Sunday, November 1, 2015

Some silly sayings

November 01/15

First day of November and quite chilly outside. I know this first hand as Moki made me take her for a walk and during the entire walk gave me dirty looks because she was cold.

So I was laying in bed this morning and some old sayings started to pop up in my mind and I started to wonder what they really mean or at least what they mean to me lol

The early bird gets the worm.  The bird should sleep in and try a golf course later as I see lots of worms all the time trying to cross any of the 18 putting greens.

A penny saved is a penny earned. Not in Canada as we got rid of pennies 2 years ago.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. This makes me wonder if the same hold true for a glass of apple juice?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Not sure about you but I usually just buy my fowl at Loblaws or Sobeys.  I'm not prone to go into the bush looking for birds and for those of you reading this as some kind of sexual innuendo or pun.......good on you :)

It takes two to tango.  Really? than what was all the hoopla they used to spread about going blind in the old days to young men who had reached that "age"

Love will find a way.  C'mon, we all know love is blind and needs not only a map but preferably a good Garmin GPS to help it connect two people together.

You can't buy love.  But I hear there is a short term lease available.

Every cloud has a silver lining.  Better hope not as last time I checked silver carried some weight and will drag those clouds down upon our heads.

Never give up hope.  Unless she is being unreasonable and expects you to cancel a tee time.

Don't spill the beans. If you do, please clean them up for heavens sake.

You can't get blood from a stone. Maybe not but that stone can sure draw blood.

Dead men tell no tales. Unless they've left a voice mail behind that is.

Record only the sunny hours. Going to make for some short days in the winter.

Just an example of a mind with too much time on it's to many of you pictured a brain with two hands when you first read that sentence? about when you read it now?

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