Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Years!!!!

December 31, 2018

H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R S !!!!!!!

I would like to wish each of you a Very Happy New Years!!!

My hope is that as you look back on 2018 you feel that it was good to you and that 2019 brings you nothing but peace, love, health, and contentment.

My year had both lows and highs, to be expected and really probably not much different from what most of you experienced, although those things that may have been a low or a high might differ between us.

My low was the health scare and side affects I experienced from the treatment.

My highs were many and far outweighed the low.........

My daughter got married in January and I had the pleasure of walking her down the aisle.

My son survived his first year of university and earned excellent grades, not that his mother or I thought he'd do otherwise but it was nice for his self confidence nonetheless.

Getting the news that my tumor was benign and I wouldn't have to undergo any more chemotherapy

My son golfing with me for the first time in over 10 years on my birthday

Shooting my first round of sub 88 golf on the next to last round of the year.

Being part of the winning team at the work golf tournament

Realizing I wasn't happy with my life and having the courage to make some changes that I hope bring me some equilibrium and a more grounded sense of happiness.

Starting to put myself back out into the dating world once again..............

I was asked what my New Years resolutions are for 2019 and I don't have any.

For me resolutions are about as useful as celebrating Valentines Day............I have no need for either as I'm mature enough and in tune with my own feelings to know I can create an arbitrary list of things I want to accomplish at any point in the year, that the first day of the new year is as critical to this process as discovering the secrets behind cold fusion.

I have the same opinion about Valentines Day......the single most pressure filled day to be a guy in a relationship.  Why is there is so much pressure to show your partner how much you love them on this one predetermined day?  Does that mean they get a free pass the the day before or the day after? Why can't we celebrate the love every day in our own special ways?  I don't think I was ever remiss in letting my partner know how much she meant to me or how much I cared for her. Heck, if any of the women I've dated feel differently please reach out and let me know as I'm all about improving myself in every way possible.

Okay, reading the last paragraph has me thinking I might have gotten a little off topic and I apologize but promise to revisit this rant a little farther into the year when it's more appropriate.

So, no resolutions will be made by me come the strike of the clock at midnight.

Tonight I'll be home with Moki watching a movie, enjoying a cold pint of beer, and thinking a little bit about what might have been. This has been my norm for the last few years and one I've sort of grown accustomed to over time.

2014 was the last time I really celebrated New Years Eve and it was with friends of a very special friend, one of the best I can remember sharing with someone.

Snow and freezing rain are in the forecast tonight so please be careful out there wherever you might find yourself. My son is working until 11 pm and then heading to a house party with some friends, but he knows I'm only a call away should he need me, though I've gotten assurances they have a designated driver all set up, one of the group is Muslim and doesn't drink at all.

My name is Marcus and I'm hoping 2019 is the year I can change the title of this blog once and for all as maybe I'll finally meet my one and experience my last first kiss.............

Not sure I can really name the perfect song for tonight but lets give "Someone like You" by Adele a try and see how things turn out for us and we'll reconnect next year :-)

As always comments, questions, or complaints can be sent my way via and I promise to reply to all emails.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 25/18

I'm just home from midnight mass at St. Patrick's Parish in Fallowfield and wanted to take a quick moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas before turning in for a rest as today will be a busy one with family and friends.

I'd also like to wish my mom a Happy Birthday as she would have been 81 today, you left us far too early mom but I know you are watching out over everyone and I'm sure you are enjoying seeing how quickly your great grandson Jack is growing each day.

Peace on earth to each of you.

My name is Marcus and I want nothing more than health and happiness for one and all this holiday season and into the new year.

Today's musical suggestion is a tie between Christmas Canon by Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Carol of the Bells by David Foster.

YouTube links are here:
Christmas Canon  -
Carol of the Bells -

Monday, December 24, 2018

Twas the night before Christmas

Monday, December 24/18

I spent the day running some last minute errands, tidying up around the house, and wrapping a few gifts in anticipation of tomorrow's family gathering at my daughters new place.

One tradition I've always enjoyed over the years was the reading of a  "Twas the night before Christmas" so I thought I'd share it all of you as the time fast approaches the striking hour of midnight here in Canada and may have actually already struck where you are depending on your location.

Please enjoy and remember that the warm feelings we share over the holidays can easily carried forward into our day to day lives in the coming year......

  Twas the Night Before Christmas
by Clement Clarke Moore

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.
And Mama in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.
When out on the roof there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutter, and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
gave the lustre of midday to objects below,
when, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came,
and he whistled and shouted and called them by name:
"Now Dasher! Now Dancer!
Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid!
On, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky
so up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
with the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
the prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head and was turning around,
down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes--how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
and the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
and filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

My name is Marcus and from my family to yours "Merry Christmas"

Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Holiday's

Friday, December 21/18

Today unofficially marks the start of the winter holiday season for many people and I wanted to take this moment to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and hope you have a great New Years as well.

For those of you who don't celebrate Christmas as I do than let me just wish you happy holiday's as we all share something in common regardless of what we call our deity.

Love, happiness, compassion, empathy, and the desire to see those around us safe and sound would be at the top of any list a person might compile.

I'll spend my Christmas Eve attending midnight mass at St. Patrick's Church in Fallowfield, where I'll reflect on the events of the last year and those who are part of my circle of family and friends.

I imagine I'll think of the one and say a silent prayer in thanks for the time we shared and hope all is well with her own family.

I'll think of my grandson and all the joy that little boy has brought into my life and my determination to be there for many more Christmas's to come so I can relive those magical moments through his eyes, to watch him continue to develop the special bond he has with his uncle, and watch how my daughter dotes over him as I once did over her.

There are a lot of thoughts going through my head as we come to final days of 2018 and I'm sure a blog entry will becoming up to share some of them with all of you.

But for now let me just say this..........

Enjoy these moments with family and friends, try as best you can to embrace those around you with nothing more in your heart than love and forgiveness, let go of any anger, resentment, or jealousy you might have as they only act as a poison upon your soul.

Be free of that which makes you less than you deserve to be.....

I know that us easier sad than done sometimes but always remember that you do not walk this world alone for you are loved by someone around you, even if you don't or can't recognize it, for inside each of us resides the heart of a good person.

My name is Marcus and I want nothing more for Christmas than for each of you to be loved and thought of with warm thoughts.

Today's musical suggestion is a duet from an unlikely pair - The Little Drummer Boy by Bing Crosby and David Bowie.  YouTube link is here:

Comments, questions or complaints can be sent my way via and I promise to reply to all emails.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ask for Angela!!!

Thursday, December 20/18

I came across an interesting story on my Facebook feed and thought I'd share it with you.

There is a system that has been slowly gaining ground in the United Kingdom, and making it way across the pond to Canada and the U.S., where if a woman feels threatened while on a date she can approach a member of a restaurant or pub and simply ask for Angela. This is code to let the employee know that the woman doesn't feel safe and they are to move her to a position of safety, whether it is via a bouncer or other wait staff, and call the authorities.

It's as simple as going up to the bartender and asking "Is Angela working tonight?"

I'm literally of two emotions about this system.

I'm happy that it is in place and from the sounds of things it has done a wonderful job of getting some women out of what could have been a dangerous situation.

On the other hand I'm more than disgusted that we need this system in the first place and wonder where we went wrong as a society that men could even think that acting this way towards women is even the least bit acceptable.

Some of the stories I've read around this make me wonder if my gender can really be that fucking dumb and clueless, guys getting mad at the woman for causing a scene after they'd been verbally or physically abusive, or if I'm just the one who is so stupid and clueless he can't see today's environment for the mine field is has become for women.

I remember having a conversation with my son a few years back when he started dating where I sat him down to have the talk and he sort of rolled his eyes at me as if I was a day late and a dollar short.

As I watched him roll his eyes I just looked him in the eye and said it wasn't that kind of talk. This talk was about how to treat a lady and if I ever heard one word that he'd been disrespectful than there would be hell to pay.

I remember him looking at me and telling me that if he ever acted that way he didn't fear facing the young ladies father nor his own mother as much as the last person he'd have to face. I was sort of confused and asked him who that was and he looked at me and said "You, as you've always tried to teach me how to be a man and if I did something so horrible as to upset my date than I don't think I'd ever be able to look you in the eyes again dad"

Pretty much knew at that point that if I never did anything else in my life to help mold him into a man than I'd already done enough with him feeling that way about being respectful and protective of any woman he was with.

I hope none of you are ever made to feel threatened or afraid for your safety but should you experience just such a moment I beg you to "Ask for Angela" and don't allow yourself to be treated as anything less than the wonderful person that you are. I say that not only as the father of a woman but as the father of a young man who has been raised to treat not only women but all others with respect and dignity.

My name is Marcus and we should all take any steps necessary to ensure the safety of those around us.

No musical suggestion with this blog entry as I don't think one would be appropriate given the topic.

Thoughts or comments can me directed my way at:

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

White or Red?

Tuesday, December 18/18

So I had my daughter and her family over for dinner tonight and my son-in-law asked if I had any wine in the house and I pointed in the direction of the fridge and to the corner of the dining room where there is a wine rack as well.

The fridge has a couple of bottles of Pinot Grigio chilling and there are a couple of red's in the wine rack. Now he loves a good red, one reason he gets along so well with his mother-in-law lol, but I'm more partial to a cold white any day of the week.

I think my preference comes from just my initial experiences with wine and how the first red I ever had was at room temperature and thus didn't do anything to quench my thirst at the time, whereas the first white was chilled and just did the trick.

Now I don't drink all that much, if we ignore my week in Mexico back in January and the week in Jamaica back in 2015, so I don't pretend to be an expert and try and offer up advice or reviews on the different varietals for either reds or whites, but I do know what I like and tend to stick with it for the long term.

My appreciation for a nice Pinot Grigio came courtesy of my time with Corinna as she liked a glass at night with some cheese or a sliced up baguette, a trend I've continued the last few years.

No, I'm not much of a drinker but lately I've started to try different beers as I do like to experiment along those lines, for a little while it was all cider based ales like Somersby and Strong Bow, with recent trend towards Big Wave Pale Ale from Hawaii, my son is partial to that one and I have to remind him whose beer it is or they go quickly from the fridge.

I've heard that some people put ice cubes in a red but I worry that would dilute the flavour too much and make me look like a total rube.......

So for now I'll be sticking with the Pinot but wonder what wines you enjoy and would recommend or pair with certain meals??

My name is Marcus and I'll never buy wine in a box but I won't raise my nose upwards if you do as we like what we like.

Today's musical suggestion is "Flash" by Queen. A little retro to the movie that Queen scored :)

Questions & comments can me directed to me at:

Saturday, December 15, 2018


Saturday, December 15/18

Many people think of relationships in terms of the physical intimacy that two people can have with one another and that is part of the package for sure.

When I think of a relationship it tends to transcend past the purely physical and be more all encompassing.

Now I know there are a few of you asking how anything can be more encompassing than the physical connection two people can share when they are naked under the covers doing what people do in such situations but there are far more ways to be totally in love with someone than just the mere sight of them exposed to your lustful gaze.

The overwhelming pleasure of being with someone isn't just the actual affection you share, sex, and companionship. It's the silent permission you've exchanged through a glance to reach out and brush your hand against her cheek, softly push a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, to thread your fingers through hers as you walk through a store, to snuggle on a couch and softly kiss the side of her neck.

The unspoken desire to send a flirty text at 2:30 in the afternoon letting her know you've thought of her and it made you smile, the picture you take of something you see while out that you just know she'll laugh at when she sees it come across her phone from you, it's getting up early on a Sunday and getting her coffee to start her day off right, it's wandering around the LCBO trying to find that Pinot Grigio that she just loves to have a glass of at the end of the day with some cheese that makes her feel happy and loved.

It's the scent of her perfume lingering in your bedroom days after she's spent the night.

It is being willing to try new things and new ways of preparing food.

It's each of you having your own opinion, being strong enough in your feelings to not let the other steam roll you but also taking the time to hear what they are saying and not belittling that opinion.

Don't get me wrong........there is nothing wrong with hot lust filled moments as those are pretty damn good in my book.......but those moments don't constitute all that a relationship is made of.....not in a long shot.....not to this guy

My name is Marcus and my understanding of what makes me happy in a relationship has evolved so much over time and will hopefully continue to evolve when I bump into my one.

Today's musical suggestion is "What's My Age Again?" by Blink 182  Original video was kind of cool and the remake incorporates some of the same scenes talking account the change in years.

On a side note........if you'd like to tell me what's going on with you or provide some feedback on a blog entry you can now do so by emailing me at

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Why do I end the blog like I do?

Thursday, December 13/18

So I was asked why I end each blog like I do, with my name and some little blurb about myself and my hope to meet the one......oh, and a musical recommendation, usually lol

When I first started out making entries about dating, being single, raising my kids, and just trying to get through life the best I could I used to add quotes from historical figures as I found some of those messages to be either thought provoking and/or representative of my emotional state at that moment in time.  It sort of developed from watching One Tree Hill where every episode referenced a quote and it just stuck with me.

Over time it's morphed to include movies and now music, as both of these mediums can and have impacted how I feel about myself, what I'm hoping to accomplish, and the world around me.

I do not have one creative cell in my body but really appreciate those artists who can make me feel something, whether it be in film, books, art, or music.  At one time or another each of those mediums has touched me in such a way as to leave me feeling happy, sad, despondent, elated, and most often hopeful.

Music has been the big one lately as I tend to spend my free time these days reading and researching music online.

I'm fast reaching the point where I'll be cutting out the cable TV as really neither my son or I watch it much other than some sports, both of us are more likely to be found watching NetFlix or YouTube.

There are so many good artists out there that I know it would be next to impossible for one person to discover them all by themselves and thus that is one reason I share my own findings with anyone who reads the blog, that and I hope in return to receive some suggestions from you as well.

So there is the reason I end things the way I do.

My name is Marcus and though I am single at the moment I do not consider myself alone as I've taken to trying to be more open to the world around me and the opportunities to brings me these days than I've ever been before in my life. Is that ex post proof that with age comes some wisdom?

Today's musical suggestion is "Helplessly Hoping" by Crosby & Stills & Nash

Monday, December 10, 2018

I broke a vow and it made me smile

Monday, December 10/18

I took a vow about a year ago after some serious time spent pondering what was the sense in reminding myself over and over of what once was.

Seriously, the question was why was I continuously doing something that did nothing but make me sad and brought me no pleasure, unless of course I was a masochist who needed the constant reminder of what I was missing in my life.

So by now you are probably trying to figure out what was I doing that was so horrible that I had taken a vow to stop.........

No, I was not touching myself so please get that thought of your minds!!!  This isn't that kind of blog, if that's something you are interested in than please Google it and find another blog please.

Nope, it was nothing more than looking at a  Facebook profile every few days.

No harm in that right? Wrong when than profile is that of your former girlfriend......

Pathetic?  Absolutely (there is that damn honesty thing again)

Stubborn? For sure

Rewarding? Not in the least, well partially not in the least as I never came across any updates that she had moved onto someone else.

Reckless?  I don't think so as I never once did more than peek.

Smart? Hell's No!!!!  There is smart and there is dumb. Usually I'm a pretty smart guy but sometimes the heart makes us, me in particular, very very dumb.

So I had come to all of these same conclusions on my own back in early 2017 and made a solemn vow to stop torturing myself and refrain from looking at her profile. She had moved on and this was the last thing I needed to do in order to begin doing so myself.

I'll admit the temptation has always been there and never more so than the first few months to go and take a sneak peek, but I didn't give in to the temptation and grew more and more proud of myself for having the willpower to honour the vow.

So you might ask just what happened that led me to break my vow now after being so good for the past 18+ months?

Honestly not a clue as I was online yesterday doing some research to help my son study for his Financial Accounting Final exam when Facebook notified me that I had new friend request, which is odd in and of itself given I don't have a public profile for a variety of reasons, primarily related to privacy for my children, and I opened my FB account to see this notification and literally before I even knew I was doing it found myself typing Corinne's name in the search box.

Of course FB being the little enabler that it is completed my search with her full name and opened up her profile right before my very eyes. Damn Mark Zuckerberg and his creation.

So as I sat there pondering the betrayal of my vow it dawned on me that I really liked her profile picture, it was a new selfie taken in her SUV and in it she was flashing that sweet smile I had grown accustomed to seeing flashed my way.

But something about it just screamed out to me.

That rattled me a bit as beside that smile, which is plenty enough reason for me, I wasn't sure what was keeping my focus so intent on the picture.

Think I sat there for a few minutes before I started to smile and knew what it was..........

I'm more than positive that the earrings she is wearing in the picture were my Christmas gift to her from 2014. I'm pretty sure that was the only time in my life I've purchased earrings for a woman before and it just came to me as I was walking past the Pandora store in the Bayshore Shopping Centre one day after work.

It makes me feel good to know she still has them and hopefully each time she puts them on she thinks of me and has good memories of me and our time together, as I do of her when I play a round of golf with the clubs she bought me for my birthday.

Someone once said to me that sometimes we meet the right person at the wrong time and I used to wonder if that was our story but I tend to think that......

if the heart matters enough, timing doesn't

My name is Marcus and I've renewed that vow once again, not because of any pain but rather to keep that memory untainted in my heart.

Today's musical recommendation is a little old school.......The Way You Look Tonight by old blue eyes himself, Mister Frank Sinatra

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Heavy is the.......

Wednesday, December 05/18

So in one of the episodes of The Crown Elizabeth is talking to her grandmother and she is told something that made me think about how that is true about love.....

"Heavy is the head that holds the crown"

I was laying in bed this morning when that phrase just popped into my thoughts but more along the lines of love and my interpretation goes something like this.....

"Heavy is the heart that has been broken"

We've all had our heart broken at one time or another and had that aching hollow feeling inside our chest where our heart used to reside.

More often than not it's been broken by someone else's action but there are those rare times we take an action that results in this pain being self inflicted, it's rare but does happen, most often when you know the decision to end things is for the best in the long run but know it's going to hurt like hell in the short run, exceedingly hurt like a mother fucker!!

I've been on both sides of that equation and neither side feels good. I hated having my heart ripped out by someone, hated ripping it out myself when I had to end something, and hated the pain I caused someone who I could no longer be with but who once meant something to me.

Sometimes the pain is transitory and other times it's like the damn thing puts down roots and won't let go no matter what you do.

I had transitory when my marriage ended and I was looking at starting fresh in life. Roots of a damn oak tree was what I went through when things went south with Corrine, being honest requires me to admit that I doubt all those roots have been dug up and removed just quite yet, though I've made enough progress to put myself back out there for another shot at the so called golden ring.

Now I'm the first to admit that the mere thought of putting myself back out there is enough to give me heart palpitations and not the good kind when you make eye contact with someone across a room and just feel that electric shock course through your body, and we've all had that so don't even think about playing dumb on this one folks as I'll call bullshit right away.

But I am doing just that, putting myself back in the game so to speak, as I've come to realize that I'd rather risk the possibility of getting hurt than sit on the sidelines and moan and bitch about how much I hate being alone, and I've come to realize more and more the last few months that I really do hate being alone, probably more than I hate the Toronto Maple Leafs and I loathe that organization to my very core so that's saying quite a bit.

So there may come a time, hopefully sooner rather than later as I'm not getting any younger, when I meet a nice woman who so catches my eye that I step out of my comfort zone and actually approach her to say something lame like "Hi, how are you doing today?" in the hope she might feel something in return and respond in a positive manner.

People always find it shocking to hear me describe myself as an introvert as they say I don't come across as introverted or shy in the least but it really is how I see myself. It's easier for me to talk in front of a room of 500 people than it is to just talk to one woman I find attractive.

I have no game when it comes to that oh so important first greeting and there are no do overs once you've put your foot in your mouth and have no hope of recovering.

Now having said that I am happy to be open once more to finding love and all it's wonderful intricacies, both small and large.

My name is Marcus and my heart is healed enough to allow someone to get close once again.

Dating Profiles And Some Unsolicited Advice

Wednesday, December 05/18

So as you can see from the date below this one has been on the back burner for a little while and I've actually almost deleted it a few times but decided to resurrect it after seeing a few profiles over the weekend as I went back online.

Sunday, June 03/18

So as part of my ongoing self reflection I've taken down my dating profile and have decided to just let nature take it's course when it comes to me and the possibility of meeting the imperfectly perfect one for me.

Now I've been on and off a dating site since 2007 and have had both good and bad experiences, mostly bad in terms of quantity, the good came from the quality of some pretty amazing women I've had the good fortune to talk with and in two cases actually get to date.

I think I've always tried to be pretty upfront and honest when it came to my profiles and hope that what anyone saw was the real me in terms of my looks, yes there were pictures, and my intentions, based on what I wrote about myself and what I was seeking.

First and foremost I've always stated that I'm a romantic at heart. I believe in love and the ever lasting happiness it can bring when two people really give it a try. I believe in butterflies, holding open doors, not following some dumb 3 day rule before calling or texting after the first date, that a kiss is as far as one should ever go on a first date, and that love should never be confused with getting another notch on a bedpost, for either party.

My dating profile was brutally honest about who I was and I never shied away from calling it like I saw it when I came to my appearance with my words or my pictures. I'm not God's gift to women and I'm actually fine with that. I know that most women don't give me a second glance when they pass me or I enter a room. But guess what? I'm not here for most women. I'm here for that one who will see beyond the few extra pounds I was carrying or the grey hair that I've had for more years than I care to remember. I'm here for the one who sees my imperfections, and trust me when I say we've all got them, and still thinks I might be worth the effort getting to know.

Being on a dating website has given me ample opportunities to observe far more profiles than I ever thought possible or in reality wanted to see in my life. But online dating really is the new version of passing notes in the hallway or classroom, something those of us who are older can probably relate to more than anyone younger than 25 can in this day and age of electronic mediums and social websites.

So here is my take on some of the things I've come across on profiles....

Pictures! Pictures are good and let's face it both genders are visual despite the theory that it's only men who desire to see a picture.

But here is the thing with pictures, be honest with those you are posting.

So what do I mean when I say be honest with those pictures?

Make sure they are of you or the viewer can at least figure out who you are!

I can't begin to say how many profiles I've come across that had nothing but pictures in a group setting. Do you know how hard it can be to try and determine who the profile belongs to when everyone looks pretty much alike in the picture? If you are going to post a picture in a group setting or with a couple of your girlfriends please cut us some slack and give us a hint which one is you, it's pretty nerve wracking contemplating sending a message when you'd like to comment on the picture but are petrified to say anything for fear lest you mention the wrong woman in the the picture.

Oh, and maybe post some pictures taken in the last year or so. I've come across so many pictures that are 5 years or older, heck there are quite a few that I've come across with pictures from university days and that is just wrong in so many ways.

On another note, I get it that paint night is the new thing and applaud all the efforts being made to expand your horizons and take on new challenges but is it really necessary to post 5+ pictures of various paintings you've done over the last year? I'm talking along the lines of 5 pictures of paintings out of a total of maybe 6-7 on the profile.

While we are at it, let's cut back on the dog and cat pictures as well okay. The majority of us like pets but does anyone really need to see 4 pictures of Mr. Whiskers and 3 of Princess Mika? No, I didn't think so either. Unless you want the guy thinking crazy cat lady I'd say leave those off the site completely.

Additionally, I can't begin to count the number of profiles that have far too many scenery pictures posted. Here is my tip on posting those - don't or leave it at one at the most and make it somewhere interesting like Europe or Australia and not the dock at a cottage or a tree. Seen plenty of those and they leave me wondering what the person was thinking by posting them.

Don't even get me started on pictures taken using a Snap chat filter........

There is no straight man alive who will look at a profile picture taken using a Snap chat filter of you with bunny ears or stars exploding around your face and think to himself "I've so got to meet this woman, she's the one for me"  Should any man actually send you a message complimenting you on using a Snap chat filter in a profile picture all I can say is run. Run Fast and run far as that is the kind of guy who says things like "it puts the lotion on or it gets the hose"....yes, a Silence of the Lambs quote.

So now that we've got the whole picture issue addressed once and for all, let's move onto the actual wording of your profile.

This one is easier. Just tell us a little about yourself and what you are hoping to find in a potential boyfriend. Less isn't more and more isn't less if you know what I mean.

You just want to tease us with a few interesting things about yourself. Do you like sports and what kind, are you into music and big on attending festivals, do you live to travel and what are some future spots you'd like to see.

Just give us some clues as to what makes you you so we can make an informed decision if we dare to reach out and make first contact.

Regardless of how many trolls are on the various websites believe me when I say that the majority of men are beyond scared when it comes to making the first move, despite the many messages you might get that are down right disgusting in nature, trust me I've heard all about them from friends and readers of the blog, there are actually some decent guys looking to make a connection, one that might actually, possibly, maybe, potentially end up leading to a real date.

Now before anyone gets their knickers in a bunch relax, I know there are just as many issues with men's profiles but I'm not viewing those as I don't bat for the home team, no this guy bats for the visiting team, he appreciates, nay, he loves the female form and always will.

Guys are idiots so nothing I write here will be of any assistance to them but there is the off chance a woman might see something in this blog and go back and review her own profile and see something that might need updating.

My name is Marcus and being an introvert makes dating so damn hard but preserver I shall.....

Today's musical suggestion is "Swimming in Stars" by the Wayfarers

Sunday, November 11, 2018

One Hundred Years Ago...........Lest We Forget

Sunday, November 11, 2018

One hundred years ago today the guns went silent on the western front and the world gave a silent prayer that the horrible conflict known as the Great War had come to an end.

An end for some and a lifetime to deal with it for others.

War is never glorious as it rends bodies and minds, destroys men and women, tears asunder families.

We ask much of those who would protect us and own them even more for the ultimate sacrifice that some will make honouring our request.

It is our sacred duty to remember them and what they gave up for all of us.

My great grandfather stands watch silently in Flanders Field as he has done since 1917.

An uncle rests in the jungles of Borneo where he fell in 1944.

Another uncle lays in his homeland of Italy where he gave his life in 1945.

I think we can all trace a family member and a loss to one of the two world wars that have been waged across the globe, we are all touched by conflict, whether directly ourselves or through the actions of someone close to us, be they family or friend.

I've been touched through both family and friends and will never forget them, I've tried my best to pass on this feeling to my children and will do so with my grandson Jack when I take him to visit the War Memorial in Ottawa.

For those past, present, and future who shall give of themselves, I promise to never forget....

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
  That mark our place; and in the sky
  The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
  Loved and were loved, and now we lie
      In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
  The torch; be yours to hold it high.
  If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
      In Flanders fields.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

My name is Marcus and today I'll be raising a glass in toast to those no longer with us and those away from families making the world a better place

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Ladies & Gentlemen....We Have S N O W !!!!

Saturday, October 27/18

So there I was sitting on the couch with Moki curled up next to me, a pint glass filled with a cold Big Wave Pale Ale, The Nutcracker playing on the sound bar, reading my tablet when what did my peripheral vision see out the front window?

The twinkle of falling snow as it crossed the front porch light made me pause and look out the window to see my front yard slowly turning white.

Now I'm pretty sure it will all melt tomorrow before noon but it was still cool to see as it came earlier than I expected this year.

The funny thing was that while I was walking Moki this morning in the park I had to really bundle up in a heavier jacket than usual, gloves, and a toque as it was -2c. As we were walking I told her that it felt cold enough for snow and we better get all the walks in we can before she begins her annual winter refusal to go for a walk in the snow, sure enough now we have snow and she won't be happy in the morning when she steps out the door and feels it on her paws. spoiled little princess that I've made her.

So stay warm, be safe, and remember to be nice to one another.

Here is my front yard at 8:35 am and the snow is still falling :)

My name is Marcus and while I don't embrace winter like a lot of my fellow Canadians, I don't exactly hate it either as it increases my appreciation for the other three seasons.

Today's musical recommendation is Vertigo by Khalid.  I'm not sure why this song touched me the way it did but I literally started to feel tear's on my cheeks when I heard this song for the first time this afternoon. He has such an amazing voice and coupled with the lyrics this one just seemed to reach inside my chest and gently squeeze my heart, reminding me that is is better to feel something, even pain, rather than being numb to life.

Let's Talk About..............Golf

Friday, October 19/18

Given the time of year it seems kind of odd to talk about golf but I've always marched to a different drummer than most people :)

Additionally, seeing how few posts I've done lately the reader might have expected my newest entry to talk about love, relationships, the recent legalization of marijuana, or the polarization between the left and the right here in Canada.  Rest assured, these are still topics near to my heart and sure to result in a post or two down the road.

But for now, let's talk about my 4th favourite thing in life - Golf :-)

Wait, you ask what are numbers 1-3?

Really? you can't figure that one out by yourself......gotta say that makes me wonder.....

Number 1 - Jack, my incredibly awesome grandson who is the pure light in my heart.
Number 2 - my daughter and son, both of whom amaze me every single day with the adults they've developed into over the years. Might now have worked out with they're mother, but man did we make two pretty amazing kids, if I do say so myself, and I do say so!
Number 3 - Moki the Wonder Puppy. I know at 7 years old she isn't really a puppy but she still acts like one and probably will her entire life.

Coming in number 4 is golf, though I do like to tell the kids that sometimes it's Jack and than Golf in my order of preferences lol

So back to golf.........

I got a late start to my game this year due to the health scare, surgery, and complications, didn't really play my first round until early July but did try and make up for it by playing multiple rounds every weekend at my club, Stittsville Golf.

Due to the health issue and corresponding late start I didn't renew my membership and thus ended up playing the majority of my rounds in the afternoon when rates were better.

I think I managed to play around 25 rounds, down substantially from last years +50 rounds all around the Ottawa region.  All of my rounds this year were at Stittsville, due to the aforementioned pricing as well as the course being fairly close to home and I know it like the back of my hand.

Now even though I didn't get as many round in this season as last I still consider it one of my best seasons ever!!

What made it so good? A lot of things I guess come into play when I make that statement. First among them was the simple fact that I got to play at all when there was a chance that wouldn't be the case at the start of the year. I think that fact more than anything convinced me to play a couple of rounds back in January when we were down in Mexico for my daughters wedding. As much as I love to play, I'm quite adverse to playing a round with anything other than my own clubs for the simple reason that I know my distances with them, other clubs leave me feeling confused as the distances hit by various clubs can vary by up to 15 yards. Now that might not seem like much but when you are 145 yards out and know you can hit your 7 iron and put the ball on the green it means everything, as if you now find yourself 15 yards short of the green or 15 yards past the green you can find yourself in a bunker or water, should the hole be an island green.

I got lucky in Mexico and with my first round was given a set of Ping G20's, only one version older than my own Pings G30's, and clubs I was familiar with, though there was no Hybrid to hit off the fairways and thus I was forced to actually hit a fairway wood, not something I enjoy.  The second round was with a set of Titlelist irons and Callaway woods that included a nice 4 Hyrbid. The Titlelist were really easy to hit and were as nice as my own Pings but mine about $600 cheaper to buy brand newlol

My Mexico rounds were decent, one 89 and one 93, one played with my ex's boyfriend, a decent guy who I enjoyed playing with, and the last round as part of a foursome with some other people from the resort. This round may eventually end up being a separate blog as it was pretty much any single heterosexual males dream group, I'll let you ponder than and come up with your own visions lol.

The other factors that made the season my best ever included getting asked to play in our companies foursome for the annual golf tournament put on by the parent company. The group I joined had finished in 2nd place 3 years running and we managed to win it this year by 1 stroke!!!  Not that I was the deciding factor as I had to have some of the shortest drives but my wedge work and putting more than made up for my lack of distance in this best ball format.

The final factor was my traditional birthday round of golf. Now for my birthday every year I treat myself to a round at a course that is usually out of my range price wise. Last year it was The Marshes and the two years prior to that included Loch March and The Canadian.

This year I played my birthday round at Stittsville, not an expensive course but the difference was that my son joined me for a full round of golf, the first time we've played a round together in probably 9 years or so. What made it better was that it was his idea to play a round with me. I had a huge smile when we checked in at the clubhouse and got to introduce him to everyone and saw the look on his face when he realized every single person we interacted with knew me on a first name basis and had something nice to say to me, from the club pro to the women working the refreshment stand to the groundskeeper we ran into on the first tee who let me know pin placements on each hole since they'd switched over to new flags and the colour codes weren't on the scorecards yet.

I didn't play a bad round, shot an even 90, but probably got a bigger kick out of watching my son play so well and hear him tell me at the end that he couldn't wait for our round next year on my birthday.

Golf has been and will continue to be my own versions of yoga and meditation all rolled into one.

Now matter how bad I play, and trust me the bad rounds happen far more often than I'd like, I still come away feeling mentally recharged. I use the time on the course to think over the things going on in my life, talking to myself as I play the round, reminding myself of the little things I need to focus on, and reminding myself that each day is like a clean slate, to be filled with the words and actions that I want without influence from yesterday or tomorrow.

Now here is the odd thing about my golf season this ended back in early September when I put my clubs away even though there was still probably about a month of golf left for 2018.

Why did I put them away so early you are probably wondering.........the answer is simple to me but probably not simple enough for anyone else to understand.

It was simply the right time for me to stop playing. My season had more good rounds than bad and I wanted to end it on a high note, so with the tournament win and my birthday round in August, followed up with two rounds in the mid to high 80's the time was right to put the sticks away for another year.

Every year I seem to make one big purchase that fills a gap in my golf bag. 2015 saw the new Ping G30 irons added courtesy of Corinne, 2016 was a new Nike Vapour Driver, 2017 was a new Titlelist Vokey Wedge, and this year was, well nothing really. I replaced my worn out golf shoes but between a $50 gift card from my son from last Christmas and a scratch off ticket at Golf Town that took an additional 25% of the cost I ended up spending something like $26 for new Adidas spikeless golf shoes.

Now 2019 will be another story as I plan on getting a new putter and will go about doing it the right way and get fitted properly, like I did when I got the new Pings in 2015. I've never really invested in a great putter and given it is literally the only club you are 100% going to use on every single hole, unless you manage to hole out a wedge shot, it makes sense to make an investment in a good one.

It's not like I have had bad putters in my bag. My ex gave me a nice Taylor Made Nubbins as a wedding gift back in 2001 but it's kind of gotten a bit long in the tooth, like the guy using it lol, others I've used include another Taylor Made (Ghost), a decent Ping Shea H, and the current Taylor Made (White Smoke). The problem is one is perfectly balanced (White Smoke) but more like a traditional blade putter and other is a semi mallet design (Ping Shea H) that isn't as balanced. I spent this season switching back and forth between the White Smoke and the Shea H but never really felt completely comfortable with either one to fully commit to it.

I'm leaning towards a Titlelist Scotty Cameron but they run between $300-$500 each, kind of steep but still my preference as I know I'll get good use out of it if I can only get the right length and alignment.

Oh, and I have to get my irons regripped but that probably won't be more than $75 or so. I learned the hard way that irons need to be regripped about every 50 rounds or so, I left the grips on my old irons from 2000 to 2014 and could I ever feel the difference when the new grips were installed, like 10 yards of additional distance difference :-)

So that's my post on golf this season. I had some great rounds, a couple I'd like to forget, one tournament win, one father son bonding round, and some things to consider for next season.

My name is Marcus and I'm coming to slowly realize that the odds of my shooting in the low 80's are probably better than the odds of me meeting my one, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up...yet

Today's musical suggestion is Patio Lanterns by Kim Mitchell. A good Canadian artist from the 90's who knew how to turn a lyric.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving Canada

Sunday, October 07/18

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving in Canada and I wanted to take a moment to wish all my fellow Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving, hoping you are able to share some warm times and good food with family and friends.

My son and I will be heading over to my daughters house tomorrow to partake of some turkey, ham, and all the fixings. When I saw her this morning she was literally bouncing with anticipation about hosting the family dinner, so much that I had to stifle my laugh lest she think I wasn't taking her serious.

Over the years I've watched both my kids develop into well rounded adults, who have brought me much joy a little worry now and again, but in the end I've come to realize that the ex and I did a pretty damn good job raising them as co-parents.

I know that my son has it easier with me than my daughter did as I came into her life when she was 5 years old and really learned how to be a dad with her, much to his benefit, but at the same time I don't remember that part of my life where I wasn't her daddy.

Life can throw us some unexpected twists but the key is being able to keep your feet from becoming too firmly planted so you can change directions as warranted.

Three years ago I was making my first Thanksgiving Dinner for my family, albeit with a lot of assistance from Corinna, and I can say thinking back on that day makes me appreciate those who have come into my life, whether for a moment, a season, or forvever!!

Forever doesn't mean they are physically still part of your life but that the influence they created has stayed with you through the test of time.

I'm pretty damn lucky to say that has been the case with a couple of people who had large parts in shaping the man I am today.

Stay warm and always are important to someone, whether you might not realize it or not.


Today's musical recommendation is an oldie but goodie......"We've Got Tonight" by Bob Segar & The Silver Bullet Band

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Ponder this and I'll be back in a bit

Sunday, September 30/18

There are two gifts every parent should give their children:

Roots upon which to grow and wings with which to discover the world around themselves.

It's been far longer than I like since I last posted a blog and there really is no solid reason for it other than I just haven't been putting the time into getting any presentable.

Not like there aren't a lot of things I can blog about but more just me not being able to motivate myself to do them, and no it's not because I've been busy golfing or dating, though I was doing both  of those things for a bit, maybe there is a blog entry about each of my recent adventures around each of them lol


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Hitting the 5 Year Mark Soon

Wednesday, August 22/18

So I was looking at the statistics for the blog earlier tonight and have to admit to being a little bit impressed with it.

I've got 521 entries posted over a 5 year span, or an entry every 3.5 days. That's a better rate than I actually imagined I was generating. Granted, some of those days saw multiple posts and there were long stretches where I didn't even look at the blog, but still, you've got to give me some props for hitting the +500 mark for a blog that isn't designed to make me any money :-)

The other fact that still amazes me is the number of countries in which people have read an entry from the blog. Still leading the way are Canada and the United States, but pushing hard for recognition are England, Australia, Russia, and Germany.

I've got 9 entries in draft mode that may or may not see the light of day anytime soon, really sort of depends on my mood and how I think they'll be perceived.

I'll admit there have been times I wish this was all I did and other times I wish I'd never written the first entry, it's been both a boon and a curse at different times in my life.

In many ways I view the blog like I do dating......a necessary evil in order to retain the last shreds of my sanity and possibly not end up alone in my old age.

So come October I'll have a nice glass of Pinot Grigio to celebrate five years online baring my soul, the joys and tears of dating in today's age of online instant buffet satisfaction, and maybe be a bit closer to meeting my one........or no closer than I was yesterday....guess time will tell


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A Couple Of Thoughts On The Dance We Call Dating..........

Wednesday, August 22/18

So I've been sort of busy the last little while and as a consequence kind of neglecting the blog.

To make amends for this egregious behavior please enjoy the snippets below and know I've got a couple of new entries nearing completion :)

"I'm just not looking for anything serious right now" - a woman who's about to start a long term relationship....with someone else.

"Let's definitely still be friends, though, okay?" - a woman you will never hear from again.

"You're so paranoid, babe. It's just my roommate" - a woman who is definitely texting guys she met on the Internet during your dinner date.

"I really need to work on myself" - a woman who thinks you should probably work on yourself.

"I'm, like totally cool with the casual thing" - a woman who's been planning her wedding day since she was six years old.

"I'm absolutely not a fuck boy" - A Fuck Boy.

"Don't you think monogamy is such an antiquated concept" - a man who will cheat on you as soon as the honeymoon stage ends.

"Eight rock hard inches" - An exaggerator.

"Maybe someday, when the timing is better" - a woman who could not be less interested in ever seeing you again.

"No, nice guys don't always finish last" A girl who has never dated a nice guy in her entire adult life.

"I need some space" - A guy who is too nice to tell you he hates the way you chew.

"He's really.....funny" - A girl who thinks you're cute, but not cute enough to date.

"You  Never  Said  We  Were  Exclusive" - a guy with multiple side-chicks.

"What biological clock? I don't want babies until I'm thirty five" a twenty-nine-year-old single woman trying desperately not to freak out her date.

"I can't feel anything when I use one of those" - A pull out method advocate.

"Do you believe in soul mates?" - A man who will undoubtedly get in your pants before the night is over.

"I'm not crazy" - A psycho stage-five clinger.

"I love you" - A glutton for punishment.

All of the above are courtesy of "The Monday Girl" by Julie Johnson

My name is Marcus and I'm still reading romance stories on my iPad, AKA the Glutton for Punishment :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Nulli Secundus........A Simple Latin Phrase

Wednesday, August 08/18

Nulli Secundus.........Second to none

I first heard this phrase a few years back and didn't give it the significance it deserved at the time but it's crossed my mind more than a few times and come to have a very special meaning to me.

Honestly, I get so many reminders of that period in my life that I doubt I'll ever not say it to myself at least once a week until the day I take my last breathe.........

Yesterday, today, and all the shall forevermore be Nulli Secundus to me


Update Oct 27/18 - I've received quite a few messages asking who this blog is about and all I'll say is she knows who she is and I hope she understands the message.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Baby Jack's New Game

Sunday, August 05/18

So I was supposed to go over and see my daughter and grandson yesterday while her husband was working but plans got derailed when Jack fought against taking his nap and they ended up getting invited to go to a friends house for some swimming, I was told I could come over later but I had a tee time booked with a friend for the afternoon so we made plans for me to come visit this morning.

When I got there my daughter and son-in-law were in the front yard moving some plants around and Jack was walking around giving them directions. The coolest thing happened as I pulled up and got out of the car, Jack saw me and started yelling and laughing, grabbed his mom's arm and pointed at me. He's been doing stuff like this more and more and I have to admit, he steals more of my heart each time he flashes his smile at me.

When I walked up to them he reached out for to me pick him up, which I did while also planting a smooch on his cheeks, making him laugh and hiding his face in my neck.

He wanted down and when I put him down he grabbed my hand and made me follow him into the garage where his Audi stroller was parked. he climbed in and pointed at the handle for me to push him around lol

I pushed him back to the front yard and asked my daughter if I could take him down to the park for a bit, she agreed and asked her husband to get him a clean shirt and his hat and sandals. Well when he went to pick Jack up to take him inside to change him, Jack lost his mind and started crying and clutching at my leg. My daughter laughed and my son-in-law smiled as he said it looked like grandpa needed to get him ready.

Once I got him changed we walked down to the park where over the course of the next 45 minutes Jack went on the swing, all three slides, and showed grandpa how good he was at climbing the assorted ladders on both play structures before he started to lose steam and looked a little tired.

We said our goodbyes to the other parents and kids at the park and headed home.

When we got home you could see him fighting falling asleep but his mom wanted him to have a little snack before nap time so off to the kitchen we went to have a bagel.

Now here is where it gets fun as Jack wanted a fruit pouch, this snack that had a little lid and lets one squeeze out the fruit and suck it like a straw.

His mom gave him one with apples and banana's that is his favourite. Now I was sitting on the floor facing the couch talking to my son-in-law about my upcoming days off where I'm going to watch Jack while his regular daycare is on holiday when my daughter sat down next to him and started laughing so hard I thought she might wet herself.

She told me to turn around and look at Jack so I did so, except each time I turned one way he'd move over to stay behind me with this little grin on his face, I tried turning the other way and he turned to match my movement, staying just behind me and out of my view. We did this a few times when he started to lift his fruit pouch as if to squirt some on my back and we all burst out laughing, well I was laughing till the little bugger actually squirted me and started dancing around me.

He tried this a couple of more times as my daughter went to scoop him up in her arms, apologizing to me for the mess but I just smiled and told her not to worry as seeing him laugh and smile was worth anything to me.

Jack shortly hit the energy wall at that point and crashed hard for his nap, but not before giving grandpa a kiss and hug.

I'm watching him on the 15th and 16th and can't wait as I've got some activities planned like the splash pad near my house, Chapters for some new books, and even a Dairy Queen run for a cone.

My name is Marcus and my grandson owns my heart lock, stock, and barrel. I'd love to share all of these special moments with him with my one and maybe it will happen, but until that time I guess I'll be greedy to keep them all to myself :)

Today's musical suggestion is Tropicalia by Beck from his 1998 album Mutations.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

If You Have A Few Moments & Need A Laugh

Saturday, August 04/18

So I've been doing more reading and YouTubing than anything lately and stumbled across a this series on YouTube that pays homage to the Addams Family......well sort of, more an adult version of everyone's favourite sociopath in training...Wednesday

It is pretty funny, least to this guy, and maybe you'll like it as well so I've attached a link to season one episode one for you:

Marcus the merry blogger

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I Paused And Had A Chuckle Today

Tuesday, July 31/18

So while I was walking down the street to grab some lunch I passed this sign and had to turn around to read it twice as it made me smile.

On my way back to work I counted approximately 6 other people stopping at it to take a picture and each of us exchanged a smile as we passed one another....

Image may contain: 1 person

My name is Marcus and I'm pretty sure Moki thinks I'm nothing more than her human pillow :-)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Blog Will Be Changing A Bit

Wednesday, July 25/18

So when I started this little blog a few years ago I really had no long term plans on how I wanted to see it go in terms of how often I'd post an entry and over time it's just been sort of a hit or miss with me, dependent on my mood at the time more than anything else.

The one thing I have always felt was that the blog entries needed to have some substance, a little meat if you will, if they were to be taken seriously, and because of that ill conceived notion I've tended to hold back on posting some entries as I didn't feel the length was sufficient enough to get the message across.

Guess you can say that size mattered to me lol

But after spending the last few weeks sort of doing a reassessment of what I want out of life I've started to simplify a lot of things, including the blog, all hopefully for the better.

No longer will posts be held back just because I've not filled them out to such a length that I feel make then reader worthy.

No, now posts will be done based on whether or not they say what I'm feeling.

That means some might have some breadth to them and some might be nothing more than observational in nature, meant to do nothing more than make you pause for a moment and think about the observation, letting you smile in agreement, scratching your head in puzzlement, or shaking your head with an angry mental retort meant as rebuttal to my viewpoint. Any and all of those reactions are fine with me, I'm really just still trying to make you think, you don't need to agree with what I'm saying but please grant me the right to speak my mind, I'll gracefully read any counter argument you might have, realizing that we don't have to see eye to eye to have a constructive debate on a topic.

So as you can see from a couple of the earlier posts this evening, the evolution has already started and will continue over the next little while, stick around for a bit and let me know what you think.

Not all old music is good and not all new music is for thought

My name is Marcus and I follow the adage that if you aren't changing you're most likely stagnating, a little bit each day, something this man isn't willing to allow to happen on his watch.

Today's musical suggestion is "Better Now" by Post Malone.  Makes me wonder how many people who have come and gone from my life think this way..............

I Like My Son.......

Wednesday, July 25/18

I like my son.

I know that might sound like a rather obvious statement for me to make about my son but take a moment and really think about it and what it means.

I love my son unconditionally as every parent should, I'd give my life for him in heartbeat without a moments hesitation.

But the truth is I actually like him as the young man he's developing into.

I watch and listen to his interactions with family and friends and realize that even though his mother and I didn't work out as a couple we still managed to raise an exceptional young man, one who is smart as a whip, athletic, empathetic, understanding, caring, and never seems to ever have a bad word to say about anyone or anything.

I enjoy the moments I get to spend with him, whether it be watching a soccer match, grabbing a pint, or just taking the dog for a walk.

His observations about things happening around us show a deeper understanding of the human condition than I ever had at 19 and his ability to hold a conversation on any number of topics makes me realize that his future is only as set in stone as he wants it to be.........

I think only a parent can really understand the significance of such a simple statement...I like my son, I like my is expected but to actually like the person your child becomes is just the icing on the cake as in this day and age, with the whole "it's about me" mentality that seems to permeate how young people see things, making a lot of people unlikeable, to like your child or sibling says a lot about them as a person.

My name is Marcus and I love my son and daughter, but more importantly, I like my son and daughter, like them a lot do I.

Like & Love

Wednesday, July 25/2018

So I came across this saying in a movie I was watching earlier tonight.

"I like and I love........"

"I like you for the things that make you you...........I love you despite the fact that some of them also drive me nuts"

Kind of an interesting observation and not really looking to add too much to it.

It sort of resonates with me as when I think of some of the people who've come and gone in my life I can honestly I've felt both emotions.


Moki Made a New Friend

Saturday, July 07/18

It's kind of funny that over the years my son has joked that we need to get another puppy as he thinks Moki needs her own pet to make her happy like she does us.

I always laugh and tell him there is no way our pet is going have a pet of her own, resulting in receiving a smirk in response and some comment like "We'll see" or "If you come home to find one there's not much you can do"....the last usually making me remind him that there is a lot I can do and he's best off not opening that door if he knows what's good for himself.

But Karma is a fickle temptress and I really need to remember that more often...........

I was walking Moki down to the park for her morning walk when we came across a cat sitting on the front sidewalk in front of my neighbors Emily & Mike's house. I stopped and watched to see if Gus was going to walk back to the front door when he slowly rose to all four and walked directly up to Moki.

Gus stood there in nose to nose with Moki and suddenly leaned forward and rubbed his whiskers against Moki's muzzle, gave a soft purr, turned around and walked back up onto the deck, and curled up into a ball and went to sleep.

I actually stood there frozen in place asking my self if what I just witnessed actually happened when Emily came outside and asked if Gus just marked Moki has his own. I laughed and said I think so, we smiled at one another and than continued our walk to the park.

About halfway through our walk Moki stopped dead in her tracks and looked back at me as if to say "I can't believe you allowed that thing to touch me, there will be consequences to your treachery and you shall rue the day you let it happen".  Yes, my dog used the word rue in the proper context in a sentence. She's one smart cookie!!!

Now over the past week or so I've noticed that Gus wanders down to my place, jumps up on the brick windowsill to peek into the the living room as if he's checking up on Moki. It is kind of cute and a little bit disturbing as well.

I told my son about this and he mentioned seeing Gus sitting on the deck watching him as he takes Moki for walks and was pretty sure Moki does her little prancing walk when she sees him.

Not sure whether to laugh or cry at the fact that even my damn dog has more game than I do when it comes to meeting someone of the opposite sex lol

My name is Marcus and I've accepted the challenge thrown down at my feet by my diva dog!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Happy Canada Day 2018!!!

Sunday, July 01/18

Today's marks Canada's 151st birthday and man is it a hot one!!

Hot because we rock as a nation and hot because the mercury is pushing it up to 35c and 43c with the Humidex.

I went to the carnival at the Kanata Recreation Centre with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson this morning at 10 am and it was already scorching at that time and within 25 minutes we were heading home as Jack was getting way too flushed for my liking.

Hard to believe that they actually ran a partial marathon this morning - Moki and I got to see some of the runners as part of the course worked it's way through my neighborhood.

I mentioned to my daughter that I might go and play some golf this afternoon and she forbid me from even thinking about it - yes, you read that correctly, she forbid me from golfing in this heat. I laughed at her remark until I saw my son-in-law shaking his head at me and mouthing the words "Don't argue with her".........

Seems she was very upset to learn I'd played the back nine at Stittsville late yesterday and told him she was worried I wasn't ready for that kind of exertion, especially not in this heat, and not so soon after getting cleared from the cancer scare.

So to be a good father and grandfather, I sent her a text a little while ago saying I was staying home today and just enjoying the coolness bestowed upon the house through the air conditioner.

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the long weekend, well those of you in Canada that is, and getting to spend lots of time with friends and family.

I'm heading back to the grind on Tuesday and will keep you updated on how things progress as I'm sort of expecting a chilly reception but don't really give a damn anymore lol

My name is Marcus and I'm a proud Canadian!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Love is........

Thursday, June 28/18

Back on June 16th I posed the question "What is love?"

I've received a lot of messages from readers trying to answer the question but the truth is that there is no correct answer for love is something different for each of us.

I've pondered this question for years and am no closer to a definitive answer today than I was ten years ago and am probably as close today to the answer as I'll be fifteen years from now.

Love is the riddle of life with no answer.....note that I don't say a correct answer nor a wrong answer, but rather no answer.

I think trying to answer that question is as easy as trying to describe the wind to someone using nothing but words. I don't think it's possible just as I don't think the answer to love rests in words either.

Love is like the wind, you can feel it across your cheeks as it gently blows in the late afternoon but try as you might, look around yourself as hard as you like, it still isn't visible to the naked eye. You know it's there but you can't reach out and put your hands around it.  Love is very much like the wind.

Love resides in your mind, it resides it in your heart, and it resides deep inside your body.

It makes you want to cry with joy, it makes you want to cry with hurt, it makes you want shout out in frustration, and it makes you want to shout out to the world when you are madly lost deep within it's throes.

Love is chaos theory, anything is possible and yet nothing is possible.

Love is that vise like feeling around your heart when you think of that someone special. It the unbidden smile you feel when you think of them out of the blue or come across a reminder of them when you least expect it.

Love is butterflies when you look up and see them staring at you, it's the gentle touch of a hand as they pass by you in the kitchen, it's the annoyed look they give you when you are being a pain in the ass at the grocery store and asking if they need a price check on a personal hygiene item knowing you'll be paying for it later.

Love is doing something unasked just because you know it will make them feel good.

Love is foregoing your plans to be there for them when they need you, even when they don't ask or know that they need you with them at that moment.

Love is knowing it's okay to have interests and friends of your own, that you are not whole by being together 24/7, that time apart is as critical to the growth and development of the relationship as time as a couple.

Love sometimes means having to make tough decisions, one's that make your heart hurt but you know are for the best in the long run.

Love might mean ending a relationship before it's time so that the pain in the longer run is minimized for the other person , regardless of how much pain you feel in the here and now.

I used to love the line from Love Story where Ali McGraw tells Ryan O'Neal's character "Love means never having to say you're sorry" but over the years and a few stumbles along the way I've learned love really means being able to say you're sorry and meaning it from the bottom of your heart without holding in any repressed feelings or resentment.

There are a tonne of definitions on what is love but I think the only one that counts is the one you feel inside you, the one that makes you want to be with someone through thick and thin, the one that doesn't make it easy to put them aside but rather makes you want to be the best person you can for them.

My name is Marcus and I've truly loved two women in my life. One is the mother of my children and to this day one of my best friends and the other is the one who really made me see the world around myself and want to be a better person for her and myself.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hero's Come in Many Shapes and Forms

Tuesday, June 19/18

I was out driving to an appointment today and noticed quite a few groups of students out on field trips and it reminded me of a conversation I'd had with my neighbor Carrie, who is a grade school teacher, that the school year is winding down and made me think of teachers I've had in the past who left an impression on me.

My grade three teacher Mr. Horn was the first of several who saw something in me and didn't give up when I wasn't quite ready to be the student I could be. Given that I work with numbers on a daily basis it might come as a bit of a surprise to learn I hated math with a passion, so much so that I had convinced myself that I was too stupid to do basic multiplication tables. Luckily for me Mr. Horn harbored no such illusions and spent countless hours helping me learn my math and also instilled in me a sense of self confidence to tackle things as they come up and not hide behind a self proclaimed ignorance.

Mrs. Mienke from grade six encouraged my love of the written word through writing stories and my thoughts down in a journal and reading anything and everything I could get my hands on. I think this blog is partially her doing as it goes back to those days when things at home were not going as well as they should have been and I would express my anger and fears in my journal rather than hold them inside where they would fester and make a preteen into a bitter teen. I'm happy to say that my son has followed this pattern by writing his own stories and using books to explore the world around him, without the issues that made me do that many years ago.

In high school it was Mr. Schwandt who offered me an outlet and set me on my future when he talked me into talking primary accounting in grade 11. Again with the numbers right lol  Mr. Schwandt was going through a very bitter divorce and custody battle for his daughter but not once did he let those feelings effect how he taught his business classes nor the words of encouragement he had for every one of his students. It was him who made me think I could not only succeed at university but continue onto pursue a graduate degree when the time was right.

I was one of literally hundreds or thousands of students each of these teachers had in a class and I wonder if they ever knew the incredible impact they had on us and especially this man as he transitioned from grade school onto high school and further into life as a man.

We call people hero for a lot of reasons. Some spend hours with our children helping them learn, some wear the badge of a police officer, the stethoscope of a doctor or nurse, some respond to accidents in an ambulance, and some wear a uniform and man the watch at all hours of the night safeguarding us from those who would do us harm.

I've been fortunate enough to date one such woman and had several other hero's make a positive impact on my life through simple acts of kindness.

So next time you see someone you consider a hero take a moment and smile at them and say thank you. It's not much but I bet it will make them smile back at you.


Sunday, June 17, 2018

What Constitutes Dating?

Sunday June 17/18

So I received a response on my question "What is love?" that sort of baffled me.

Here is the message in it's entirety............

"Why do you care what love is since you are only interested in dating as many women as you can, maybe this is some lame attempt to make up for lost opportunities or to relive your university days once more.

Maybe you should focus less on dating and more on building a real relationship with one woman and not feeding your ego by dating multiple women at the same time.

It's men like you who give the good guys trying to find love a horrible reputation and make it hard for anything meaningful to develop"

Kind of harsh and not entirely warranted if I do say so myself.

I don't believe any of my blog entries have talked about dating as much as I can but were more then clear that my intent is to meet my one and see what can develop with equal effort by the two of us.

Does this mean I might have to meet more than one woman while I pursue this goal? Absolutely.

But I don't date multiple women at a time - never have and never will. I'm more respectful than that and it would set a piss poor example for my son, daughter is out of the equation now that she is married.

I think at my worst I've seen two women in the same week and both of those were first time get together for a drink to see if we even liked how the other person looked and acted in real life.

Maybe the sender has confused these first meetings as dates but I'm pretty sure that meeting someone for the first time doesn't bestow any form of exclusivity to things.

I've honestly only dated four (4) women since my marriage ended back in 2007, and by dating I mean we actually went out more than 3 times, visited one another's residence, and actually did some activities together other than meeting for a drink.

Monique, Liz, Karine, and Corinne constitute my entire dating portfolio under the definitions outlined below. One high energy woman, one taller than me, one Quebecois with the cutest accent, and one smarter than me and heart stoppingly beautiful.

That's it, just 4 women who I can honestly say I dated.

I've had far more first time meet ups that didn't pan out but that is the nature of trying to meet someone in this day and age. Some of these women made me smile and want a real date but I guess they didn't get the same vibe I got and passed on my offer, some of them generated nothing in me other than the thought that they were nice but not my cup of tea and I wished them well in finding love, and a rather limited number left me feeling so completely at a loss for words that I would not have considered another opportunity had they been the last woman on the planet, hell one left me feeling like I needed to go home and take a shower using bleach to get the residue off my skin. In fairness I'm sure there are s few who probably felt the same about me and that's life so no loss on either side.

No, my dating history is much thinner than you might think and I believe that goes a long way in showing that I don't take this process litely, but rather have been more than willing to put in my time in trying to find the one for me.

Dating isn't easy but before you even get to the stage where you want to date someone you've got to meet them and that is the crux of the matter. This may sound harsh and I don't mean for it to come out that way but I'll let you be the judge - finding someone you actually want to spend time with is almost a numbers game in the new dating world in which we reside. The majority of people join online dating websites and that just pushes endless opportunities at you in the form of new profiles, these profiles may or may not be real, they may or may not accurately reflect the individual and their intentions, but the only way one can know anything is if there is that first face to face meeting, and that my friend does not make for a date.

I ran my numbers a few years ago on the number of women I've met and I used to think they were high but after doing the analysis I came back thinking I'm probably on the low end of the spectrum, not really helping me in my desire to meet the one but leaving me feeling good about my actions and letting me continue taking one step forward at a time.

Sure there are men who look to date as many women as possible, just as there are women looking to do the same in the new world of equality, and I'm okay with that as long as there is full disclosure by both parties going in that the end result isn't to secure an exclusive relationship but rather to have some fun and kill some empty time in their lives.

For me, I'm not looking to pad my numbers but rather increase my opportunities to meet someone I think is special and maybe she feels the same towards me and we can see where things go.

So that is my take on dating, let me know what you think as I do value feedback, never said I'm an expert and every little bit can only help me in my search for love.

My name is Marcus and these are my adventures in trying to meet the one woman who is imperfectly perfect for me.

Today's musical suggestion is an oldie but goody....."Everlasting Love" by Carl Carlton.

Happy Father's Day

Sunday, June 17/18

I'd like to wish all the Father's out there a Happy Father's Day as well as all the women pulling double duty as both mother and father.

Being a parent has to be one of the toughest jobs in the world, one that doesn't come with training, least none other than on the job, or a manual for how to be a good parent.

The sad fact is that anyone can procreate a child into the world but not everyone is fit to be a good parent.

Being a good parent doesn't mean making sure they have the hottest brands in apparel, the latest cell phone, or money to spend.

No, being a good parent means providing them with the necessary skills to make good decisions, empathize with other, being able to not only know right from wrong but to act accordingly, and bringing something to society other than their mere presence. It means trying to leave the world better than you found it.

I think a lot of us learn from the examples set for us by our own parents and family and friends with children, what we observe that works and doesn't, how the relationship evolves, and the results as things progress.

My parents loved me, of that I'm sure, but they were absentee parents always working to build a business, one they wanted to retire from and have me take over, the problem with that scenario was that nobody asked me if that was something I'd like to do. It wasn't and caused more than a few fights when I finally developed enough of a backbone to express my feelings.

I played high school football, wasn't good enough to be considered for a division one program but could have probably played division two if I wanted. I realized the summer before my senior year that I needed to focus on my grades in order to go to the university I wanted and gave up playing to buckle down and get the numbers I needed.

When I told my parents my decision you'd have thought I was speaking in tongue for the reaction I received back. What really floored me was these were the same parents who combined managed to make it out approximately one half of one game over three seasons, that is one half of one game out of 30 games, less than 2% of the total time played. That stuck with me and I vowed at that point to never be an absentee parent whenever the opportunity for children came into my life.

I've followed a simple doctrine when dealing with my kids - what would my parents have done and than I do the opposite. Now some might view that as a jab at my parents and maybe it is, but it's also a smart strategy as I know for a fact my own parents never had a clue as to what my classes were in high school or even my grades, they never bothered to ask me or the school. My kids have had two active parents who place a great emphasis on education and have been actively involved knowing about classes and grades, making resources available when needed, our own knowledge and that of others.

When I became partners with my daughters mother she did something that blew my mind. She let me be the parent to take our daughter to the first day of school, attend the parent teacher conferences, and take part in her swim lessons. I was confused at first and felt like she was abdicating her role as parent and she explained to me that she knew how much I wanted to be a father and had already done all those firsts already and wanted to share those moments with me to give me the memories she knew I craved more than anything.

When our son came along we split things pretty much equally and think we've all benefited from it.

Being a parent is so damn hard in this day and age. It's like advanced Humanity, you better want it bad and be willing to put the time in without any expectations on getting rewarded.

But here is the thing, there is a reward, just not one you can monetize in any way.

It comes in the look your children will give you out of the blue that says they love and appreciate all you do for them. The comments you'll receive from other parents, teachers, and coaches on how much they like having your child around.

I know tomorrow is supposed to be about our kids celebrating us as Father's but the truth is that I'll be celebrating the incredible love I feel for my kids and how they make me feel like a wonderful father day in and day out. My 19 y/o son gives me hugs out of the blue and tells me he loves me in front of his friends without a second thought. My daughter calls and texts me all the time to share things going on with her and her own family so I can be part of things.

My son works tomorrow from 4 pm on wards so we'll be doing lunch and than I'm heading over to see my daughter and grandson where I think I'm going to get a hand made craft from Jack, and probably cry a little as well since that little guy makes my heart swell 3 sizes whenever I'm around him. My daughter will ask me a lot of questions about how I'm doing and I'll try my best to reassure her but I don't think she'll ever feel comfortable after the recent health scare, but than she is now a mother and her own protection gene has kicked in. My ex will send me a text reminding me that I'm a great dad and the kids are lucky to have me as they're father, but the truth is I'm the lucky one and have been for over 24 years now.

My name is Marcus and I'll be the guy with the big smile tomorrow as I share some time with my children. I'm getting better every day and still searching for my one, the one who is imperfectly perfect for this old man.