Wednesday, March 9, 2016

G O L F ! ! ! ! ! !

Wednesday, March 09/16

So yesterday I got a really awesome email that totally made my day.

The outdoor driving range is now open at Kevin Haime!!!!!!!!!!

I got the email announcing it around 9:45am and within 2 minutes had a text message from my golfing buddy B telling me about it and in another 5 minutes two of my coworkers mentioned it as well.......

Now I'm trying not to get too excited but I'm feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve as I know that this means golf season is a lot closer than I thought and now I need to make some hard decisions about my golf this year.

I've been debating getting a membership this year since I won't be doing much if any valley golfing this summer but I really like playing the course rotation B and I set up over the past few years, coupled with the fact that there is an outside chance I could end up coaching my son's soccer team this summer and not sure the membership is the best option, unless I can somehow play a couple of mornings before work and find it in myself to play afternoon weekend rounds to make it cost effective.

On a side not I'm trying to see if I can post a video of Moki and how she acts when I'm practicing my putting in the man cave - it has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in ages.

Well that and the look she gives me as she takes her toys out of her crate one by one and strategically places them all around the house after I've picked them all up and put them in the crate to begin with, sometimes I wonder who really owns the or the dog and my son


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