Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Deep Message

November 03/15

It's kind of amusing how some of my posts actually come across as sexual innuendo when that isn't even my intent.....it's just a fun bonus :)

I received a message this afternoon from a follower telling me how deep my posts are and how they really make her think I must sit there and contemplate on life's little mysteries.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I'm no more deep than anyone you might pass on the sidewalk on your way to get a double mocha with a touch of chocolate sprinkle super expresso latte.

There are those posts that see me really thinking hard about the topic and putting some serious effort into the finished product and than there are those I just wing.......truth be told more often than not they are of the winged variety.

Now there may be a few lately that have delved a bit deeper than usual but that usually happens when I'm in a funk and lets be honest.....a break up is going to put the most chipper person into a bit of a funk lol

So here is the proposal - you keep reading the blog but don't actually read too much into any one entry and I'll just keep being me.......it's really the only person I'm qualified to be these days as the golf thing hasn't quite taken off.......yet........he says with a twinkle and chuckle

M of the House of C as my son said last week before leaving for his mom's place lol

Such a funny kid and the source of hours and hours of smiles....much like Lego when I was a child

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