Friday, March 04/16
Well I can't say I'm in a mood but I can't say I'm not in mood either so today's musical suggestion sort of suits me perfectly.........."Crossfire" by Stephen. A nice little find on Spotify as I was reviewing outstanding items related to the integration this morning.
So I'm heading into my bachelor weekend tonight once I'm off work and can't say there is much going on that takes advantage of this state.
I'm probably hitting the gym after work tonight, hoping to take in the Golf Expo at the EY Centre tomorrow morning before my training session with Connor, and finishing off Saturday having dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend. Sunday will be some catching up on the Suits episodes on my DVR and odd chores around the house. I can see a bath in Moki's future but lets keep that one between us so she doesn't try and hide on me :)
Pretty boring but it is what it is as I am who I am.......and that isn't someone who really embraces winter as much as he does spring, summer, and can probably guess why those seasons appeal to me given some of my past posts :)
I am working on a blog entry about a decision I've made that was really hard to reach but probably for the best as the situation was starting to cause me some issues. Stay tuned to this bat channel for updates :)
So now that you know just how boring my weekend is looking so it's now the readers turn to entertain me and let me live vicariously through your actions....fair is fair folks
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