Monday, March 21, 2016

Sunday Breakfast :)

Sunday, March 20/16

So here is what the blogger made for breakfast this morning after a nice long walk with Moki the Wonder Puppy :)

Back on Christmas morning my daughter made a delicious breakfast that consisted of eggs, bacon, some grated cheese on a cut out piece of bread and cooked in the oven in a muffin tin. It was so freaking good. I tried my hand at it last weekend and here is my results:

Not quite as good as hers as I felt like too much of the bacon was pushed up. They tasted really good but weren't as aesthetically pleasing to the eye, though my son said I was way too hard on myself and should be proud of the results.

So Saturday I purchased a muffin tin while in Westport that is a deeper and made of a pliable material that lets you pop the muffins right out with ease so I tried my hand at it once again as it's my goal to make these for Easter Brunch this Sunday. Here is the latest results:

Now before anyone freaks out, the above is precooked but I wanted to give you an idea of how deep the new tin is now - way better and really means I can add more cheese and use two slices of bacon per muffin in order to keep the egg centered.

Yes, I think yesterday's results are much better and I can't wait to show the kids what dear old dad is capable of preparing for them.

So what have you tried new lately? Care to share with the blogger? The recipe and not the end product as that would be kind of weird wouldn't it, well wouldn't it? No? Interesting :)

Below is the recipe for those interested in trying it for themselves. is the link to the website in case you can't read the above page - there I go thinking about the readers and making life easier on you, damn I'm a good guy and possible keeper, if I do say so myself, and I do as nobody else is saying it on my behalf these days lol
Bon Appetite!!

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