Friday, March 25, 2016

The Tag Line

Friday, March 25/16

So I was asked why I use the tag line at the end of most of my blog entries and I think the most basic answer is that it pretty much says what I'm about in a very concise way.

"My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my journey living, being a parent, friend, working, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, re-entering the dating scene, and maybe someday having another relationship."

My name really is Marcus. Marcus Anthony to be a bit more precise without revealing too much.

I'm a part time parent in that I have my son every other week under a shared custody arrangement with my ex and see my daughter as our schedules permit, but I'm a full time dad as both my kids know that no matter the time or distance between us I am only a phone call away....always and forever

I'm a friend to those I let into my world. I don't mean this to sound snobbish but for me making friends is a very painful process due to my shyness and self confidence issues. It has caused me problems as I'd love to have more friends but just don't really know how to go about socializing in such a manner for that to happen. The curse of being an only child I'd say if asked.

I work. No shocker there as unless one is born to money or hits it big with the lottery it's something we all have to do. I used to work a lot and put it before everything else but over time have come to realize that working to live is far more enjoyable to living to work. I thank the introduction of my kids into my life for that realization and will never put a job before family ever again.

Golf is pretty much my biggest hobby and I've done really well working on my driver and mid fairway game but seem to have lost the touch with those shots from just around the 135 yard spot and have made it a point to master that shot this season. Last year my 8 iron was either deadly accurate at 135 yards or way short with no real rhyme or reason as to why, though things did seem to improve with the introduction of the new Ping G30's that one amazing woman gave me for my birthday.

Dating....the bane of my existence as unless I am willing to subject myself to getting out there and trying the whole dating process I'll have no hope in hell of meeting someone and possibly having that connection we all so dearly desire. Nobody wants to wake up alone morning after morning, least of all this guy so that means I've got to some point as the heart just isn't ready for it right now but I think if I remind myself of it enough times there may come a point where it says the hell with it lets go............

Relationship..........don't need one......had one.........want one........but need to do that dating thing first and let nature take it's course.  Relationship doesn't mean a number of random hookups that let me or anyone else put a notch in a belt or, it means so damn much more than that, almost more than words can ever is that look from across a room, that subtle touch, the sound of a voice, the smell of her perfume that lingers long after she has left, the gentle reminders that there is someone out there who is thinking about you, cares about you, desires you in every way, shape, and form......that is the relationship I want.....the one I desire......the one we all deserve.....

So that is the meaning of my tag line and why more often than not I leave it at the end of the blog as reminder to myself and you the reader of what I am about and what I hope to find when the time is right and all the planets align in just such a way as to let me meet the one....nay, not the one but rather my one............

My name is Marcus and now you know my end plan.

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