Saturday, March 19, 2016

Road Trip - Updated

Saturday, March 19/16

Discovered I'm almost out of the spices I bought last March down in Westport on the drive down to C's brother's place to celebrate her moms birthday and can't think of a better reason for a road trip on such a beautiful day.

So I'm now I'm all cleaned up from this mornings workout session with Connor, Moki has been for a nice walk, the camera is primed, and directions printed off to Rosie Yumski's Fine Food Emporium in Westport and I'm off for an afternoon drive.

I'll try and post a new blog entry later when I'm home....after I've used those new seasonings on a steak to grill for dinner tonight......Mmmmmmmmm........such a proud carnivore :)

Monday, March 21/16

So just a little update on my road trip down to Westport on Saturday.

It's about an hour fifteen to an hour twenty from my place to Westport and I took my time and enjoyed the sights on my drive down.

Now there are two ways to get down there from the west end - one involves taking highway 7 though Perth and using Glen Tay Road you loop over to Scotch Line/Route 10 that offers a straight run into Westport or it's possible to take Route 10 from just South of Kanata all the way down.

I'm one of those people who can remember a route after only driving it once and as I made my way south it all started coming back to me but still felt a little off, as if I'd missed a turn or something.

I used the first way and made it to Westport without any issues, enjoying the views of farmland and woods that seem to dot the landscape once you get outside of Ottawa.

Now me being me meant I also noticed a lot of golf courses on the way and now I've got a couple I want to try this spring, especially Mapleview as it looked to be in great shape.

When I got to Rosie Yumski's the proprieter, funnily enough not named Rosie but rather Helen, helped me find my missing spices, a very cool new muffin tin, and some pub glasses.

As she was ringing me up she asked where I was from and I told her I'd made the drive down from Ottawa and the route I took. She suggested I try the 10 all the way back as it was nothing but two lane country road and had some nice views of the Upper Rideau Lake, upon which Westport anchors the western shore, as well as numerous other little lakes that dot the scenery in eastern Ontario.

She asked how I knew about the store and I explained I'd been there last year almost dead to the day when my girlfriend stopped to get some spices on our way down to see her family near Kildar. She looked around and asked if she was with me and I smiled and said no, we've gone our separate ways but that I loved the foodie that she tried to make me into and thus drove over an hour to buy the perfect spices, spices that not only made my food come alive but also make me smile whenever I pull one of the grinders out and have a flashback to wandering around the store that day last year saying I like cake just to make her grimace, knowing inside she was really laughing at the goofball she was dating.

When I left I took the 10 back to Ottawa and as I hit the outskirts of Perth knew what I'd done wrong on the drive down as I recognized some of the building and remembered that on our drive we'd looped through Perth to the 10 and not gone past it to the Glen Tay.

My drive went smoothly and when I got home I let my steak sit with some spices while I prepped some roasted potatoes and took Moki for a walk.

Once that was done I grilled my steak up and watched some of the NCAA March Madness, least till my daughter called and asked me if I wanted to join her and her boyfriend for a cold beer and a movie.............guess what my answer was :-)

We ended up seeing the 9:15 showing of Divergent Series: Allegiant and I didn't get home till after 11:30pm.....way past my bed time but well worth it.

So my Saturday was well spent and my Sunday wasn't too bad either, but that's a story for another post, well that and my observation with Connor during my session on Saturday morning.


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