December 01/15
Happy December to one and all!!
So last night I went through my fitness assessment prior to reviewing my options with regards to possibly having a personal trainer.
Just writing personal trainer makes me think I'm an elitist even though I know it's now more the norm than ever before and really just makes me part of the crowd these days :)
So I have to admit that the whole process was a bit of an eye opener for me as I found out some interesting things about myself and my pear shaped body.
Now I was pretty honest in outlining what I hope to accomplish and have no expectations of ever having Ryan Goslings body from "Crazy Stupid Love" but who is to say I can't make a big dent in the dough body I've got now? I'm pretty confident I've got some abs and now just have top put the effort into finding them lol
The plan is to incorporate weight training, class work dealing with kettle balls, some cardio like spinning and zumba, and yoga to help keep me centered. My goal is to drop from 245 to 190 over the next year and reduce my BMI from almost 35% to under 20%.....going to take some commitment on my part but anything worth having usually does.
One thing I took away from the assessment was that my cardio isn't as bad as I thought as I was easily able to meet the goals set out in the testing for someone in average shape, though I am feeling it in my thighs today.
Of course the shocker was that my upper body strength was nowhere near what I thought and left me feeling quite embarrassed. I don't mind being embarrassed but this was ridiculous and actually had me feeling quite angry with myself for letting things get this far out of hand.
While the process made me feel ashamed of my body it also served as a great wake up call and now has me motivated to make the changes I need to make so I'm around a few more years to enjoy and bother my kids :)
One added benefit will be the added energy I should end up with as I lose weight and build up my endurance......can only help when I'm back in a relationship right? Now to be fair to myself, I have to admit my last relationship was quite good in that area and I don't ever remember her saying she wasn't happy so at least that was something I can build on and hopefully improve on as well.
So now I've got a trainer and will be undergoing torture 2x a week with him and also self inflicting some an additional 2x per week as I follow the initial plan we will be designing beginning tomorrow at 6am.
Yes, you read that correctly as 6am. Anything worth having is worth losing a little sleep over, least in my mind it is.
So look out world, it is the dawning of a new age for the house and on the golf course :)
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