Wednesday, March 16/16
I received the following question earlier today.
"I read your blog and enjoy most of what you have to say, with the occasional difference of opinion on things as I look at the topic from the female perspective.
It seems like you almost always have something positive to say about the relationship you had with C and how much she brought to it and changed you. Makes me wonder just what she got back in return?"
It's true I do tend to compliment the impact C had on me and how I go about my life these days as she did change how I look at myself and the world around me.
It is from my time with her that I now try and exercise more, eat better, have more patience in dealing with my friends and family, and most of all try and have a much more optimistic viewpoint on life and all it has to offer me.
Economically we were worlds apart and that did cause my ego some issues in the beginning but she was very open that she wasn't into me for any material satisfaction but more for the intangibles of being with me.
I can't say with any certainty but I think I helped her understand what a relationship has to offer when you are open to one as she was more than a bit gun shy of them given her history.
I'd like to think I brought a sense of calmness to her life as she was dealing with a wide range of tasks that demanded her attention and could be overwhelming at times, she talked to me about everything going on and I didn't try to solve things but just helped her to see all the options, in other words I gave her a shoulder to lean on when needed and I think that is probably the greatest think one person can do for another and in my book is part of a real relationship.
No, I'll be the first to admit from a purely monetary point of view I gained far more than her. But I'd like to think that all those hours spent just talking and being with one another were just as valuable to her as they were to me.
I was once asked why I'm so nice to her in the blog and never let any anger or hurt show in my words and the basic answer is that the good far surpassed any bad, and I'm not referring to the trip or golf clubs but the time sitting watching Suits, taking Moki for a walk, wandering around WalMart or Canadian Tire, and snuggling at night.
Nope, I was a lucky man and I'm one of those rare breeds who doesn't think it cool to trash talk a former partner, especially one who made me a better person than when we first met.
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