Wednesday, March 16/16
One year ago today I was challenging my fear of heights while on holiday in Jamaica with C.
I can hear you asking yourself "I wonder how did he did that on a tropical island?" so here is the story.
Jamaica is a tropical island but like all islands it has a few mountains or more like really high hills for most people.
On one of these mountains named Mystic they've installed a ski chair lift that takes you to the top of the mountain and offers some incredible views of the Ocho Rios region and ocean.
Now this isn't a big deal for most people but I'm sort of a little afraid of heights and have been since my high school days. The odd thing is that I'm ok on planes or roller coasters but pretty much any other kind of height freaks me the hell out and leaves me with a racing heart and shortness of breath.
Years ago I too a vow to challenge this fear at least once a year and last year I took head on twice while in Jamaica.
The first was going up the chair lift to the top of Mystic Mountain with C - she was a very calming influence on me and helped me to breath while rising through the forest canopy and to actually look around and enjoy the incredible views.
The second was zip lining down that same mountain from station to station - very exciting and something I'd recommend everyone try at least once :)
If you look at the middle picture below and about 2/3 to the top you can see a zip line coming out of the trees and a person racing down it.........that was so cool and I'm glad I got to do it while in Jamaica with C as it meant so much to me
The one below gives you some insight as to how high we were rising and what you don't see is the hand on my right leg reassuring me that every thing is going to be ok :)
I loved the way the water changes colours as you work your way from the shore outwards.
All in all this was a long day that left us a bit tired but also so much fun and I'm so glad we made this one of our excursions. Lounging on the beach or poolside was fun but this was the icing on the cake in a lot of ways :) home away from home
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