Sunday, March 6, 2016

Lazy Sunday My Left Foot!

Sunday, March 06/16

So my normal Sunday is what I'd term relaxing and most other people would call downright boring.

But hey, we're all entitled to our own take on things right? Right? Thought so.

Well today is far from my usual Sunday as I've been up since 6am and in those hours I've hit the gym, taken Moki for a nice walk to the park, dried Moki from that nice walk in the park, made some bacon and eggs for breakfast, watched a bit of the ManuU West Albion Bromovich game (though the 2nd yellow to Mata that put my beloved ManU down a man has me now only listening to the game on the periphery), reorganized the Man Cave so I can use the mini fridge down there thus making one teenage son very happy, cleaned up my home office, and now I'm getting ready to sort through some clothes for my son and myself and make a run to value village so someone else can get some use out of the stuff that doesn't fit us anymore....him for out growing clothes and me for growing into other clothes thanks to my decision to start taking my health a bit more serious.

So what have you done today?

I had a really nice dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend yesterday at Baton Rouge - yes, the same restaurant that I once said was one that would always remind me of C and it did but in a good way and I'm glad I chose it.  We had a good conversation over dinner and I left feeling a lot better about where things stand with my daughter, she is her mother in a lot of way and yet I can see quite a bit of me in her as well, proof positive that children don't get everything though DNA :)


P.S. someone asked me if I was in a mood when I posted the Three L's entry and the answer is yes, a very good mood. I came across that little saying when I was watching a YouTube video by Meytal Cohen of her doing the drums to Metallica's "Enter Sandman"......pretty impressive and those words were on the wall behind her and made me think about what they could mean to me

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