our way down to see her family near Kildar. She looked around and asked if she was with me and I smiled and said no, we've gone our separate ways but that I loved the foodie that she tried to make me into and thus drove over an hour to buy the perfect spices, spices that not only made my food come alive but also make me smile whenever I pull one of the grinders out and have a flashback to wandering around the store that day last year saying I like cake just to make her grimace, knowing inside she was really laughing at the goofball she was dating.
When I left I took the 10 back to Ottawa and as I hit the outskirts of Perth knew what I'd done wrong on the drive down as I recognized some of the building and remembered that on our drive we'd looped through Perth to the 10 and not gone past it to the Glen Tay.
My drive went smoothly and when I got home I let my steak sit with some spices while I prepped some roasted potatoes and took Moki for a walk.
Once that was done I grilled my steak up and watched some of the NCAA March Madness, least till my daughter called and asked me if I wanted to join her and her boyfriend for a cold beer and a movie.............guess what my answer was :-)
We ended up seeing the 9:15 showing of Divergent Series: Allegiant and I didn't get home till after 11:30pm.....way past my bed time but well worth it.
So my Saturday was well spent and my Sunday wasn't too bad either, but that's a story for another post, well that and my observation with Connor during my session on Saturday morning.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Happy Birthday A !!!
Friday, March 18/16
Today marks the 18th birthday for an amazing young man I was fortunate enough to meet through his mother :)
I know this message won't be seen by him but I'm a firm believer in internet karma and think somehow he'll know good thoughts are going his way through the airwaves.
Today marks the beginning of what is generally accepted as the start of manhood.
For you and your little brother this actually started along time ago as you grew up in a family that is heavily involved in community that saw the absence of both your parents at one time or another due to commitments around the globe.
I'm sure both of them couldn't be prouder of the man you've become, especially your mother as I can't tell you how much her eyes light up whenever the talk turned to her wonderful sons.
This fall you start university and while it means moving away from home I know you are more than ready for this next adventure and will face it head on and come out all the better for it.
I can honestly say I enjoyed getting to know you and think the world is yours for the taking.
Every time I forgot to use my turn signal or do so late I think of you telling your mom how hard it was to follow me that long weekend in September and instantly turn it on :-)
Hopefully today is as great as the young man celebrating his birthday.
Happy Birthday and hope this greeting is just the first of many more to come today.
P.S. try and keep the drifting down to a minimum ok lol
Today marks the 18th birthday for an amazing young man I was fortunate enough to meet through his mother :)
I know this message won't be seen by him but I'm a firm believer in internet karma and think somehow he'll know good thoughts are going his way through the airwaves.
Today marks the beginning of what is generally accepted as the start of manhood.
For you and your little brother this actually started along time ago as you grew up in a family that is heavily involved in community that saw the absence of both your parents at one time or another due to commitments around the globe.
I'm sure both of them couldn't be prouder of the man you've become, especially your mother as I can't tell you how much her eyes light up whenever the talk turned to her wonderful sons.
This fall you start university and while it means moving away from home I know you are more than ready for this next adventure and will face it head on and come out all the better for it.
I can honestly say I enjoyed getting to know you and think the world is yours for the taking.
Every time I forgot to use my turn signal or do so late I think of you telling your mom how hard it was to follow me that long weekend in September and instantly turn it on :-)
Hopefully today is as great as the young man celebrating his birthday.
Happy Birthday and hope this greeting is just the first of many more to come today.
P.S. try and keep the drifting down to a minimum ok lol
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Interesting Question from a Follower
Wednesday, March 16/16
I received the following question earlier today.
"I read your blog and enjoy most of what you have to say, with the occasional difference of opinion on things as I look at the topic from the female perspective.
It seems like you almost always have something positive to say about the relationship you had with C and how much she brought to it and changed you. Makes me wonder just what she got back in return?"
It's true I do tend to compliment the impact C had on me and how I go about my life these days as she did change how I look at myself and the world around me.
It is from my time with her that I now try and exercise more, eat better, have more patience in dealing with my friends and family, and most of all try and have a much more optimistic viewpoint on life and all it has to offer me.
Economically we were worlds apart and that did cause my ego some issues in the beginning but she was very open that she wasn't into me for any material satisfaction but more for the intangibles of being with me.
I can't say with any certainty but I think I helped her understand what a relationship has to offer when you are open to one as she was more than a bit gun shy of them given her history.
I'd like to think I brought a sense of calmness to her life as she was dealing with a wide range of tasks that demanded her attention and could be overwhelming at times, she talked to me about everything going on and I didn't try to solve things but just helped her to see all the options, in other words I gave her a shoulder to lean on when needed and I think that is probably the greatest think one person can do for another and in my book is part of a real relationship.
No, I'll be the first to admit from a purely monetary point of view I gained far more than her. But I'd like to think that all those hours spent just talking and being with one another were just as valuable to her as they were to me.
I was once asked why I'm so nice to her in the blog and never let any anger or hurt show in my words and the basic answer is that the good far surpassed any bad, and I'm not referring to the trip or golf clubs but the time sitting watching Suits, taking Moki for a walk, wandering around WalMart or Canadian Tire, and snuggling at night.
Nope, I was a lucky man and I'm one of those rare breeds who doesn't think it cool to trash talk a former partner, especially one who made me a better person than when we first met.
I received the following question earlier today.
"I read your blog and enjoy most of what you have to say, with the occasional difference of opinion on things as I look at the topic from the female perspective.
It seems like you almost always have something positive to say about the relationship you had with C and how much she brought to it and changed you. Makes me wonder just what she got back in return?"
It's true I do tend to compliment the impact C had on me and how I go about my life these days as she did change how I look at myself and the world around me.
It is from my time with her that I now try and exercise more, eat better, have more patience in dealing with my friends and family, and most of all try and have a much more optimistic viewpoint on life and all it has to offer me.
Economically we were worlds apart and that did cause my ego some issues in the beginning but she was very open that she wasn't into me for any material satisfaction but more for the intangibles of being with me.
I can't say with any certainty but I think I helped her understand what a relationship has to offer when you are open to one as she was more than a bit gun shy of them given her history.
I'd like to think I brought a sense of calmness to her life as she was dealing with a wide range of tasks that demanded her attention and could be overwhelming at times, she talked to me about everything going on and I didn't try to solve things but just helped her to see all the options, in other words I gave her a shoulder to lean on when needed and I think that is probably the greatest think one person can do for another and in my book is part of a real relationship.
No, I'll be the first to admit from a purely monetary point of view I gained far more than her. But I'd like to think that all those hours spent just talking and being with one another were just as valuable to her as they were to me.
I was once asked why I'm so nice to her in the blog and never let any anger or hurt show in my words and the basic answer is that the good far surpassed any bad, and I'm not referring to the trip or golf clubs but the time sitting watching Suits, taking Moki for a walk, wandering around WalMart or Canadian Tire, and snuggling at night.
Nope, I was a lucky man and I'm one of those rare breeds who doesn't think it cool to trash talk a former partner, especially one who made me a better person than when we first met.
One Year Ago Today March 16th
Wednesday, March 16/16
One year ago today I was challenging my fear of heights while on holiday in Jamaica with C.
I can hear you asking yourself "I wonder how did he did that on a tropical island?" so here is the story.
Jamaica is a tropical island but like all islands it has a few mountains or more like really high hills for most people.
On one of these mountains named Mystic they've installed a ski chair lift that takes you to the top of the mountain and offers some incredible views of the Ocho Rios region and ocean.
Now this isn't a big deal for most people but I'm sort of a little afraid of heights and have been since my high school days. The odd thing is that I'm ok on planes or roller coasters but pretty much any other kind of height freaks me the hell out and leaves me with a racing heart and shortness of breath.
Years ago I too a vow to challenge this fear at least once a year and last year I took head on twice while in Jamaica.
The first was going up the chair lift to the top of Mystic Mountain with C - she was a very calming influence on me and helped me to breath while rising through the forest canopy and to actually look around and enjoy the incredible views.
The second was zip lining down that same mountain from station to station - very exciting and something I'd recommend everyone try at least once :)
If you look at the middle picture below and about 2/3 to the top you can see a zip line coming out of the trees and a person racing down it.........that was so cool and I'm glad I got to do it while in Jamaica with C as it meant so much to me
The one below gives you some insight as to how high we were rising and what you don't see is the hand on my right leg reassuring me that every thing is going to be ok :)
I loved the way the water changes colours as you work your way from the shore outwards.
All in all this was a long day that left us a bit tired but also so much fun and I'm so glad we made this one of our excursions. Lounging on the beach or poolside was fun but this was the icing on the cake in a lot of ways :) home away from home
One year ago today I was challenging my fear of heights while on holiday in Jamaica with C.
I can hear you asking yourself "I wonder how did he did that on a tropical island?" so here is the story.
Jamaica is a tropical island but like all islands it has a few mountains or more like really high hills for most people.
On one of these mountains named Mystic they've installed a ski chair lift that takes you to the top of the mountain and offers some incredible views of the Ocho Rios region and ocean.
Now this isn't a big deal for most people but I'm sort of a little afraid of heights and have been since my high school days. The odd thing is that I'm ok on planes or roller coasters but pretty much any other kind of height freaks me the hell out and leaves me with a racing heart and shortness of breath.
Years ago I too a vow to challenge this fear at least once a year and last year I took head on twice while in Jamaica.
The first was going up the chair lift to the top of Mystic Mountain with C - she was a very calming influence on me and helped me to breath while rising through the forest canopy and to actually look around and enjoy the incredible views.
The second was zip lining down that same mountain from station to station - very exciting and something I'd recommend everyone try at least once :)
If you look at the middle picture below and about 2/3 to the top you can see a zip line coming out of the trees and a person racing down it.........that was so cool and I'm glad I got to do it while in Jamaica with C as it meant so much to me
The one below gives you some insight as to how high we were rising and what you don't see is the hand on my right leg reassuring me that every thing is going to be ok :)
I loved the way the water changes colours as you work your way from the shore outwards.
All in all this was a long day that left us a bit tired but also so much fun and I'm so glad we made this one of our excursions. Lounging on the beach or poolside was fun but this was the icing on the cake in a lot of ways :) home away from home
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
One Year Ago Today March 15th
Tuesday, March 15/16
One year ago today I was coming back from sharing a wonderful meal with my one at the Sandals in Montego Bay when this view presented itself and I had to take a picture.
Just another amazing sunset in the Caribbean but what you don't see is the person behind the camera.
If you could have seen me that day you'd have seen a guy who was completely relaxed for the first time in what seemed like years, the stress from work was melting away, and I was actually noticing the wonderful sights around me.
That week was the best thing to happen to me and I'm glad I finally gave into C and let her book the trip as I think without it I'd have probably suffered a heart attack in the next few months.
Now some might think that sounds kind of melodramatic but prior to the trip my family doctor had warned me I either needed to do something to relax or face time off of work on med's so as to get my blood pressure under control.
The trip reminded me of what was important and how my job was just a means to an end and not the end itself, so when I lost it a month later I was able to handle it without any worries, just as I'll do this September when my contract runs out at my current gig. My health is so much better, my kids are happy, and I know there is someone out there who is looking for a perfectly imperfect guy like myself :)
What is funny is that today while eating lunch with my son he said to me that wasn't I on a beach last year at this time and I replied not only had I been on a beach but I'd been in a pool, under water scuba diving, drinking far too many good drinks, and smiling my head off. He smiled at me and asked if I missed her and I said every single day son every single damn day and smiled at him.
He asked me if I knew what she was up to and I said nothing other than she has moved on, is happy in her life, and found love once more. He looked sad and I said to cheer up as we all deserve to be happy and I'd been happy for my time with her in love and will be happy once again.
So please don't take any of my reminiscing as a sign of pain or loss but rather my celebration of life and the opportunity I had for happiness when I was strong enough to just be me and talk about things openly and without fear.
Life is meant to be lived and these pictures show times I was living and being happy....and I'm happy now for life is good so don't worry about me folks
One year ago today I was coming back from sharing a wonderful meal with my one at the Sandals in Montego Bay when this view presented itself and I had to take a picture.
Just another amazing sunset in the Caribbean but what you don't see is the person behind the camera.
If you could have seen me that day you'd have seen a guy who was completely relaxed for the first time in what seemed like years, the stress from work was melting away, and I was actually noticing the wonderful sights around me.
That week was the best thing to happen to me and I'm glad I finally gave into C and let her book the trip as I think without it I'd have probably suffered a heart attack in the next few months.
Now some might think that sounds kind of melodramatic but prior to the trip my family doctor had warned me I either needed to do something to relax or face time off of work on med's so as to get my blood pressure under control.
The trip reminded me of what was important and how my job was just a means to an end and not the end itself, so when I lost it a month later I was able to handle it without any worries, just as I'll do this September when my contract runs out at my current gig. My health is so much better, my kids are happy, and I know there is someone out there who is looking for a perfectly imperfect guy like myself :)
What is funny is that today while eating lunch with my son he said to me that wasn't I on a beach last year at this time and I replied not only had I been on a beach but I'd been in a pool, under water scuba diving, drinking far too many good drinks, and smiling my head off. He smiled at me and asked if I missed her and I said every single day son every single damn day and smiled at him.
He asked me if I knew what she was up to and I said nothing other than she has moved on, is happy in her life, and found love once more. He looked sad and I said to cheer up as we all deserve to be happy and I'd been happy for my time with her in love and will be happy once again.
So please don't take any of my reminiscing as a sign of pain or loss but rather my celebration of life and the opportunity I had for happiness when I was strong enough to just be me and talk about things openly and without fear.
Life is meant to be lived and these pictures show times I was living and being happy....and I'm happy now for life is good so don't worry about me folks
Saturday, March 12, 2016
One Year Ago Today....
Saturday, March 12/16
I departed Ottawa to spend an amazing week on a sunny tropical island with a pretty special lady.
One year ago today I got a flight to spend a week on holiday with C.
It was one of the best times of my life and the memories make me smile all the time.
This where we went:
I learned quite a bit about myself that week but most importantly I learned a lot about the person I was with and how lucky I was to have met her, fallen hard for her, and knew she was the one....
I departed Ottawa to spend an amazing week on a sunny tropical island with a pretty special lady.
One year ago today I got a flight to spend a week on holiday with C.
It was one of the best times of my life and the memories make me smile all the time.
This where we went:
I learned quite a bit about myself that week but most importantly I learned a lot about the person I was with and how lucky I was to have met her, fallen hard for her, and knew she was the one....
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
G O L F ! ! ! ! ! !
Wednesday, March 09/16
So yesterday I got a really awesome email that totally made my day.
The outdoor driving range is now open at Kevin Haime!!!!!!!!!!
I got the email announcing it around 9:45am and within 2 minutes had a text message from my golfing buddy B telling me about it and in another 5 minutes two of my coworkers mentioned it as well.......
Now I'm trying not to get too excited but I'm feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve as I know that this means golf season is a lot closer than I thought and now I need to make some hard decisions about my golf this year.
I've been debating getting a membership this year since I won't be doing much if any valley golfing this summer but I really like playing the course rotation B and I set up over the past few years, coupled with the fact that there is an outside chance I could end up coaching my son's soccer team this summer and not sure the membership is the best option, unless I can somehow play a couple of mornings before work and find it in myself to play afternoon weekend rounds to make it cost effective.
On a side not I'm trying to see if I can post a video of Moki and how she acts when I'm practicing my putting in the man cave - it has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in ages.
Well that and the look she gives me as she takes her toys out of her crate one by one and strategically places them all around the house after I've picked them all up and put them in the crate to begin with, sometimes I wonder who really owns the or the dog and my son
So yesterday I got a really awesome email that totally made my day.
The outdoor driving range is now open at Kevin Haime!!!!!!!!!!
I got the email announcing it around 9:45am and within 2 minutes had a text message from my golfing buddy B telling me about it and in another 5 minutes two of my coworkers mentioned it as well.......
Now I'm trying not to get too excited but I'm feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve as I know that this means golf season is a lot closer than I thought and now I need to make some hard decisions about my golf this year.
I've been debating getting a membership this year since I won't be doing much if any valley golfing this summer but I really like playing the course rotation B and I set up over the past few years, coupled with the fact that there is an outside chance I could end up coaching my son's soccer team this summer and not sure the membership is the best option, unless I can somehow play a couple of mornings before work and find it in myself to play afternoon weekend rounds to make it cost effective.
On a side not I'm trying to see if I can post a video of Moki and how she acts when I'm practicing my putting in the man cave - it has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in ages.
Well that and the look she gives me as she takes her toys out of her crate one by one and strategically places them all around the house after I've picked them all up and put them in the crate to begin with, sometimes I wonder who really owns the or the dog and my son
Sunday, March 6, 2016
The Ego Boost
Sunday, March 06/16
So a little while back I briefly wrote about an encounter I had at the movies that sort of assured me that I won't always be alone and than never followed up with the story as promised.
Well consider my promise now kept.................
I've never let being single or alone hold me back from living my life and doing things that make me happy. This includes going out for a meal or to see a movie, of course both of those are so much better when shared with someone, as I learned after a long time doing things by myself.
Now the past few months haven't been easy and have seen me struggling to develop any kind of rhythm, for want of a better word, in my life since October.
A couple of weeks ago I made the decision to go and catch a movie so I wouldn't spend another Saturday night home alone. I ended up getting to the theatre a little early and went to get some popcorn and a drink to enjoy during the movie - I mean what beats some good movie theatre popcorn right?
So there I was in a rather long line when I heard a voice behind me asking if it could be any slower, I turned around to see if the question was being directed towards me or if I just caught part of a conversation between two people, discovering a woman standing behind me looking at the refreshment stand with a somewhat agitated look about her. She saw me looking and gave a nervous laugh as she said "I'm guessing I just said that out loud didn't I?"
I smiled at her and said not to worry as I did the same thing all the time, usually at the worst possible moment. She said she was cutting it close for her movie but just had to have some popcorn. I laughed and said I had plenty of time till the start of mine and she could move in front of me if she liked, she thanked me and edged past as I asked her what she was seeing, she replied "The Finest Hours" as she totally loved Chris Pine. She took a moment to realize that last part was said with a tad bit of a huskiness in her voice and sort of blushed. Thinking to be nice she asked what I was seeing and I laughed and said nothing as redeeming as hers and I was almost embarrassed to admit I was there to watch "Dirty Grandpa" with Robert De Niro and Zach Effron, telling her I really liked how De Niro carried off the comedy in "The Intern" with Anne Hatheway and I could use a laugh or two.
She smiled at me and glanced forward to see how the line was moving. She turned back to me and asked how I was able to get my wife to come see that movie and I laughed and said I was wasn't married and was there by myself. She paused as we reached the front of the line and it was her turn to move forward to place her order, looking around momentarily, she said "if you're movie isn't any good come find me in theatre 23" and with that we ended up at opposite ends of the counter.
Now to be clear....I didn't go find her and when I mentioned this to a friend all he could do was shake his head at me.
It was nice to hear something like that but the truth is that I wasn't in any shape to try such a thing at that time as thoughts of someone else were bouncing around the empty warehouse I call my brain.
I know that at some point in time I've got to get back out there as I'm sure nobody is pining away for me but it just isn't that time quite yet for me, closer today than I was a month ago, but still not quite there.
I think my daughter senses things are getting better for me in that area as when she was hugging me goodbye after dinner yesterday she softly told me "It's time to start finding happiness again, you're an amazing man and deserve to be with someone"
Sometimes I really wish my kids weren't so damn perceptive about things but than again if they weren't I'd question who the heck they were lol
So as I was writing this entry I was doing my usual thing of listening to music on YouTube and Spotify when I came across one of the most beautiful instrumental arrangements I've heard in a very long time. So much that I just sat back and let it flow around and through me....ending with tears falling down my cheeks at the emotions it brought out in me.
The Cinematic Orchestra "Arrival of the Birds & Transformation"
You can find a link to the video here:
So a little while back I briefly wrote about an encounter I had at the movies that sort of assured me that I won't always be alone and than never followed up with the story as promised.
Well consider my promise now kept.................
I've never let being single or alone hold me back from living my life and doing things that make me happy. This includes going out for a meal or to see a movie, of course both of those are so much better when shared with someone, as I learned after a long time doing things by myself.
Now the past few months haven't been easy and have seen me struggling to develop any kind of rhythm, for want of a better word, in my life since October.
A couple of weeks ago I made the decision to go and catch a movie so I wouldn't spend another Saturday night home alone. I ended up getting to the theatre a little early and went to get some popcorn and a drink to enjoy during the movie - I mean what beats some good movie theatre popcorn right?
So there I was in a rather long line when I heard a voice behind me asking if it could be any slower, I turned around to see if the question was being directed towards me or if I just caught part of a conversation between two people, discovering a woman standing behind me looking at the refreshment stand with a somewhat agitated look about her. She saw me looking and gave a nervous laugh as she said "I'm guessing I just said that out loud didn't I?"
I smiled at her and said not to worry as I did the same thing all the time, usually at the worst possible moment. She said she was cutting it close for her movie but just had to have some popcorn. I laughed and said I had plenty of time till the start of mine and she could move in front of me if she liked, she thanked me and edged past as I asked her what she was seeing, she replied "The Finest Hours" as she totally loved Chris Pine. She took a moment to realize that last part was said with a tad bit of a huskiness in her voice and sort of blushed. Thinking to be nice she asked what I was seeing and I laughed and said nothing as redeeming as hers and I was almost embarrassed to admit I was there to watch "Dirty Grandpa" with Robert De Niro and Zach Effron, telling her I really liked how De Niro carried off the comedy in "The Intern" with Anne Hatheway and I could use a laugh or two.
She smiled at me and glanced forward to see how the line was moving. She turned back to me and asked how I was able to get my wife to come see that movie and I laughed and said I was wasn't married and was there by myself. She paused as we reached the front of the line and it was her turn to move forward to place her order, looking around momentarily, she said "if you're movie isn't any good come find me in theatre 23" and with that we ended up at opposite ends of the counter.
Now to be clear....I didn't go find her and when I mentioned this to a friend all he could do was shake his head at me.
It was nice to hear something like that but the truth is that I wasn't in any shape to try such a thing at that time as thoughts of someone else were bouncing around the empty warehouse I call my brain.
I know that at some point in time I've got to get back out there as I'm sure nobody is pining away for me but it just isn't that time quite yet for me, closer today than I was a month ago, but still not quite there.
I think my daughter senses things are getting better for me in that area as when she was hugging me goodbye after dinner yesterday she softly told me "It's time to start finding happiness again, you're an amazing man and deserve to be with someone"
Sometimes I really wish my kids weren't so damn perceptive about things but than again if they weren't I'd question who the heck they were lol
So as I was writing this entry I was doing my usual thing of listening to music on YouTube and Spotify when I came across one of the most beautiful instrumental arrangements I've heard in a very long time. So much that I just sat back and let it flow around and through me....ending with tears falling down my cheeks at the emotions it brought out in me.
The Cinematic Orchestra "Arrival of the Birds & Transformation"
You can find a link to the video here:
Lazy Sunday My Left Foot!
Sunday, March 06/16
So my normal Sunday is what I'd term relaxing and most other people would call downright boring.
But hey, we're all entitled to our own take on things right? Right? Thought so.
Well today is far from my usual Sunday as I've been up since 6am and in those hours I've hit the gym, taken Moki for a nice walk to the park, dried Moki from that nice walk in the park, made some bacon and eggs for breakfast, watched a bit of the ManuU West Albion Bromovich game (though the 2nd yellow to Mata that put my beloved ManU down a man has me now only listening to the game on the periphery), reorganized the Man Cave so I can use the mini fridge down there thus making one teenage son very happy, cleaned up my home office, and now I'm getting ready to sort through some clothes for my son and myself and make a run to value village so someone else can get some use out of the stuff that doesn't fit us anymore....him for out growing clothes and me for growing into other clothes thanks to my decision to start taking my health a bit more serious.
So what have you done today?
I had a really nice dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend yesterday at Baton Rouge - yes, the same restaurant that I once said was one that would always remind me of C and it did but in a good way and I'm glad I chose it. We had a good conversation over dinner and I left feeling a lot better about where things stand with my daughter, she is her mother in a lot of way and yet I can see quite a bit of me in her as well, proof positive that children don't get everything though DNA :)
P.S. someone asked me if I was in a mood when I posted the Three L's entry and the answer is yes, a very good mood. I came across that little saying when I was watching a YouTube video by Meytal Cohen of her doing the drums to Metallica's "Enter Sandman"......pretty impressive and those words were on the wall behind her and made me think about what they could mean to me
So my normal Sunday is what I'd term relaxing and most other people would call downright boring.
But hey, we're all entitled to our own take on things right? Right? Thought so.
Well today is far from my usual Sunday as I've been up since 6am and in those hours I've hit the gym, taken Moki for a nice walk to the park, dried Moki from that nice walk in the park, made some bacon and eggs for breakfast, watched a bit of the ManuU West Albion Bromovich game (though the 2nd yellow to Mata that put my beloved ManU down a man has me now only listening to the game on the periphery), reorganized the Man Cave so I can use the mini fridge down there thus making one teenage son very happy, cleaned up my home office, and now I'm getting ready to sort through some clothes for my son and myself and make a run to value village so someone else can get some use out of the stuff that doesn't fit us anymore....him for out growing clothes and me for growing into other clothes thanks to my decision to start taking my health a bit more serious.
So what have you done today?
I had a really nice dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend yesterday at Baton Rouge - yes, the same restaurant that I once said was one that would always remind me of C and it did but in a good way and I'm glad I chose it. We had a good conversation over dinner and I left feeling a lot better about where things stand with my daughter, she is her mother in a lot of way and yet I can see quite a bit of me in her as well, proof positive that children don't get everything though DNA :)
P.S. someone asked me if I was in a mood when I posted the Three L's entry and the answer is yes, a very good mood. I came across that little saying when I was watching a YouTube video by Meytal Cohen of her doing the drums to Metallica's "Enter Sandman"......pretty impressive and those words were on the wall behind her and made me think about what they could mean to me
Friday, March 4, 2016
The Three L's
Live Well
Love Much
Laugh Often
Live well in that you enjoy your life and bring happiness to those around you.
Love much in that you share yourself with the one who makes you feel that inner joy.
Laugh often in that you never sweat the small things and try and stay on a even keel.
Love Much
Laugh Often
Live well in that you enjoy your life and bring happiness to those around you.
Love much in that you share yourself with the one who makes you feel that inner joy.
Laugh often in that you never sweat the small things and try and stay on a even keel.
A Tough Decision and Rough Discussion
Friday, March 04/16
So I've been struggling with how to deal with my son when it comes to his efforts, or lack thereof, related to school and homework.
I am a huge believer in getting as much education as possible, not for the ability to say you've got X number of degrees but for the opportunities that it offers you in life. Let's face it, someone with a degree has a better chance of pursuing a career they enjoy than someone who doesn't, excluding athletes who just use school to be able to play a sport.
Now I'm not saying those without degrees are somehow lesser than those with one, no what I'm saying is that the options to pursue different avenues are more readily available to someone one than someone without.
Both of my kids are pretty damn smart and both have been a source of great frustration for me and my ex at times. It is almost funny how the parent who has been frustrated has been the one with the same gender as the child - my daughter drove my ex crazy and now my son is starting to have the same effects on me.
He understands the importance of getting good grades but it seems like every time I check to see how he's doing he's taking a break of some kind. It has left me feeling like a nagging parent and that isn't something I've ever desired to be before. I've tried reminding him that his chosen career requires a university degree and he understands the emphasis on achieving a high average and then seems to slip back into what I like to call "goofing around". It wouldn't be so hard to handle if all of his report cards haven't had comments about how smart he is and how he needs to learn to apply himself more to get the grades he's capable of.
I've asked him if he likes the life he leads now and how that is all due to the efforts made by his mother and myself, that to get the same life for himself and his own family he has to put forth more effort. All of this seems to last for a bit and then we're back to the same old effort again in a couple of weeks.
I was talking to his mother about the whole situation on Monday and she reminded me of how much trouble we had with our daughter and that no matter how hard we push we can't make him do the work, that at some point we have to hope he sees the light and changes his approach. I told her I got what she was saying but it was literally tearing me up inside as I know how much I struggled in school before it all sort of clicked my senior year of high school and carried forward to university, that this wasn't what I wanted for him, and how I was starting to almost dread my weeks with him as it just feels like all I do is push him to do his school work.
She sighed and told me as hard as this was going to be I really needed to step back and let him do things his way, that it was true he might completely bomb out a semester and than hopefully come to realize what needed to be done to hit his dreams. I understood her message and said I was going to try my best whereupon she laughed and said that would be one of my greatest feats ever if I actually could step back. That sort of stung but as I thought about her comment it also made sense as I have tended to be very protective of him since his health scare back in 2009.
So I took the rest of that night and the following day to think about the whole issue and decided I do need to step back and let him do things his way.
When I got home from work on Tuesday I sat down with him and outlined my issues, how I hated the parent I'd become, and how I was going to stop pushing him about school. I told him that at almost 17 he needed to become more independent and stand on his own feet without having me monitoring his every act. I told him about how hard I'd found school, that my own struggles made me that much more determined that he wouldn't have the same ones himself, that if he needed help his mom and I would make it available but that from this point forward the ball was in his court.
I told him that unfortunately for him he had two parents who were intelligent and had passed that along to him in his DNA, a tough cross to bear but one with infinite rewards if only used the right way. He asked me how I struggled if I was able to earn three degrees and I told him it was all through blood, sweat, and tears. That when I got to grade 12 I knew it was time to buckle down and make the grades I needed so that I could pursue a university degree so I stopped playing football and baseball and just focused on school, that my weekends were spent in libraries trying to catch up on the material I'd spent years blowing off through half assed efforts, that my university days were spent the same way, school at day and working nights as a janitor so I could have the days free for classes and homework.
He asked if my parents helped out and I had to laugh at that and explained I'm positive that neither of them ever even knew what classes I had during my four years of high school. I could see the understanding forming as he realized it was that very lack of interest on their part that had made me always attentive to what classes he was taking and how things were going in them.
I said I had to step back or we'd end up fighting like his mom and sister fought back when she was in high school, asking if he remembered her leaving home due to avoid her mom, and how that wasn't where I wanted our relationship to end up. I told him that my decision didn't mean I loved him any less or didn't care about him but was more my best effort to keep the relationship we have and maybe, just maybe, help him understand what it takes to succeed in life when the cards aren't necessarily in your favour.
As we finished things up he gave me a hug and headed to his room to work on his chemistry and I went to make dinner.
I have to admit I was shaking as I prepped the potatoes and felt sick to my stomach, full of doubt whether this is the right approach to take, I'm not sure but something needs to change or I'll end up losing him as we battle over things and that is not something I'm ever going to let happen.
Christ, just writing this entry has me upset and I can feel the tears demanding release.........
I guess the next few weeks he is over at my place will tell me how well things are going and how he's doing. It's so easy to have a child and so damn hard to be a parent at times.
I was talking with someone a while back and she made the comment that her ex had only wanted to be a father to his son and not a dad and that had struck me as an odd choice of words but on more reflection it makes sense......being a father means paying the bills and being a dad means not only paying the monetary bills but the emotional ones as well............I am proud to be a dad to my kids in every sense of the word.
I'm going to see how things go and keep you updated as maybe some of you are going through the same thing and can learn from my efforts.
Normally this is something you'd share with your spouse or partner but seeing as how I'm single there aren't the same options open to me and that is where this blog comes in handy as a way of letting me vent and seeing new possibilities....for that I thank you the readers
My name is Marcus and this blog chronicles my attempts at parenting, working, mastering the perfect 8 iron from 135 yards, dating, and maybe falling in love for the very last time............
So I've been struggling with how to deal with my son when it comes to his efforts, or lack thereof, related to school and homework.
I am a huge believer in getting as much education as possible, not for the ability to say you've got X number of degrees but for the opportunities that it offers you in life. Let's face it, someone with a degree has a better chance of pursuing a career they enjoy than someone who doesn't, excluding athletes who just use school to be able to play a sport.
Now I'm not saying those without degrees are somehow lesser than those with one, no what I'm saying is that the options to pursue different avenues are more readily available to someone one than someone without.
Both of my kids are pretty damn smart and both have been a source of great frustration for me and my ex at times. It is almost funny how the parent who has been frustrated has been the one with the same gender as the child - my daughter drove my ex crazy and now my son is starting to have the same effects on me.
He understands the importance of getting good grades but it seems like every time I check to see how he's doing he's taking a break of some kind. It has left me feeling like a nagging parent and that isn't something I've ever desired to be before. I've tried reminding him that his chosen career requires a university degree and he understands the emphasis on achieving a high average and then seems to slip back into what I like to call "goofing around". It wouldn't be so hard to handle if all of his report cards haven't had comments about how smart he is and how he needs to learn to apply himself more to get the grades he's capable of.
I've asked him if he likes the life he leads now and how that is all due to the efforts made by his mother and myself, that to get the same life for himself and his own family he has to put forth more effort. All of this seems to last for a bit and then we're back to the same old effort again in a couple of weeks.
I was talking to his mother about the whole situation on Monday and she reminded me of how much trouble we had with our daughter and that no matter how hard we push we can't make him do the work, that at some point we have to hope he sees the light and changes his approach. I told her I got what she was saying but it was literally tearing me up inside as I know how much I struggled in school before it all sort of clicked my senior year of high school and carried forward to university, that this wasn't what I wanted for him, and how I was starting to almost dread my weeks with him as it just feels like all I do is push him to do his school work.
She sighed and told me as hard as this was going to be I really needed to step back and let him do things his way, that it was true he might completely bomb out a semester and than hopefully come to realize what needed to be done to hit his dreams. I understood her message and said I was going to try my best whereupon she laughed and said that would be one of my greatest feats ever if I actually could step back. That sort of stung but as I thought about her comment it also made sense as I have tended to be very protective of him since his health scare back in 2009.
So I took the rest of that night and the following day to think about the whole issue and decided I do need to step back and let him do things his way.
When I got home from work on Tuesday I sat down with him and outlined my issues, how I hated the parent I'd become, and how I was going to stop pushing him about school. I told him that at almost 17 he needed to become more independent and stand on his own feet without having me monitoring his every act. I told him about how hard I'd found school, that my own struggles made me that much more determined that he wouldn't have the same ones himself, that if he needed help his mom and I would make it available but that from this point forward the ball was in his court.
I told him that unfortunately for him he had two parents who were intelligent and had passed that along to him in his DNA, a tough cross to bear but one with infinite rewards if only used the right way. He asked me how I struggled if I was able to earn three degrees and I told him it was all through blood, sweat, and tears. That when I got to grade 12 I knew it was time to buckle down and make the grades I needed so that I could pursue a university degree so I stopped playing football and baseball and just focused on school, that my weekends were spent in libraries trying to catch up on the material I'd spent years blowing off through half assed efforts, that my university days were spent the same way, school at day and working nights as a janitor so I could have the days free for classes and homework.
He asked if my parents helped out and I had to laugh at that and explained I'm positive that neither of them ever even knew what classes I had during my four years of high school. I could see the understanding forming as he realized it was that very lack of interest on their part that had made me always attentive to what classes he was taking and how things were going in them.
I said I had to step back or we'd end up fighting like his mom and sister fought back when she was in high school, asking if he remembered her leaving home due to avoid her mom, and how that wasn't where I wanted our relationship to end up. I told him that my decision didn't mean I loved him any less or didn't care about him but was more my best effort to keep the relationship we have and maybe, just maybe, help him understand what it takes to succeed in life when the cards aren't necessarily in your favour.
As we finished things up he gave me a hug and headed to his room to work on his chemistry and I went to make dinner.
I have to admit I was shaking as I prepped the potatoes and felt sick to my stomach, full of doubt whether this is the right approach to take, I'm not sure but something needs to change or I'll end up losing him as we battle over things and that is not something I'm ever going to let happen.
Christ, just writing this entry has me upset and I can feel the tears demanding release.........
I guess the next few weeks he is over at my place will tell me how well things are going and how he's doing. It's so easy to have a child and so damn hard to be a parent at times.
I was talking with someone a while back and she made the comment that her ex had only wanted to be a father to his son and not a dad and that had struck me as an odd choice of words but on more reflection it makes sense......being a father means paying the bills and being a dad means not only paying the monetary bills but the emotional ones as well............I am proud to be a dad to my kids in every sense of the word.
I'm going to see how things go and keep you updated as maybe some of you are going through the same thing and can learn from my efforts.
Normally this is something you'd share with your spouse or partner but seeing as how I'm single there aren't the same options open to me and that is where this blog comes in handy as a way of letting me vent and seeing new possibilities....for that I thank you the readers
My name is Marcus and this blog chronicles my attempts at parenting, working, mastering the perfect 8 iron from 135 yards, dating, and maybe falling in love for the very last time............
The Weekend!!!!
Friday, March 04/16
Well I can't say I'm in a mood but I can't say I'm not in mood either so today's musical suggestion sort of suits me perfectly.........."Crossfire" by Stephen. A nice little find on Spotify as I was reviewing outstanding items related to the integration this morning.
So I'm heading into my bachelor weekend tonight once I'm off work and can't say there is much going on that takes advantage of this state.
I'm probably hitting the gym after work tonight, hoping to take in the Golf Expo at the EY Centre tomorrow morning before my training session with Connor, and finishing off Saturday having dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend. Sunday will be some catching up on the Suits episodes on my DVR and odd chores around the house. I can see a bath in Moki's future but lets keep that one between us so she doesn't try and hide on me :)
Pretty boring but it is what it is as I am who I am.......and that isn't someone who really embraces winter as much as he does spring, summer, and can probably guess why those seasons appeal to me given some of my past posts :)
I am working on a blog entry about a decision I've made that was really hard to reach but probably for the best as the situation was starting to cause me some issues. Stay tuned to this bat channel for updates :)
So now that you know just how boring my weekend is looking so it's now the readers turn to entertain me and let me live vicariously through your actions....fair is fair folks
Well I can't say I'm in a mood but I can't say I'm not in mood either so today's musical suggestion sort of suits me perfectly.........."Crossfire" by Stephen. A nice little find on Spotify as I was reviewing outstanding items related to the integration this morning.
So I'm heading into my bachelor weekend tonight once I'm off work and can't say there is much going on that takes advantage of this state.
I'm probably hitting the gym after work tonight, hoping to take in the Golf Expo at the EY Centre tomorrow morning before my training session with Connor, and finishing off Saturday having dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend. Sunday will be some catching up on the Suits episodes on my DVR and odd chores around the house. I can see a bath in Moki's future but lets keep that one between us so she doesn't try and hide on me :)
Pretty boring but it is what it is as I am who I am.......and that isn't someone who really embraces winter as much as he does spring, summer, and can probably guess why those seasons appeal to me given some of my past posts :)
I am working on a blog entry about a decision I've made that was really hard to reach but probably for the best as the situation was starting to cause me some issues. Stay tuned to this bat channel for updates :)
So now that you know just how boring my weekend is looking so it's now the readers turn to entertain me and let me live vicariously through your actions....fair is fair folks
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Texts from Moki
Wednesday, March 02/16
So it's another wintery day in Ottawa and I'm working from home today to avoid the roads and get some work done for month end. My son had to go to school as the buses were running so he's not happy but dad is doing just fine.
I as sat down at the PC to start working I noticed Moki looking a little smug and figure she has it in her to try and disturb me in a bit in order to get some attention. That got me to thinking what kind of texts she'd send me when I was at work if she had her own cell phone.........
Come home. There's an emergency
What?? Are you ok?
My food bowl is half empty.
I'll be home soon.
You wish starvation upon me.
Stop being so dramatic.
Am weeeak. Caan hasrdly type.
Help me.
What's wrong?
I stepped on a sticker.
Pull it off with your teeth.
I'm scared. And now I'm walking funny
I'm getting in the shower. You'll have to wait.
I've seen your pasty body.
You're waiting for sure.
Tyson is impregnating me!
Excuse me?
Provoking me! The stupid dog is provoking me and I'm ready to poop with frustration
Pop! This autocorrect is the bane of my existence
Moki, take a nap
Don't you dare belittle me. Why don't you try typing on this tiny keyboard with paws! Goodbye.
A squirrel is staring at me through the front window
I think he's part of a gang
He's curious
I'm curious. He's maniacal
His cheeks are stuffed with rage
YOU'RE nuts
No, his cheeks are stuffed with nuts.
Oh, my response still stands
We need to change vets.
I just got off the phone to the vet. STOP TEXTING HER
OMFG I just asked about an injection
"Inject me with adamantium so I can be the dog version of Wolverine"
I see no problem with that sentence
You're home!!!
I heard a car door!!
Wasn't me
Got all excited
Shouting at the front door
Calm down
Can't. Stuck in bat shit crazy mode
Fun day. Ran around the house in a cape. I'm Batdog lol
Where did you get the cape?
I think role playing helps alleviate my boredom. I feel so alive x
I pulled the curtain rail down. Jesus, why can't you just be happy for me?
I think my dog needs therapy..............
So it's another wintery day in Ottawa and I'm working from home today to avoid the roads and get some work done for month end. My son had to go to school as the buses were running so he's not happy but dad is doing just fine.
I as sat down at the PC to start working I noticed Moki looking a little smug and figure she has it in her to try and disturb me in a bit in order to get some attention. That got me to thinking what kind of texts she'd send me when I was at work if she had her own cell phone.........
Come home. There's an emergency
What?? Are you ok?
My food bowl is half empty.
I'll be home soon.
You wish starvation upon me.
Stop being so dramatic.
Am weeeak. Caan hasrdly type.
Help me.
What's wrong?
I stepped on a sticker.
Pull it off with your teeth.
I'm scared. And now I'm walking funny
I'm getting in the shower. You'll have to wait.
I've seen your pasty body.
You're waiting for sure.
Tyson is impregnating me!
Excuse me?
Provoking me! The stupid dog is provoking me and I'm ready to poop with frustration
Pop! This autocorrect is the bane of my existence
Moki, take a nap
Don't you dare belittle me. Why don't you try typing on this tiny keyboard with paws! Goodbye.
A squirrel is staring at me through the front window
I think he's part of a gang
He's curious
I'm curious. He's maniacal
His cheeks are stuffed with rage
YOU'RE nuts
No, his cheeks are stuffed with nuts.
Oh, my response still stands
We need to change vets.
I just got off the phone to the vet. STOP TEXTING HER
OMFG I just asked about an injection
"Inject me with adamantium so I can be the dog version of Wolverine"
I see no problem with that sentence
You're home!!!
I heard a car door!!
Wasn't me
Got all excited
Shouting at the front door
Calm down
Can't. Stuck in bat shit crazy mode
Fun day. Ran around the house in a cape. I'm Batdog lol
Where did you get the cape?
I think role playing helps alleviate my boredom. I feel so alive x
I pulled the curtain rail down. Jesus, why can't you just be happy for me?
I think my dog needs therapy..............
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