Monday, November 30, 2015

My Experience with Yoga

November 30/15

My musical recommendation today is Sugar by Robin Schultz featuring Francesco Yates

So yesterday I swung by Movati to pick up my new cool blue gym bag and make my first use of the club and facilities.

Now because I'm having my prelim assessment today I didn't partake of the weights or cardio pumping equipment but rather decided to try my hand at some yoga with the thinking that if it works out as hoped that my core flexibility will be increased, thus helping my golf swing, and my inner peace might be enhanced as well, making me feel more calm and relaxed.

Now there was one class that seemed perfect as it was for beginners and my first thought was "Uh, hello, first timer here" :)

I was very nervous as we've all seen those movie scenes where a guy goes to such a class and spends the entire time there staring at the women. That was the last thing on my mind and I think it showed very early during the class, much to my benefit.

I took a spot near the back as I didn't want to stand out too much when things either got too much for me or I was just so uncoordinated and unable to follow the routines.

The first few minutes went well and I wasn't feeling too stressed out but then the transition to new positions began and things sort of started to fall apart for this guy. Since I didn't want to give the impression that I was staring I just went back and did the original moves and thus avoided having to look around too much.

There were more than a few smiles and seeing as how I had to be older than most of the women there by at least 10-15 years I guess that was to be expected.

As things finished up the instructor came over to talk to me and asked me why I was there. Not in a harsh manner but just really out of curiosity more than anything else seeing as how I was the only guy in the class. I explained that I was a new member and not really clear on how yoga works but didn't want to be one of those guys who attends thinking they'll score some numbers or things along those lines. She smiled and said if I'm not there to make connections what am I hoping to gain, I told her about my love, addiction, to golf and how my weight has been working against my swing as well as my stamina and that I was open to trying new things to help my game. She laughed and said as a fellow golfer she totally understood and applauded my ability to think beyond the driving range.

You've got to love it when someone actually uses golf lingo in the proper way :)

She asked why I didn't move to the front of the class if I wasn't sure and I burst out laughing and told her my courage stopped at the door and though I didn't want to be caught staring I also didn't want to be the brunt of anymore laughs than I needed too given my shape......she smiled and told me to not worry so much, she was actually more impressed with my desire to change things up in my life than anything else.  She suggested a few other classes I might like that will help me with my flexibility and energy levels and said she expected to see me around the gym more often.

So while I sucked at my first yoga class, I did come away feeling a bit better about myself and not so worried that people will think I'm there for all the wrong reasons :)

One day down on the path to a new and better me..........

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