Monday, November 30, 2015

My Experience with Yoga

November 30/15

My musical recommendation today is Sugar by Robin Schultz featuring Francesco Yates

So yesterday I swung by Movati to pick up my new cool blue gym bag and make my first use of the club and facilities.

Now because I'm having my prelim assessment today I didn't partake of the weights or cardio pumping equipment but rather decided to try my hand at some yoga with the thinking that if it works out as hoped that my core flexibility will be increased, thus helping my golf swing, and my inner peace might be enhanced as well, making me feel more calm and relaxed.

Now there was one class that seemed perfect as it was for beginners and my first thought was "Uh, hello, first timer here" :)

I was very nervous as we've all seen those movie scenes where a guy goes to such a class and spends the entire time there staring at the women. That was the last thing on my mind and I think it showed very early during the class, much to my benefit.

I took a spot near the back as I didn't want to stand out too much when things either got too much for me or I was just so uncoordinated and unable to follow the routines.

The first few minutes went well and I wasn't feeling too stressed out but then the transition to new positions began and things sort of started to fall apart for this guy. Since I didn't want to give the impression that I was staring I just went back and did the original moves and thus avoided having to look around too much.

There were more than a few smiles and seeing as how I had to be older than most of the women there by at least 10-15 years I guess that was to be expected.

As things finished up the instructor came over to talk to me and asked me why I was there. Not in a harsh manner but just really out of curiosity more than anything else seeing as how I was the only guy in the class. I explained that I was a new member and not really clear on how yoga works but didn't want to be one of those guys who attends thinking they'll score some numbers or things along those lines. She smiled and said if I'm not there to make connections what am I hoping to gain, I told her about my love, addiction, to golf and how my weight has been working against my swing as well as my stamina and that I was open to trying new things to help my game. She laughed and said as a fellow golfer she totally understood and applauded my ability to think beyond the driving range.

You've got to love it when someone actually uses golf lingo in the proper way :)

She asked why I didn't move to the front of the class if I wasn't sure and I burst out laughing and told her my courage stopped at the door and though I didn't want to be caught staring I also didn't want to be the brunt of anymore laughs than I needed too given my shape......she smiled and told me to not worry so much, she was actually more impressed with my desire to change things up in my life than anything else.  She suggested a few other classes I might like that will help me with my flexibility and energy levels and said she expected to see me around the gym more often.

So while I sucked at my first yoga class, I did come away feeling a bit better about myself and not so worried that people will think I'm there for all the wrong reasons :)

One day down on the path to a new and better me..........

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Addendum to the Black Friday Blog

November 29/15

I've been flooded with messages asking about the little revelation on my last blog and just wanted to say I won't be expanding upon it.

While I normally have no issues writing about things going on in my life, the simple truth remains that I'm still dealing with the rawness of this wound and in hindsight, wish I'd never mentioned my original intentions for this weekend but sometimes the words fly before the brain can catch up and put the brake on things....kind of like how I handled that dark Monday back in October.

So please, no more questions on it as that is one of only a few topics I've noted as off limits.

Enjoy your Sunday and we'll chat more during the week :)


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black Friday Weekend: A Little Of This And A Little Of That

Saturday, November 28/15

My musical recommendation is "Full Circle" by Half Moon Run

Interesting lyrics with totally kick ass instrumentals. Oddly enough this one sort of reflects where I'm at in my life right now.

So it's Black Friday weekend with all the crazy sales going on around us coupled with massive amounts of football, both collegiate and professional.  When I was younger and living in Southern California this was the big week at it meant the USC/UCLA game or the SDSU/BYU match up and both could be really intense.  These days it doesn't mean to the same to me as I'm no longer living in the southland but rather The True North and quite proud of it.

I was talking with someone the other day and when she discovered I was from California her first comment was "No Fucking Way!!!  You don't have an accent"  and I could have literally kissed her as that is the first time in over 20 years someone didn't tell me they could tell I was American.

She asked me if I missed living down there and if I thought of myself as American or Canadian. Without hesitating I said I'm Canadian and don't miss a thing about living down there in the least, and as I rode the elevator up to my desk I smiled at myself in the mirror and realized that I've felt this way for far longer than I knew...........I bleed red as I am Canadian and proud of my country and all we stand for.......just as I'm proud to say I've got red blood for the American in me, but should push come to shove I'll always stand under the Maple Leaf.

I booked Black Friday off from work but not so I could go shopping as I'd rather have both of my testicles removed using a rusty sugar spoon without any anesthesia than venture forth to any mall in North America. As the saying goes "My momma didn't raise her any fools"

No, I booked it off so I could do something for the first time since I've been in Canada and that's get winter tires on my car. Now some might ask what made me do this now after not doing so the previous 19 winters and the answer is son is 16 and has his G1 drivers license and I don't want anything to happen when he's mastering driving on snowy, wet, and potentially icy roads. Great reason in my mind and yet comes 19 years too late as I should have been doing this all along as my life matters as well and if I'd been in a horrible accident it would have affected my ex, my daughter, and potentially meant my son might never have made his appearance at 2:11 in the morning 16 year ago.  It's done and something I'm going to keep doing as even though we haven't seen any heavy snow fall yet, knock on wood, I've already noticed better traction on the roads the past two days.

My kids left yesterday for Pittsburgh with their mom and stepfather to catch the Penguins game tonight and do some shopping. I texted my daughter asking her how the flight was and she told me that my son had experienced a severe headache, bad enough to make a sixteen year old cry in public and had him trembling, on the flight from Ottawa to Toronto before catching the connecting flight to  Pittsburgh. This coupled with finding out he'd come home from school on Thursday and gone right to bed saying he was tired had me reliving my December from 2009 when he ended up almost dying on us due to a sinus infection and brain abscess. I took a moment to gather my composure before calling my ex to see what was happening. She told me she'd gotten him some Advil and that seemed to help but she was baffled as to what was happening as he's flown a lot and was actually on planes back in August when they went to Europe. I wondered aloud if maybe it was the quick change in pressure associated with the ascent from Ottawa and descent into Toronto that triggered it as we don't usually fly from here to Toronto and maybe he's got some sinus congestion. That made us both ponder it and since he seemed fine from Toronto to Pittsburgh is probably just what happened but we'll be taking no chances and taking him to see our doctor next week.

I sent my daughter another text last night asking how things were going and she said J was doing great, had a good lunch, she'd done some shopping with her mother, and they were soon heading off to see a movie. Then she added one final line that made me laugh.....Pittsburgh is kind of ghetto

My old CFO called me asking if I was busy Friday night as he just moved into a new house a little while back and needed some help getting his home theatre set up and there was beer and pizza in it for me if I helped........told him I was in if he had Somersby Cider Ale and he said he'd grab some on the way home from my night was spent helping him set up his wireless sound system and massive wall mounted TV.

I mentioned running into D & M on Thursday and he asked how they were doing so I filled him in on the latest cluster fuck at our former employer, giving us both some well earned laughs at it's expense.

He asked if we'd picked a spot for our winter holiday and it dawned on me I'd not spilled the beans about things ending with C so spent the next little while telling him ,adding that D had told me I'm a complete asshole for how I acted and he said he hated to say it but he agreed with D on that one.

We talked about it for a bit and he asked if things were really over or if we could recover from it and I said no, things were done. He asked how I could say that and I confessed to reaching out to her yesterday and being firmly told my presence was neither needed or wanted. He changed the subject as he could tell it was upsetting for me and a few hours later as I was leaving he surprised me by hugging me and telling me things would be OK and to just give it time. I smiled and said time I seemed to have in abundance these days and drove home.

Even though I've said I never would do so, I actually did reach out to C yesterday as this is a big weekend for her with her boss hosting a Christmas cocktail gathering of his senior staff and spouses tonight and her birthday falling on Sunday. I won't get into what was said other than I am left with no doubt that C sees us as completely done.

It's funny how I've done nothing for the most part but blog about my search for the one and when I find her it takes me under a year to lose her twice. it would almost be funny if it didn't hurt so much.

My Saturday was spent running errands and swinging by Movati to sign up for a membership. I'm leaning about 85% towards getting a female trainer but Monday will decide that as I've got my prelim assessment set with a male trainer and will see how it goes. My hope is to do some classes to work on my cardio and build a little more muscle on my frame but not too much as it might mess up my golf swing, of course losing weight will do that if I can get rid of my can hope right?

Sunday is going to be stew day combined with cleaning and laundry.  I love making stew when the weather turns cold as it is such a warmth food and never fails to make me feel good inside.

I'm going to need that as tomorrow was the day I was going to ask C to be with me you didn't see that one coming did you........neither did anyone else as I've kept this one close to the vest all summer as I set things up to make it possible....the first being getting my divorce finalized so I could actually make it official with C........funny how life doesn't always follow the script isn't it....

Life sucks at times......but it goes on and doesn't owe us anything as we make of it what we will and all this is my own it's time to remind myself that it takes baby steps when you are learning to walk and this feels very much like I'm going to need to relearn a lot of things moving forward......

So today's musical recommendation is so appropriate when taken in context with my weekend...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. followers :)

November 26/15

Just a quick shout out to those readers down in the United States to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Hope your day is filled with smiles, laughter, good food, and the warmth of friends and family as you take a moment to reflect on those people you are thankful are in your lives.

I'll be catching the second half of the Carolina/Dallas game, sort of a tradition to watch the Cowboys on Thanksgiving as the games have been pretty good in years gone by, before turning my attention to the Packers in Chicago as Green Bay has always been my NFC team of choice :)

Be safe on Black Friday and try and when dealing with the crowds and craziness that comes from trying to secure that deal that it's just a material object and not the end of the world if you don't get it, your sanity is much more important.

My best memory of Black Friday is going didn't think I'd do anything else on such a day now would you?


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Chance Meeting Confirmed I'm an Ass!!

November 25/15

My musical recommendation today is "Way Down We Go" by Kaleo

The beat and rhythm reach something inside of me with this one so take a listen and let me know what you think.

I had to stop and buy a birthday card for someone at lunch today so after picking one, paying for it, filling it out, and mailing it I found myself hungry and decided to grab a quick bite to eat at McDonald's, where I ran into two people (D & M) I used to work with at my old job.

I think we were all surprised to see one another and they made some comments about me being a stranger after getting the boot and I explained that I just needed some separation as I sorted out my feelings about getting turfed back in April.

We ordered, snagged a table, and proceeded to get caught up on everything that had happened to us over the last few months. I was more up-to-date on things at the old company than they knew given I golfed a lot with B over the summer and he kept me informed on the goings on. One thing I learned was that the SVP of Sales had just been given the boot last week so there is some karma in the world and now if the controller could be shown the door I'd have such a nice little smile, not that I hold any grudges lol

So as we were finishing up D asked me how things were going with C and I had to explain that we weren't together anymore and went on to explain how I basically blew things up between us.

D sat there and exchanged a look with M before she looked at me and said matter of fact "You are a complete asshole, you know that right?"

I hung my head and said she was totally right, I am a complete asshole as I had finally found the one and what did I do? I drove her off.

M asked me if I'd called her and I said I can't do that as C was firm in telling me it was over and my calling the last time was what triggered off my insecurity about her finding someone better, to do that again would just leave me on edge.

So the question came up about what I was going to do about it and I just shook my head and said nothing, sometimes you fuck things up so badly there is no coming back from it, this is one of those times for me.

D leaned over and gave me a hug and said she was sorry as she really liked C and thought we made a great couple, I said thanks and imagine how I feel about it since I more than liked her and was thinking of moving to be with her........

So there are times I wonder about myself, knowing full well there are things that make me a decent individual and then there are those times I know I'm a complete fucking mess, sometimes we get reminded of this when we least expect it, like today for me by running into old co-workers.

Now some people might be mad at D for calling them an asshole but I'm not some people, I'm the guy who tries to call it as it is and not delude himself. So D was and is right, I'm an asshole for driving off the one I'd been searching for all these years.

Some might say that maybe she wasn't the one I've been searching for all this time but you know when the one crosses your path, trust me on that, and she was the one....absolutely and completely the one for me.............

My job now is to stop being an asshole and try and put my life back together in such a way that I might be able to consider dating again in the future. The saying actually goes "the not too distant future" but who are we kidding here folks, I've got some serious issues to resolve before I dare put myself out there again!

Simple but Strong Message

November 25/15

I came across this a few weeks ago and saved it to a USB stick for future reference.

It's now the future so enjoy folks......

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

It's Official.......

November 24/15

So tonight I had to run over to my ex's place and pick up my son as he had his first driving lesson and they are set to occur at her place as she paid for them and I reimbursed her 1/2 the costs.

When we got home I popped open the trunk and pulled out my Clicgear 3.0 golf cart and as I walked up the stairs to the side door my son smiled and said "I guess this means your golf season is now officially over"

Given the snow we had today and the drop in temps over the last 2 weeks, my clubs and golf shoes have been down in the basement already cleaned and put away but for some reason taking the golf cart out of the car just felt wrong to me, like I was somehow surrendering to old man winter.....

Guess the son is's official and now the wait begins for the start of the 2016 season

Not sure how I'm going to survive the next 5+ months of no golf and better find myself a new hobby pronto!!!!!!

I need to find this sign for my house

November 24/15

Came across this and it made me smile as it really is true......

One Question Honestly Answered - G & PG Rated

November 24/15

So here are some of the easier questions that didn't make me blush and are ready for prime time :)

Question - Do you think anyone really gives a shit about your stupid, self centered, fucking narcissistic blog?

Answer - First off let me point out the wasted use of self centered since by definition that is exactly what a narcissistic person is all about in the first place. Second, I don't really care if anyone gives a shit, as you so eloquently put it. The choice to read the blog is up to each individual person and whether they do so or not has no bearing on how I proceed with my life or the blog. As I've stated on more than one occasion, the blog is a very cheap form of self therapy and I'm comfortable enough with who I am to admit that I need that at times.  Does the blog help anyone other than myself? I don't know but given the number of hits I'm getting I'd say it's at least providing some amusement and that can't be all bad now can it?

Question - You used to recommend songs in some of the blogs and suddenly stopped, why? I actually liked some of them.

Answer - I don't have a good answer for this one really. I think it depends on my mood and the music that is percolating around me, lately it's been a bit more down than up given my recent breakup and I'd rather recommend something that makes me feel good then songs or artists who I'm binging on as I wallow in my self despair. I will say that I've been working on consolidating several music libraries into one on my PC and should be in a position to possibly start adding this little tidbit once I'm done and have a better handle on just what is available to me.

Question - Music seems to play an important role in your life and I wonder which artists fill your iPod?

Answer - I'm almost detecting a trend here with music related questions :)  First off let me say I appreciate music in almost all forms and it's probably partially because I'm so untalented musically speaking.  I think the only thing missing from my library is opera, hard core rap, and polka.  Think along the lines of a mix that contains Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Marianas Trench, Blink 182, Norah Jones, Enya, Enigma, Smokey Robinson, Seals and Croft, Metallica, Adele, Boz Skags, Beck, Chicago, The Dandy Warhols, Cake, ELO, to just name a few.

Question - You've mentioned being on a dating site before and I wonder which one and how you found the experience?

Answer - At one time or another I've had open profiles on the big three: Plenty of Fish, Match, and eHarmony. One is a meat market where sex is the main objective, one didn't really do much for me and I have some serious doubts about how effective it is, and one has been the source of my two relationships post separation/divorce.  I think eHarmony does the best in terms of matching people up with someone who is compatible. POF is like a Chinese buffet and people treat it that way in that if they wait a little bit new profiles will pop up so there's no need to actually put any time into getting to know anyone since something fresh is just a click away.  Match might be good down in the states but I found it lacking here in Canada.

Question - Lust or Love?

Answer - Both!  Sounds impossible but it's not as I was deeply in love with C and yet couldn't get enough of her physically and found myself pretty much always aroused when around her. That's not to say I only wanted to be in bed with her but that there was a great balance in what we did when we were together. There were even times we didn't get physical and I embraced them as much as those we did. It's about balance and finding what works for each of you in order to keep things fresh.

Question - What tells you that you've found the one?

Answer - It's different for each of us but my litmus test comes down to how easy I find it to talk to her. By this I mean how easy does information flow and do I just speak what's on my mind and how I'm feeling. We all have those moments where there is some hesitation in talking about something that has happened to you but when that connection is there it just flows, that's what happened with C, I was talking about things with her that I never talked to my ex about and that was rather shocking to realize when I thought about it later.

Question - Golf comes across as an overriding interest and I wonder how you balance it with a relationship?

Answer - I've been balancing it for years when you take into account I have that all important parent relationship to manage with my kids.  But I think the question is more about having a partner and golfing as much as I'd like.  I was lucky this summer in that C knew how much I loved to golf, that it is one of the best stress relievers for me, and indulged me all the time by getting me passes to play the courses near her place up in the valley as well we driving the cart for some of my rounds. That was a first for me as I never worried about playing poorly in front of her but rather loved the company she provided as well the chance to share something I enjoy so much. My hope was to get her interested in it so we could golf together and make my dream trip down to Myrtle Beach next year.

Question - What is the hardest thing about being in a relationship?

Answer - Balancing all the demands on our time. I'm at the age where I have older children who don't always need me around, C was in the same boat as well as starting a new assignment that was really pushing her buttons. We had to balance demands from our kids, the distance, and not always being able to see one another as much as we wanted. I think we did really well balancing them until my insecurities took over and led me to being a complete fuck-tard with her when we didn't talk one day when she was in Ottawa on business.  It's one of those days I wish I could go back and relive as there are a couple of things I'd do differently.

Question - Are you dating again?

Answer - No. That isn't going to happen for a long time as I've got some serious healing to undergo and lots of things I need to do before I have my shit together enough to even think of dating again. It just wouldn't be fair to the other woman or myself as my heart still belongs to someone.

Question - Have you reached out to C since the breakup?

Answer - No, doubt I will as she was very firm in her desire to stop seeing me and I'd like to think I'm man enough to respect those wishes. Nobody wants to be that person who can't let go and ends up making a complete ass of themselves by getting clingy.

Question - First kiss, who makes the move and tongue or not?

Answer - She does as I'm always way too bat shit scared of doing or saying the wrong thing. I'm great at the talking part but usually can't read the signals for the life of me.  Type of kiss depends on the mood I'd say and how she starts it off lol

Question - Do you wear cologne?

Answer - I didn't used to wear any but have recently started wearing Mont Blanc Legend as I like the way it smells. Never really had a signature scent and not sure why.  I will say I love it when a perfume is perfectly suited for a woman and smelling it later makes me think of her....sigh

Question - What was your worst first date?

Answer - This one made me laugh as I've got two that come to mind right away.  The first was a meet-n-greet for a drink that turned into a bitch-about-my ex fest that had me dropping a $20 on the table for the drinks and walking out. Not that I expect everyone to always speak positively about their ex but this one went overboard and the odd thing was that she didn't bad mouth him as a partner but rather criticized him for being an active father and volunteering to help with school and sports activities. For those who've been reading the blog you'll know how that might sit with me.  The other was a first date where we were playing pool, something I suck at but am usually good for a laugh, and there wasn't really a connection, which is ok as it happens, so she decided to start hitting on the guys playing on the next WTF right.

I'm going to close out this entry for now as I've got to get some work done today....don't I?

One Question with an Honest Answer - Rated Versions

November 24/15

Ok, after some careful review I've decided to split the blog entries into one for those I'd deem G or PG rated and one for those I absolutely think are more risqué and would be deemed R or X rated.

I'm going to leave it up to the reader to decide which entry they would like to read.

Have fun and make safe choices folks!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

One Question - One Honest Answer Part 1

November 23/15

So here is the first batch of questions I've received. I'll add another posting later when I've had some more time to edit them.

Question – Why do you blog?

Answer – Why not?  It’s a really cheap form of therapy and if hearing about my own mistakes or thoughts helps someone else than it’s all a bonus to me.


Question – Are you a righty or a lefty?

Answer – Think this one comes from the theory that creative people are usually left handed and writing a blog is somewhat creative. Sorry to disappoint anyone but I’m a total righty, though I did grow up ambidextrous J


Question – How important is sex to you?

Answer – As part of a relationship it’s very important, but in and of itself it’s not very important at all, I’ve actually gone long periods being celibate as I prefer to have a connection rather than just get my rocks off now and again.  That answer might cost me my man card but so be it.


Question – What is the greatest thing you’ve ever done?

Answer – Still doing it every single day as I’m a parent to two pretty awesome kids.


Question – You said you don’t use full names but you recently did so in regards to your golf lessons

Answer – True but I don’t share the names of the people who I have relationships with as they deserve their privacy whereas my golf instructor makes his living by having his name passed around so he can continue to build his client base. In my mind that makes it OK to share his name as he was pretty awesome and deserves the increased business.


Question – Where is the strangest place you’ve had sex?

Answer – 18th green at Torrey Pines South course at my cousins wedding reception with a bridesmaid.  I was eighteen and was more scared about getting caught than anything else lol


Question – If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Answer – My weight as that is where a lot of my insecurities come from and it impacts how I deal with other people, usually negatively like with my recent interactions with C


Question – What is the one thing you notice right away about a woman?

Answer – Her eyes!!!  I’m a complete sucker for a woman with a twinkle in her eyes. That is the first thing I noticed about C and then her smile.


Question – You’ve blogged about living down in San Diego and now reside in Ottawa, what made you move?

Answer – The usual story, boy meets girl, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, boy moves 3K miles to be with her. Love plain and simple.


Question – Do you really golf as much as you claim?

Answer – Yes, but not as much as I’d like to golf. Given my relationship status I’m sure to golf even more next season since I won’t be driving up the valley.


Question - What is your preferred sexual position?

Answer – Slight blush developing now lol  Spooning or cowgirl rate right up there with me as I’m hands on lol


Question - When did you lose your virginity?

Answer – I was sixteen and think it happened too early and wished I’d waited a bit


Question – Ever had a threesome?

Answer – No, but I’ve had two opportunities and declined both. I’m more a one on one kind of guy and don’t share well with others.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Update on the One Question Blog Entry

November 22/15


Think that pretty much says it all folks.

The questions have run the gamut from really simple and rather innocent to downright X-rated.

Some of the later have me blushing more than a little bit lol

I'm still sorting them out and it looks like tomorrow night will be when they come online as an entry to the blog. In the meantime, keep 'em coming as it's been a lazy day at home and the smiles, laughs, and even blushes are much appreciated :)


Saturday, November 21, 2015

One Question with an honest answer

November 21/15

Ok, I've been getting a few questions about myself, relationships, and my intent with the blog so thought I'd try a little social experiment.

Years ago I was on a dating site and had this posted:  You can ask me one question without any topic limits and I'll answer it 100% honestly, but you have to put the same offer up on your own profile and honour the intent in return.

So here you go readers.....ask me anything and I'll post the questions and answer either late Sunday night or sometime on Monday.

This should be interesting.....

Friday, November 20, 2015

I need........

November 20/15

So I'll be the first to agree that the blog title is kind of an open ended statement and just leave it at that ok as there are many things I need these days....

  • some peace of mind that my most recent self inflicted emotional wounds from dating won't haunt me forever

  • to drop a few pounds, ok more than just a few but baby steps here folks

  • to continue being as supportive as possible to both my kids

  • start my Christmas shopping

  • to work on my excel skills

  • amalgamate all my music libraries into one master data base

  • hire an interior decorator to give me some paint scheme suggestions for my one colour home

  • remind myself that it's better to have loved and lost than never having loved at all

  • to be thankful for that which I have

  • to work with my son on fulfilling his volunteer hours

  • expand the number of dishes I'm comfortable preparing

  • review and purge some unused contacts in my cell phone

  • to sort out all the damn golf clubs I own and consider listing some on Kajiji

  • a vacation

That last point was almost taken care of last month when C was looking to get away between Christmas and New Years as we are both sans kids during that period and she really needs to get away from the stress of her position.

She told me a little while back that she had almost booked a trip for us to Cuba as a surprise but didn't know how to list her insurance on the booking forms since she has special coverage through her work and it wasn't one of the options on the drop down menu. Oddly enough she still had my information from when she booked our Jamaica trip back in March.  I'll say one thing for C, when she went big, she really went big :)

I'm sure in hindsight that little menu glitch worked out for the best given how we ended up but I can still visualize a week in Cuba with her and it is pretty damn good in my head right now, not that it's what you are thinking I'm visualizing but then again, whose to say I'm not as that was always pretty damn great as well :)

Now I think I need a cold shower................

Moki & the Putter

November 20/15

So as part of my summer golf adventures I ended up taking some lessons with Jason at the Kevin Haime Golf Centre in order to lengthen my driver distance and minimize the hook that had decided to make an appearance this season.

Over the course of several lessons Jason tore apart my grip and club head takeaway as the grip was too strong and forcing a closed club face at impact and the takeaway had me slightly rocking to the right that was weakening my alignment.

My last lesson was about chipping and putting. I was really happy that the chipping went well but once again my hand position on the putter was revised, with some great results I might add.

Jason reminded me that over the winter when I'm watching a movie in the man cave I can work on the grip and also practice putting with the new grip so that it becomes second nature.

Now I've always sort of practiced the putting and Moki has never really taken much notice, that is until recently when I changed putters after the Golf Town Demo sale.

For some reason she views the new Ping TR Scottsdale mini mallet as evil reincarnate and just loves to bark at it whenever she sees me pulling it out of my golf bag. It's gotten so bad that she is now chasing the golf balls as I work on my tempo and distance, to the extent that I have to make her sit behind me so I can actually see what is happening with the path of the ball.

Now I'm not a total meanie to her as when I'm done I waggle the putter at her and she runs around in circles growling and barking at it. It's totally hilarious and a good release for both of us as it makes me laugh and smile while she gets a mini workout.

When she is done she runs over and stands on her hind paws so I can rub behind her ears and tell her how fierce she was with the evil putter.

I've attached the picture below so you can see her as she prepares to pounce on my putter and save the world!!!!

I think it's going to be a long winter without any real golf but still one filled with some practice and laughs thanks to one little puppy :)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

I'm going to pass along what I told my kids this week......

November 19/15

So I guess the fact that I referred to C as "she who shall remain nameless" and haven't posted as many entries about her and my feelings since the breakup has a lot of the readers of my blog bothered and worried that I'm avoiding my feelings and pain.

So guess it's time I share with you what I had to tell both my kids this week after getting a text a day from them combined since the weekend checking up on me........

I'm fine!!!

The world isn't coming down on top of me, yes, my heart aches at times but that is a good thing in my books.  If I didn't feel that pain it would tell me I wasn't in love and that would have me feeling pissed off as I hate wasting my time or another person's if it isn't real.

It was real with C...the most real it's been since my separation and divorce. Honestly, probably even more real than it was with my ex for the last few years of our marriage.  The fact that I started to see and was open to the possibility of moving if she asked when her current assignment was up made it very real for me. The fact that the thought of signing a prenup didn't bother me made it very real for me.

I hurt but I'll get over it.

Someone asked me if I'd reached out to C and the answer is no.  I did that last time and it left me feeling vulnerable and if there is any reaching out I'll be on the receiving end of it. But I also know there won't be any receiving end as C doesn't roll that way lol

So I'm moving forward day by day, slowly rebuilding who I am so I can be happy, not in an attempt to win her back like has been suggested.

People.......sometimes life sucks and you don't get what you want, deal with it, I am. But I'm also grateful for what C did share with me and allowed me to understand that while I'm not perfect I might just be perfect for someone one down the road.

So here is my proposal......I'll blog about all the crazy stuff going on in my life and around me, you read the blogs and can reply or not, whatever you choose, but please stop worrying about me as I'm a grown man, mature and smart enough to know when I need to step outside my comfort zone and seek some assistance, professional assistance at that.

It's a rainy day in the nations capital but still warmer than usual this time of year, but for the rain I'd have been on a sick day getting some therapy at one of the few course still open.

M to the Z

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My End of Year Goal

November 18/15

So I have a new end of year goal and it doesn't involve golf, dating, my job, or my interactions with the world around me. Well not directly at least as those things will help me reach my goal, I hope :)

No, the goal is pretty simple. I want to reach 8,000 views by end of the year.

I'm sitting at 7,070 right now so that means that between today and New Years Eve I've got to draw in an additional 930 views or about 22 hits per day over the next 43 days.

Not sure what made this jump out to me as a goal but something did and now here we are.

Oh, and the other items I listed are always goals to accomplish with some more realistic than others, like golf won't be undertaken too much between now and May but my desire to drop some weight and improve my pear shape is most definitely within the realm of possibilities :)


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Male or Female?

November 17/15

So that is an interesting blog title if I do say so myself and I'm sure has a few wondering just what is the real question :)

It is pretty simple and yet kind of complicated at the same time.

Over the past year, well since I started dating she who shall not be named, I've been undergoing a slow transition to trying to lead a better life, whether this is being less sedentary, eating better, eating less, and just not letting things get to me like I have in the past.

I'm not getting any younger and do want to be around for some key upcoming events in my life that were probably in jeopardy until I met she who shall not be named.

I've changed up my diet and have gotten really good about not snacking as much between meals, have cut down on my soda intake, don't eat out as much as I was, and try and take Moki the wonder puppy out for several walks a day.

All of those are good but not quite enough to see me over the top and drop the weight I feel like I need to drop in order to put me on the right track.

I love to golf and find that there have been times that my round ends with my knees a little more sore than I think they need to be, my lower back and hips also flare up at times, and I think all of these can be attributed to the extra pounds I'm carrying.

Losing the weight would also have a positive impact on my sex life as my performance would most likely improve as would my ability to mix things up position wise. I'll admit I'm blushing bright red right now after writing that last sentence but I've always taken the position that I'm either going to be brutally honest with my blog, even if that honesty doesn't shine me in the best light, or I won't blog at all.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not horrible behind the old closed doors but I'm honest enough with myself to know it could be better....maybe better enough to result in encores lol

So I've decided to join a gym but not just any gym but Movati Athletics.  There is one close to me that will let me get in an early morning workout before I have to get the son up and start preparing myself for work as well.  I've done the tour and she who shall not be named was a member there and really enjoyed her experiences. Now she was at the east end location and I'm looking at the west end location because as all the cool kids know......East drools, West end rules!  Inside joke there folks :)

So my question comes down to this...I want to utilize a trainer for my first few weeks so I'm doing things correctly by creating a training plan and then help me when I need to make adjustments to that plan once I've been following it for a while....and do I use a male or female trainer??

I'm leaning towards a female trainer as I get the impression I'll feel more comfortable and not like they are being judgemental of my performance as I think I might feel with a male trainer. I'm sure that sounds dumb to some of you but given my insecurities about my body shape, pear at the best, and how it affected my relationship with she who shall remain nameless it does make perfect sense to me.

The hope is some good cardio programs increase my overall endurance, introducing some yoga helps loosen up my shoulders and hips to increase my flexibility on the takeaway in my golf swing, and some weight work builds some muscles and keeps my son at bay when we battle in soccer.

So what are your thoughts on this?  Do you use a trainer and which gender makes you feel the most comfortable and pumped to continue to follow your plan?


Side note....the whole "she who shall not be named" is a joke and hopefully everyone who reads this understands as I have no issues with her at all, just trying to be humorous with my Harry Potter quote and give everyone a break from me constantly talking about her .

Huge Breaking News on the Today Show!!

November 17/15

So this morning on the Today show Charlie Sheen made the shocking announcement that he tested positive for HIV.

Take a moment to and let that sick in.  Hard to understand isn't it?

Now here is the real interesting aspect to that announcement....just how many people really give a damn about it?

I'd say the number that it really concerns is more than likely under one hundred!

The people who he slept with, the people who sold him drugs, the people who depend on him for an income like his publicist and personal assistant, and his family.

As for the rest of us I'm quite confident that none of us really care all that much.

I know it doesn't impact my life in any way, shape, or form.

But of course Hollywood wants us to think that somehow we are expected to feel bad about it and spend countless moments thinking and worrying about him.

Sorry, I've got better things to do with my time. I've got my family to think about, a job to attend, a golf game to continue working on, and at some point a dating life to resurrect.

It's kind of like feeling sorry for the guy who keeps pushing the metal coat hanger into the wall outlet and than being surprised when he gets a shock.....Common sense tells one not to act in a certain manner unless one wants to get burned.

Now Charlie lived the good live, partied hard, drank a tonne of alcohol, snorted and injected only God knows how much crap into his system, and slept his way around with some rather unsavory types to decide to come out today so he could stop paying people not to expose his dirty little secret.

Well the dirty little secret is really that it took it this long to come out given his wild life, I'm more shocked the news didn't break six years ago versus today.

I'm not happy he has the disease just as I'm not happy anyone gets it or any other disease and I feel bad for his kids and former partners who now live wondering what the health impact might be on them going forward, more his partners on this one than his kids as they'll be ok health wise in terms of body but probably suffer some emotional damage.

So why do we need to know about Charlie Sheen announcing to the world he has HIV versus John Q Public getting it??  Because Hollywood thinks one person is more important than another due to being a celebrity.  Can you imagine what the reaction would be if one of those K girls made this kind of announcement? We'd have to declare a national day of mourning is my guess.

How about we just treat people like people and stop putting some up on pedestals to be worshipped because they can recite lines or hit a ball.............

Sorry Charlie, but I just don't care enough to care!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

One ice cold Stella, an appetizer, and silent toast of thanks and best wishes.....

November 15/15

Even as I was walking out the door to head down to the restaurant I was internally arguing with myself whether or not it was a good idea with my mind saying no and my heart demanding me to continue onwards, in the end the heart won out and away I went.

Now the Byward Marker wasn't packed but it wasn't slow either so it took me a moment to find a parking spot but I managed one not too far away and made it to my destination right on time for 3pm as planned.

I walked in to find the bar area pretty much empty and only a table or two occupied so as usual C was right and we wouldn't have needed reservations for dinner today :)

I took a seat and ordered a cold Stella Artois and a calamari appetizer as I hadn't eaten much today and knew the beer might hit me harder than usual. I'm a total lightweight when it comes to alcohol and both admit it and manage it as needed.

So what was I expecting to happen today? I'm honestly not sure.

Earlier today I had a message from a follower, sounds kind of strange to say that but also very cool at the same time, asking if C reads the blog and was I hoping she'd be there.

The answers are I know she used to but can't say for sure she still does and no, I knew she wouldn't be there today.

How could I know that you ask, well it is pretty simple as the first time we broke up there was a lot of hesitation in her voice when we last spoke and something in her eyes when we parted at her house that wasn't there this time around, this time there was a conviction in her words saying she had to do this and wasn't going to be looking back with any regrets.

After the first time she admitted to me she didn't handle everything going on in her life very well and more than one friend had counselled her that she'd made a mistake with ending things between us whereas this time around she told me she'd talked to someone who has helped her deal with things in the past, and while I'm not privy to what was said, I'm sure the advise probably fell along the lines that she had to cut bait and let the line loose, being prepared to recast at another time and spot down the road. Both pieces of advice I would have offered to her had I been that outside person looking in.

No, today was about me finishing the process of understanding where I went wrong and saying goodbye to her in the same place and day it all started a year ago.

So I sipped my beer and reflected on how she made me feel me, the times I made her smile, the sound of her voice, and the touch of her hand and lips.  I didn't shed any tears but would be lying if I didn't say they came close....those might come tonight as I lay in bed.........

I don't write the blog entries about C in the hope she reads them and changes her mind. No, I write them to share the joy and yes the pain that being open to love brought me in the hopes that maybe they just might inspire someone who reads them to take a chance on someone who has caught their eye and the possibility that love could be the result.

So I sipped that cold beer, finished off the calamari, paid my bill and departed the Blue Cactus to never return again as to bring anyone else there would be an insult to them as my thoughts would surely turn to that fateful lunch and last first kiss I've experienced.

There will surely be more posts in the coming days and weeks full of doubts, questions, and I dare say some hope as well, I am human after all and think I'm entitled to some moments of introspection.

The questions won't necessarily be about my relationship with C but probably more about things I observed that happened that have me wondering what is and isn't normal or to be expected when you are in a relationship. Now before any of you get the wrong thoughts here I'm not referring to anything kinky or out of the ordinary, so relax and chill ok.

So I'll close this Sunday night entry with these simple words......

Be safe, be careful, and be open to the unexpected as you never know when the one might cross your path, trust me on that one.............

One Year Ago Today.....

On this day one year ago today I had what has been the best first date ever!

Yes, it surpassed my first date with the mother of my children so that must mean it was pretty damn good don't you think :)

Now any guy reading this will automatically think that means I got lucky and I did, oh how I did, just not in the way he is thinking. There was no ripping off of clothes or touching of skin other than a few spine tingling kisses.

My luck stems from the woman I was having lunch with, the ease with which we talked, the smiles, the laughter, the twinkle in her eyes, the gentle brush of my arm as she leaned down to kiss me for the first time as she retook her seat after freshening up, the touch of our finger as we held hands wandering around the Byward Market, up to Major Hills Park to take in the view of Parliament Hill and the Ottawa River.

No, my luck stemmed from something far deeper and more meaningful that basking in the glory of her body in all it's natural beauty.

Over the course of the last year there have been amazing highs like meeting her family, Christmas Eve Mass, New Years Eve with some of her friends, a week in Jamaica that showed me how utterly cool she is, and many weekends in between spent doing things and not doing things other than being with each other.

The year has also brought some lows, though not really that many when compared to the highs. But the lows have been hard on us as they included a breakup due to some overwhelming demands on her time that seemed almost impossible to manage, weekends apart when I would miss her so much but never told her as I didn't want to seem clingy, and one last breakup that resulted from my own insecurities about her love for me.

I've discovered a lot about myself this past year. I am capable of loving someone  besides my children unconditionally, my heart is fragile but not made of porcelain and thus won't shatter at the first signs of trouble, my insecurities don't reside on whether someone loves me but more with my own displeasure with myself and the way I constantly compare myself to other men around me, and that I can be open and let someone into my life, to share the good and the bad, to plan a future, and revisit a past, that having her in my life was one of my greatest treasures.

I learned that my love was such that for the first time since moving to Ottawa I was willing to consider leaving to be with her should her position move her when her current assignment ends, that this was actually kind of cool to even think about, and I never had the chance to tell her that before shooting myself in the foot.

When you find that person who makes your heart sing make sure you tell them. It isn't a sign of weakness but rather an expression that you are open to them, want them in your life, and aren't afraid to say so.

We didn't exchange the L word for almost a month after that first date and when I did say it it just came out naturally as part of a goodbye. I think of that word and her all the time.

I'm heading down to that restaurant for 3pm today to have a drink. When my friend heard this he asked if I was having that drink as a way of saying goodbye and getting closure and I said no, as a way to remember her and keep her close to my heart as that spot will always be ours and mean something more to me than people will ever know.

C, you lite my life up and showed me what was possible, I just wasn't smart enough to realize what it meant to me at the time but my love will never be less for you no matter what life brings our way.

One year ago today my life changed for the better and I thank my lucky stars for it..........

Saturday, November 14, 2015


November 14/15

Yesterday saw another attempt on the world by a group of cowards in Paris.

They may call themselves freedom fighters or the persecuted but they are nothing more than young cowards hiding behind the misinterpreted words of a religion.

I know of no religion that calls upon it's followers to take up arms, cross national borders, and systematically seek out those locations where an attack on innocent people will generate the greatest publicity in an attempt to cowe the public into not standing up and fighting back.

I beg you to show one that does that.

In the meantime I'll continue to call these people what they are........fucking cowards!!!

Cowards bully those they think won't stand up, they try and intimidate people opposed to their cause into silence, to get them to decry the actions of their governments so as to make the attacks stop, to give into the radicals demands.

The last time we did this on a large scale we ended up with something called World War II that saw the death's of over 30 million people globally and the attempt to completely eradicate a culture from Europe by one megalomaniac.

We cannot buckle under to the terrorists for to do so would invalidate all the sacrifices made by those we recently honoured on Remembrance Day.

I believe the quote goes something like......The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.

We are a better world when we work together and face evil head on, devoting our time and resources to overcome it and triumph in a manner that reminds the world that we are stronger as one than many.

At some point we as a society will have to make the hard decisions about where individual liberties override the liberties of society as a whole.  We have moved past the point where we can view these individuals or groups as disenfranchised and within their rights to strike out to get their point across.

Accountability needs to be factored into the response and I will not shed any tears for the world of pain the west will soon bring down upon those responsible for these cowardly actions, either responsible directly or through support.

Tonight I cry for those lives lost in Paris, those lives left shattered by injury and loss of loved ones, and for the changes we will all now endure due to the actions of a few.........

Paires, je pleure à votre douleur et de prier pour ceux qui ont perdu des lâches sur ce jour sombre

Friday, November 13, 2015

Golf Courses I've Played :)

November 13/15

So I had lunch with my golf buddy B today, easy enough to do since we literally work across the street from one another lol

As usual, our talk turned to golf and he was mentioning how he thinks he's played about 30 courses in his life and asked me my number. I said was pretty sure I'd played that many just here in Ottawa and when I had a moment I put together my list.

So my list has 57 different courses I've played over the course of my 30+ years golfing. Not as many as I'd thought so I'm thinking I have to do something about it.

Now the courses might number only 57 but the rounds have to be over a 1,000!!!!!

So here is my list broken down by region. Some great names on it and all fun in one way or another

Ottawa & Region (24)
  • Glen Cairn Golf Club - sort of my home course
  • Canadian Golf Club
  • Cedarhill Golf Club
  • Loch March Golf Club
  • Eagle Creek Golf & Country Club (Club Link course)
  • The Boundary (Club Link course Greyhawk)
  • The Marshes (Executive Course)
  • Richmond Centennial
  • Riverbend Golf Club
  • Stonebridge Golf & Country Club
  • Arnprior Golf Club
  • Madawaska Golf Club
  • The Mississippi Golf & Country Club
  • Manderley on the Green
  • Renfrew Golf Club
  • Oaks of Cobden Golf Club
  • The Meadows Golf Club
  • Irish Hills Golf Club
  • Mountain Creek
  • Nation View
  • Emerald Links
  • Pembroke Shores Golf Club - has to be one of my favourite courses
  • Roanoke Golf Club
  • Petawawa Golf Club
  • Copperdale Golf Club
  • Gatineau Golf Club (Quebec)
  • Heritage Golf Club (Quebec)
San Diego (13)
  • Tecolote Canyon
  • Balboa Municipal - both the 18 and the 9 hole courses
  • Torrey Pines Municipal - both North & South courses
  • Eastlake Country Club
  • Mission Trails Golf Club
  • Lomas Santa Fe Executive Course
  • Coronado Municipal
  • Chula Vista Golf Club
  • Bonita Vista Golf Club - my favourite course in San Diego
  • Carleton Oaks Golf Club
  • Fairbanks Ranch Country Club
Myrtle Beach (8)
  • Wild Wing (3 courses)
  • Myrtle Beach National - The King Course (Arnold Palmer designed)
  • Witch Golf Links
  • Diamond Back - think rattlesnake for why it's named this way
  • Azalea Sands Golf Club
  • Surf Golf & Beach Club
Portland (1)
  • Great Blue Heron Lakes Golf Club
Poulsbo/Bremerton (1)
  • Rolling Hills Golf Course
Palm Springs (6)
  • Palm Desert Resort & Country Club
  • Rancho Las Palmas (2)
  • Indian Wells Golf Resort - favourite desert course
  • Cathedral Canyon Golf Club
  • Tahquitz Creek Golf Resort
Jamaica (1)
  • Cinnamon Hill Golf Course @ Rose Hall
St. Lucia (1)
  • The Golf Club in St. Lucia (Sandals La Toc Resort)
New York (2)
  • Malone Golf Club
  • Whiteface Club & Resort (Lake Placid)

Friday the 13th!

November 13/15

So today is one of those days a lot of people dread as it is considered very unlucky day.

Hell, the number 13 is considered so unlucky that most buildings omit it as a floor number, which is kind of dumb as we all know the floor after the 12th is the 13th regardless of if they say it's the 14th. Like we would fall for something as dumb as that.

I remember living in an apartment building and one day realizing that while my apartment number was 15 it was really 14 and the woman living next to me was really in apartment 13!!

Not sure if there was any correlation between the number and the woman residing within, but she had to be one of the strangest people I've ever come across and when I moved out it was with some relief.

It's funny the things we find superstitious isn't it?

The number 13, black cats crossing our path, walking under a ladder, and throwing salt over your left shoulder to name just a few off the top of my head.

I debated working from home today but decided that to do so would be to give into whole notion and thus I'm sitting at work right now. Of course I did only drive 10 miles per hour to get here, stayed in the right hand lane, avoided the elevator and took the stairs, double knotted my shoe laces, and won't be leaving the building till it's time to go home but I'm not letting this day affect me in the least......

M to the X

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jumbled Feelings

November 12/15

So it looks like the daughter has been talking to the son about dear old dad.

I come to this conclusion based on a conversation with my son as I drove him to work tonight where he asked me what I was doing this weekend. I mentioned that the weather was looking almost good for some golf on Sunday and he laughed and asked me does my golf ever end. I asked what he meant and he said every time we've talked over the last few weeks I've commented on my most recent round and how it's probably my last and that made me laugh as it's so true.

I explained that since it soon will be my last for the next 5 1/2 months I was going to take advantage of every chance I had to get out there and chase the little white ball around a course.

He said I should really consider getting a membership next year seeing as how I'll have more time in town. I asked what he meant by that and he said he knew that C and I weren't together anymore and I wouldn't be playing any golf up the valley next season. I asked how he knew and he said his sister had told him Monday night via text and that he should keep an eye on me and let her know how I was doing. He then asked me how was I doing lol

I thought about it and said better this time around than last and I appreciated him and his sister caring but it was my job to worry about them and not the other way around. This made him smile and as he was getting out of the car to head off to his last shift he said that wasn't how our family rolled and he was right...we do keep an eye out on one another

So as I drove home I thought why wasn't I as devastated this time when C pulled the plug on us and I think part of it was that I never really got as invested as I should have.

Now this isn't too mean I didn't love her as man oh man I did....I do.....but more that I think the way we came back together sort of set things up to be more difficult than they should have been.

When we broke up last time she was getting slammed trying to prepare for a new intense career assignment, selling her home, relocating her boys to their dad's house and all the worries that go with that as well the new school they'd be attending, looking for a place to live up in the valley, reconciling herself to the fact that she wouldn't see her boys very often over the next two years as compared to having them every week full time, and trying to figure out how to balance a long distance relationship.

While I wasn't thrilled with that decision I did understand her reasoning and stepped back when she made her mind up so as to relieve one item from the list of things demanding her attention.

After two months I reached out to see how things were going and we ended up reconnecting and getting back together almost as if nothing had happened, we even decided that we wouldn't let the time apart count negatively towards our time together, meaning we decided to act like those missing two months never happened.

The problem with this was that I was always wondering what would have happened if I hadn't reached out, would we have ever gotten back in touch or gone our separate ways. For me the hard part was thinking here I was the one with the broken heart making the move and it sort of left me feeling like I was the more invested in us, not really the situation but the mind/heart thinks what it wants with little regard to logic.

So while we were together I always wondered what was going on in her mind and if I wasn't a stop gap while she sorted everything out. Not how it was but again bringing logic into this is like trying to explain thermodynamics to a pig.

I don't know if my self confidence would have handled things better if she had been the one to make that call but I do know that I might have felt a little more pride in myself as I think I came across as kind of weak by being the one who got dumped and yet called to check on the other person.

All of these thoughts have been welling around inside me and I wish I had discussed this with C so that maybe we could have worked this out but as they say, what's done is done.

A follower sent me a message the other day saying to just follow the path I'm on and she felt that C and I would end up together once again but I don't think that is an option now as we've both been hurt and I think would be ultra careful letting our feelings out for fear that they might be stepped on again.

The hardest part is that when I think of her I only see her gorgeous eyes and awesome smile. Just thinking of her makes me feel happy and sad at the same time.

While I was waiting on some reports to run this afternoon I too the opportunity to update the wallpaper on my phone from a picture of my son to one of my son and daughter together when I came across the very first cell picture I took of C...almost one year ago as we were wandering in and out of stores down in the Byward Market after we finished our lunch with neither of us wanting the date to end. I took a few moments to scroll through all the pictures on my phone and was pleasantly surprised to see just how many pictures I have of C.. Out at restaurants, my old company Christmas party, before her organizations annual ball, our holiday in Jamaica, and far too many of her snuggled up on a couch with lucky puppy

So as I've posted before....this would have been one year for us this weekend and the amazing thing is that in that year we did a lot together, including losing my heart more than once, and through it all it never seemed like a year had passed. For me that is a great sign that you are with the person you're meant to share life with, least ways till you end up letting your insecurities take over and test that person.

When I picked my son up from work I thanked him for caring about me and while this weekend is really going to suck big time I'm going to get through it and be ok.....maybe not right away but for sure there will come a morning when I don't check for a text from her without thinking or fall asleep staring at the empty place next to me.

So this Sunday I'll be at a certain restaurant come 3pm standing at the bar and have a drink while silently toasting the one who got away, thankful that while our time was cut short, there had been a time for us..................

The Blogger......

Nov 12/15

  • is right handed but tends to think like a lefty
  • has a slight addiction to golf - this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has read more than 6 posts
  • is a carnivore but won't judge you for being an herbivore
  • is into books, both paper and e-form
  • loves music
  • likes movies and some TV shows
  • considers himself a parent first and foremost
  • has some serious book smarts (think grad level) but considers his street smarts just as important
  • loves dogs and will tolerate cats for the right person
  • stands 5'9 feet tall
  • weighs 16 stone
  • wears glasses for distance
  • keeps his hair cut short....short like in a zero blade
  • has a goatee
  • won't ever grow a beard. Been there, done that, never again
  • likes random drives with no set destination
  • works to live not live to work
  • will complement his partner and not complete her, as she will for him
  • prefers white wine and trying to be more open to red's
  • will take Dr. Pepper in a bottle, Pepsi in a can, and Coke only from a fountain
  • prefers an English muffin over toast
  • French toast over pancakes
  • ManU over anyone and Bayern Munich second
  • likes walks to clear his head
  • will never make the first move
  • thinks words are the ultimate aphrodisiac
  • knows that all good foreplay starts and ends with kissing
  • puts his partners pleasure above his own
  • drives an automatic
  • loves Hunter Green as a colour but wears a lot of blue
  • needs to repaint some rooms in his house
  • likes doing yard work
  • likes things neat and tidy but doesn't obsess about it
  • usually has 3-4 books on the go at the same time
  • is single but not by choice
  • doesn't want to be single
  • is a kick ass soccer coach
  • has learned to be a more mellow coach
  • hasn't travelled a lot in the past but would be open to doing more in the future
For some reason it struck me as the right time to post the above but I'm not entirely sure why lol

Weekend Plans

Nov 12/15

So after my daughters game ended on Monday night I was walking out to the parking lot with her and her boyfriend L, she has jettisoned A to give L his 4th or 5th chance lol.

As we were walking out the door she gave me her game time for the Sunday team, she is playing on 3 different teams and might be as addicted to soccer as her dad is to golf, and asked if I would be there and I sort of hesitated before responding. She picked up on it and asked if I had a hot date and I laughed and said "No, it's just Sunday would have been my one year anniversary with C"

She asked what that had to do with anything and I said I wasn't sure but who knew what could happen. Hearing this she stopped in her tracks and gently took my arm while saying "Dad, you can't be thinking about giving her another chance, that's crazy as she just keeps hurting you"

Hearing those words and seeing who she was with I looked at her and replied "You can't be serious right?" and L laughed out loud and told her she didn't have much ground to stand on seeing how often they break up and then get back together.

She sort of frowned and asked than what my plans were for Sunday.

Good question as I don't really have any now since I didn't make the dinner reservations at the restaurant we had our first date but given the day of the week and the time we would have gone, neither of us are night owls, I don't think it would have been an issue.

Now I'm thinking I just might still head down around 4pm and enjoy a drink and maybe have that meal after all, alone, and content to reflect on what I had in my grasp but let get away.

My daughter gave me a hug and told me to do what makes me feel good, regardless of what she has to say. Sometimes I come away from dealing with her and wonder just who is looking out for who in this little dynamic.

The original plan was for C to come down Friday as she had a meeting to attend downtown and then head to my place for the weekend but I think what is more likely to happen is she'll do her meeting and then visit friends before heading back up the valley.  Who knows we could even pass one another on the Queensway lol

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lest We Forget......

November 11/15

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in our lords year nineteen hundred and eighteen did the guns fall silent across Europe but long before that moment did Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae pen these words.......

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields
Every year we remind ourselves of the sacrifices made by so many in order to safeguard our liberties and freedom through the wearing of the poppy
I will spend my moment of silence thinking of my great grandfather who lays silently in Flanders Field, my uncle resting near Anzio, and all the others who have taken a place on the ramparts so that I may lead the life I've been afforded without worry or fear.
Thank you...............

Monday - the bad and the good

November 10/15

So yesterday was a bit strange in that it started off bad and ended kind of good.

The bad happened fairly early on and left me wondering where some people get off thinking that I could actually give a flying fuck whatsoever about their opinions.

I dropped my son off at school and since I had time to kill before work decided to swing by McDonald's and have a breakfast sandwich since I'd gotten up a bit late and in the rush to get the son going as well as shaving, showering, and making sure Moki had water, food, and a treat didn't get a chance to eat any breakfast, poor planning and timing on my part.

Drive thru was backed up so I parked, grabbed my iPad, and headed inside to order a meal and do a little reading before another day in the salt mines :)

So I'm standing behind a lady waiting for my turn to order when she finishes and steps to the side as the cashier takes my order. I tell her "One sausage & egg combo please with iced tea versus juice or coffee" she takes my order and as I'm telling her my name for the order slip the lady waiting for her order looks over at me and makes a loud comment about having an iced tea at 8 in the morning. I was actually dumbstruck for a moment as I couldn't believe the boldness being directed my way without any justification.

Now old me would have laughed it off out of embarrassment but new me was having none of it so I turned to her and asked what her issue was with my choice of drinks. She commented that it was too much caffeine and sugar to have after just getting up. I looked at the cashier who looked like someone had just slapped her silly as she couldn't understand the anger in this woman's voice.

I replied that for all she knew I could easily have been coming off of working an overnight shift and this could be the equivalent of my dinner. She stared at me like I was a talking dog who had dared to doubt her mighty wisdom. At the that moment the order runner brought her a coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugar upon which seeing I pointed out that she was consuming the same things she found so easy to criticize me for, and to make this even easier for her to understand just how I felt about the whole thing I told her that when I wanted her opinion I would come knock on the rock from which she had slithered out from under but since I knew pigs would fly before that day ever arrived she should just  shut her mouth and leave me the hell alone.

As she just continued to stare at me in shock I took my order and went to find a seat. As I was unwrapping my sandwich the manager came over and apologized for what happened saying he hadn't witnessed it but his assistant manager had and loved my response.

When did it become acceptable to publicly rebuke someone for their food or beverage order?

It's one thing to think something to yourself but I've never had someone actually be so bold as to voice that opinion out loud for the world to hear.

Now the good was really good and reminded me why I love to coach soccer.

My daughter is playing her first winter indoor season on a team not coached by her dad and from the sounds of it things aren't going as well as hoped lol

Now I know the woman who has put a team back into the league and asked my daughter and several of the other players from our team to join her team as B played as a sub for us on several occasions and made comments more than once that playing for us was fun as our team actually had a coach to run the lines, put players into positions, and decide on a formation whereas her old team kind of winged it.

I got to the game just as the kickoff happened and sat on the bench next to one of the players boyfriend and we got to chatting about golf and how we had both been to the Golf Town demo sale on Saturday as we watched the game. It took me a few moments to realize that the opposing team was one I'd always disliked playing against and really enjoyed beating multiple times each season as they played dirty and complained about anything and everything.

My daughter usually plays center mid but has agreed to be the goalie for this team, and she is excellent in nets but even better out on the field so it was surprising to watch her control the pace of play from nets. There was quite a bit of shoving and on at least two occasions the other team tried to run her over but she stood her ground and actually managed to knock one of them down when she got too aggressive in front of her on a corner kick, that of course set off the other goalie who was screaming at the ref to call a penalty and kick her out of the game, which made me laugh and that caused her to look my way and ask what was so funny, to which I replied I found it hilarious that not only did she just get done complaining about a player being in her "area" and pushed her away on a similar play but here she was now saying the other goalie didn't have the same rights of protection and that I was really impressed with her eye sight since she could see down the length of the pitch and pick out things whereas the ref who was a good 30 yards closer couldn't see a thing.

This caused the ref to look back and smile at me while shrugging his shoulders telling me it was going to be one of those nights with them.

Now they managed to slip one past my daughter and the game reached the half with the good guys down 1-0 but not out of it. At this point my ex came and sat down next to me to see how our son had been doing this week with school, his cold, and if his jaw was still sore from the wisdom teeth removal. I updated her and as the ladies were getting ready to go back on the field she asked me if  I was going to say anything to them about how to get back into the game. I smiled and said nope, my role there was strictly as a soccer dad and I was enjoying it. She looked at me sort of puzzled as I've always been a very competitive person and if I'd been coaching this game she knew I'd have been pacing and really upset with how they were playing.

As the second half progressed more than one player from my old team came to ask me what she was doing wrong and how to correct it in order to get the equalizing goal. I just kept smiling and said they needed to talk to B as she was the player coach and it was her team. This caused some serious frustrations and several comments about wanting me to come back and coach a team in the spring league that will start up in January but I just reaffirmed I won't be coaching till the summer at the earliest as I needed the break to recharge my mental batteries.

Now with fifteen minutes to play the pace was getting faster and the fouls coming hard and often. My ex kept glancing my way to see what I was going to do as she knows the game pretty well and understood things weren't going to end well as our daughter was getting really frustrated as she hates to lose almost as much as I do and has a real hate on for this particular team as they always seem to kick her ankles trying to trip and injure her. I ignored the glances and just yelled my encouragement as a soccer dad should without being abrasive about it, though I did want to get under the opposing teams skin as several kept looking over to see if I was going to get involved.

Why did everyone think I was there to coach? Was there a memo sent out that I didn't get?

At the ten minute mark B called a time out and gathered the girls around to try and sort things out and I could hear several saying to ask me what to do as there was no way they were losing to these, and I quote here, "bitches" love lost between the teams I'd say lol

B walked over and asked me if I had any thoughts to help them and as she did so the entire team followed her over, my ex sat back with a grin on her face, and the opposing goalie started to bitch to the ref that I wasn't a coach and couldn't talk to them, the other captain complained as well as she knew better what was coming. The ref walked over and asked me my role with the team and I asked what he was basing his question on as there was nothing in the rules that said I couldn't address a team if asked as long as I didn't enter the field of play or talk directly to him or the other team. The other captain said that was bullshit whereupon I pulled out my cell and asked him if he would like to clarify the rules with either the league convener or head ref as both were in my list of favourite contacts.

He pulled me down the line away from everyone and asked what was going on and I explained some of the history between the two teams, that I was the former coach of about 7 of the 12 players on B's team, that the other team had never beaten one I'd coached, and that as a father at the game I was more than entitled to shout words of encouragement to my own daughter and offer her advice. He asked the team name of my old squad and when I told him he laughed and said he'd been told all about me and he didn't have any issues with me talking to the team. He went to advise the other captain and as he did so I looked over at the other goalie and told her "prepare to lose" and walked over to B and her team.

I told them that it didn't really matter if they lost 1-0 or 5-0 as a loss is a loss so stop playing passive and leave the striker on the other half of the pitch and make them defend her, shift out from the worthless 3-3 formation to an attacking 2-3-1, shift who was playing the mids to more aggressive players, and told my daughter to start placing her goalie kicks long and down the wings so the other defence would have to come out and not crowd the middle.

It was like someone through a switch on suddenly as they came out of the time out and just pounded the ball, totally controlling possession, and started peppering them with shots. With 5 minutes to go one of my former players sliced a shot just over the raised fingers of the goalie and underneath the cross bar to knot things up at 1!

I smiled as they mobbed one another and B came over to high five me. As they took positions for the kick off I shouted out to stop goofing off and finish them off with a win as a tie wasn't good enough.

The other team packed their end with all 6 players defending hoping to hold onto the tie. I looked around and yelled for my daughter to come out of nets and play the center back slot, the rest of them to crash the other half as even if the other team got possession they couldn't kick it hard or accurate enough to get a shot past my daughter. man did that piss them off as right away the goalie made a save and tried to hammer the ball down the field to score over my daughters head but totally mishit it and left it short whereupon my daughter took control and from mid field hit the hardest shot of her life that left everyone flatfooted as is curved around the left defender and past the goalie for the winning goal!!!!!

B came over with a smile and asked if I was coming to next weeks game and would consider coaching them......I smiled and said this was a one time thing as I didn't like how my daughter was being treated in the game. My daughter ran over and jumped into me thanking me for being there for them and her mother walked up and said to me "admit it, you loved getting them that win" and I did as I love seeing my players succeed but I also know it left me drained and more than a little anxious.

As I walked towards the door I had to go right past the other team as they were sitting on the sidelines and half expected some snide comments but I was pleasantly surprised when the other captain got up to shake my hand saying they thought they had that one won until they saw me show up. The goalie, who was new from last season, and still pissed off looked at us and asked what the big deal was and one of her teammates laughed and said that my teams had won the league every single season but one that we'd been in the league and several teams saw my decision to step away from coaching as their best chance to play for something other than 2nd place. She said she still didn't get it and another spoke up to tell her to think about......they were beaten in the final minutes of a game they had well in had when I made some subtle chances and to imagine the results if I'd been able to change things up at the start of the game.......she frowned and said no coach made that much difference.......and her captain smiled at me and said "you'd think so wouldn't you" and shook her head and turned back to try and explain how difficult things just got if I was coaching B's team..........

So in the course of one day I had one complete stranger criticize me and another compliment me.

I guess there are worse ways to end a day than helping your daughters team win and reminding people that I might not be coaching but I'm still a coach :)


Sunday, November 8, 2015


November 08/15

Just because she rocks and is the worlds best puppy here is a shot of Moki.

Now tell me she isn't the cutest puppy you've ever seen.....go ahead I dare can't lol

She keeps me sane the weeks I'm on my own, always seems to know when I'm feeling down, understands my moods, feels my recent sense of loss, and knows just when I need a good snuggle :)

Lazy Sunday

November 08/15

Not much going on today.

It's hitting 11:45 in the morning and I've shaved, showered, walked Moki, and got the stew prepped and into the slow cooker. It's looking like around 6pm for some delicious dinner tonight, might have to run out and get some rolls to go with it.

Still up is to rake the yards, do some laundry, and maybe toss the puppy into the bath and make her feel like the little princess that she really is :)

Noticed I've been blogging like crazy so far this month with something like 12 entries, if you include this one, in the first eight days of the month. Rest assured that I won't be keeping that pace for the entire month but have to say it is so freeing to actually be posting once more.

So what's on your agenda today?


Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Weekend

November 07/15

The weekend has arrived!

No, not the musician but rather the couple of days spaced between TGIF and Manic Monday. That time you get to use to run some errands, do chores around the house and yard, visit with friends, and hopefully just relax, though from the sounds of the aforementioned activities that might not be happening all that much.

This is my dad weekend so it means my son started his week with me last night. I picked him up from his girlfriends after I got off work and we chatted for a bit before he headed off to do some online gaming coupled with YouTube & Netflix watching. What can I say  my son can multi-task :)

Today I was up bright and early to check out the Golf Town Demo sale and am proud to say I was able to land a new Callaway Big Bertha Alpha 815 3 Hybrid for the low price of $100 and a new Ping Scottsdale TR mallet putter for only another $100 - a combined savings of almost $225 off of list price.

Now I'll admit I also had a Ping G30 10.5 degree driver in my hands that was listed at $230, almost 50% off the normal $475 price but couldn't bring myself to buy it as I'm still hitting the Ping I20 really well.

After I was done there I headed home to take my son to his drivers education class before grabbing some breakfast and taking Moki for a walk.

I was back to get him at 11:50 for lunch and afterwards checked out the Journey's on sale at Capital Dodge, still not convinced I want to stay in my Accent hatchback as I miss the higher view from an SUV and had I kept dating C would have been changing out as drives up the valley in the winter aren't as fun in a small car as in the summer.

After checking out the Journey's I swung back by Golf Town and was shocked to see the G30 driver still available so I took it for some test shots in the simulator only to find my distances weren't that much longer compared to my existing call not to buy it this morning :)

Groceries were rounded up at Loblaws, didn't see anyone I knew or had anyone try and flirt with me over the fresh produce, and made sure I had everything I need to make beef stew tomorrow. The chilly and wet weather has me in the mood for stew and even the son is looking forward to it.

Tonight was going to be a movie night for us be he's still experiencing some residual pain from having his wisdom teeth pulled out a week ago Thursday so we'll be catching up on The Walking Dead later.

Tomorrow is some yard work while the stew cooks and the son does his English homework.

The weekend is busy with a lot of activities and yet very fulfilling at the same time.

Next weekend is going to be a bit rougher for me but that is a blog entry for another time :)

Stay warm ,stay dry, and stay safe!


Friday, November 6, 2015

The Round of My Life!!

November 06/15

So I played golf yesterday as advertised and it was amazing!

Tried to get on at Greensmere but they were swamped and told me that not even as a single could I get on so I ended up at Pakenham for 11:21 AM and would be rounding out an existing two-some.

There are those days where everything seems to click and this was one of those days in terms of my golf game as I've never been in the zone like I was yesterday.

Maybe it was the weather, maybe the company as the two gentlemen (Kevin & Willy)  I played with were both retired and really fun to be around, or maybe it was the culmination of a summer spent playing a lot of golf doing something I enjoy.  One thing that helped was the new clubs as I finally started to feel confident in the distances I could hit each one and stopped doubting my selections like I'd been doing the first few rounds with them.  I think it is safe to say I've gained between 10-15 yards per club which might not seem like much but trust me it is worlds apart from my old clubs.

Now my goal the past year or so has been to work my game to the point where I'm realistically able to make bogey on each hole and thus end up shooting an even 90, which would drop my handicap from mid to high 20's down to high teens :)

I really wasn't paying attention to the score other than to write down my usual information for each hole and it wasn't until I recorded a double bogey on the 7th hole on the Lake course that it dawned on me that up till that point I'd bogeyed the first 6 holes and one of the par 5's (Lake #5) should have been a par but I left a wedge short when I dipped my shoulder. Now the double on #7 was due to my getting greedy when I hit a sweet drive down the right side of the fairway nestled up to the edge of the pond and tried my luck with my Callaway No.4 hybrid - it's my go to club and probably one of my favourite of all time - and while my shot had the carry I needed to clear the pond at 185 yards I hadn't taken into account the small breeze that just carried my shot away from the green into the water.

I let the results on #7 rattle me enough that I hit a weak drive on #8 and barely cleared the gully and had about 190 to the green, which then saw me push my shot short left and into some rough about 45 yards off the green behind some trees. My first wedge was dead straight to the pin but I had to try and raise it over the trees and just caught the top of one and ended up still in the rough but with a shot at chipping to the flag and saving bogey. No such luck as the chip didn't get enough height and I was left with a long 25 foot putt, which I left short by 3 feet and tapped in for the 2nd straight double.

On the box at 9 I was looking at my bag and thinking how lucky I was to have such great clubs when Kevin asked me what was wrong, I asked what he meant and he said I'd been standing there staring at my bag while both he and Willy teed off. I smiled and said nothing, that my clubs reminded me of someone and he laughed and said which ones as I have four different brands in my bag. Ping I20 driver and G30 blue dot irons, Cobra 3 wood, Callaway 5 wood and 4 hybrid, and a Taylor Made White Smoke mallet putter.

I looked bag at them and softly said "the Ping's"....they were special and would remind me of someone very close to my heart for years to come.......and proceeded to take my Ping I20 driver and nail it almost 260 yards, hit my Callaway about 190 more, nailed my wedge to within 6 feet for a shot at birdie and complete the front nine in bogey golf. My putt was dead true but it crossed one of the aeration marks on the green and just slid past the hole leaving me a one footer for par that I sank to end 10 over through nine.

I won't get into details on the back nine played on the Canyon course other than to say that the feeling continued and I actually did shoot bogey managing once more to par the finishing par 5 9th hole.

As we walked off the course Willy looked at my score card and commented that if it weren't for the 6 putts I'd had impacted by the aeration marks I'd have easily broken 90!  I stopped dead in my tracks and just looked at him not having realized how many putts that were dead on had been thrown off the line costing me a few pars.........We shook hands and he told me that his experience has been that when you get into the zone you don't notice your score but just move from shot to shot playing clubs instinctively and that was what he'd seen in me.

So what was probably my last round of 2015 was by far my best ever........and I do believe it was the weather, the course, the company, and the gift of love contained in my new irons. Clubs I'd have never bought for myself as I could never justify spending that kind of money on myself but have in my bag because someone found me more than worthy of them............

So I used these

Along with these

To shoot this

Making bogey or better on 15 of 18 holes and reminding me that anything is possible if you just believe in yourself and let it come to you naturally.

One added of the first gifts I ever received from C is in the second picture and if she ever reads this entry I hope she recognizes it and knows I'll use it every round for the rest of my life <3