Friday, March 25/16
So originally my daughter and her boyfriend were going to come over for breakfast this morning since she is working the home show this weekend to earn some extra cash for things around her new house but that changed when they asked if she could also work today.
In a series of calls and texts yesterday we rescheduled our brunch to next weekend when she is not working. She felt bad about bailing but I told her that is part of growing up in that you'll have things come up and need to change plans on the fly, I wasn't hurt by it, and was kind of proud of her for trying to do as much as she could on her own in terms of her house.
Well literally seconds after posting the "Good Friday" entry my cell rang and lo and behold it was my baby girl asking what I was up to, I told her not much other than cleaning up after a breakfast of eggs and bacon and asked what she was doing. She said she was on her way to meet her mom and brother for lunch and wondered if I'd like to see a movie, I asked what happened to working today and she said they overbooked staff for the day and anyways she didn't want to work all fours days seeing as how she was now booked to work Monday.
We exchanged thoughts on movies and settled on seeing the 2pm showing of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding II". That gives me time to get home before the son heads here after seeing the new Batman & Superman movie with his mom.
Now I'm not going to give much away in terms of the movie as it only recently opened other than to say I absolutely loved the character Mana-Yiala, so much so that I almost cried at one point when she smiles at something unexpected - if you see the movie you'll know the exact moment I felt the tears.
There comes a scene with Toula & Ian that makes me realize how ready I was to actually commit to asking someone to marry me. That one hit me really hard and almost took my breath away when it dawned on me how deep my emotions had run for that person, ok...still run as I've yet to manage a day where she doesn't cross my mind...I keep saying it will happen and it probably will but for now I still have them and have given up fighting them.
When the movie ended we headed out to the lobby and our separate ways as we'd both parked in different parking lots. My daughter hugged me and thanked me for meeting her to which I replied anytime as I love spending time with the woman my little girl has grown into.
As we turned to leave she reached out and touched my arm asking me if everything was ok as I seemed really quiet. I'm really starting to find it a bit scary how perceptive my kids have become over
the years.
I smiled and told her I was fine, the scene with Toula & Ian just made me miss someone a lot. She walked over and gave me a huge hug, told me she loved me, and if there was anything she could do to help to tell her......
Time heals all wounds, or so the saying goes right..............
This healing process is like sitting in the last class of the semester before school lets out for the summer.....each second ticked away feels like hours....except in this case each day that goes by feels like's been almost 5 damn months and I don't feel any closer to being able to move forward than I was before all this went down.
I think I've really got to reconsider my decisions to see movies that have any hint of romance as they just completely screw me up afterwards and make me feel so damn lonely, ripping open the wounds of my heart..............
My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my journey living, being a parent, friend, working, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from +135 yards, re-entering the dating scene, and maybe someday having another relationship.
Give this video a watch and let me know how it made you feel:
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