So it's that time of year when you can't turn on the TV or even Netflix for that matter, without seeing a Christmas themed movie of some kind.
Last night one of my favourites "Miracle on 34th Street was on Showtime, I think, and it made me smile like always. Now this is the modern version of the "Miracle on 34th Street" with Sir Richard Attenborough and Elizabeth Perkins. Now there's nothing wrong with the 1947 edition it's just I like this one better and it got me to thinking about my favourite Christmas movies.
So here are my top 10 Christmas movies, least as of today :)
- Miracle on 34th Street with Attenborough, Perkins, McDermott, and Wilson. I especially love the last 4 minutes of it and am so jealous of McDermott :)
- A Charlie Brown Christmas. You can never go wrong with a classic and this one is that and more. I'm sort of a sucker for anything Snoopy.
- Love Actually. It's based around Christmas and just an overall feel good movie in my books. Best part is when Grant puts Thornton in his place and realizes Natalie is his "one".
- Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Jim Carey was born to play the Grinch and does it to perfection.
- The Polar Express. It took me a few viewings before I appreciated this one as much as it deserved. A simple and yet powerful message lays buried in the movie. Tom Hanks as a conductor so how can you really go wrong.
- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I prefer the 1984 version with George C. Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge as he just seems to bring the crankiness alive. Either of the other two versions are good as well but this list is about my favourites :)
- Home Alone. Small kid thwarting the bad guys all the while making some important discoveries about himself and the neighbour.
- The Santa Claus. Tim Allen learning to believe once again in the jolly old guy.
- Scrooged with Bill Murray. C'mon, it's got Bill "Fucking" Murray in it with Carol Kane as the Ghost of Christmas Present who punches Murray any and every chance she gets.
- 12 Dates of Christmas with Amy Smart and Mark-Paul Gosselaar. Sort of Ground Hog Day for Christmas but one that makes me smile all the same.
So there you have my top ten Christmas movie list. I'm sure there are others that could be included but for this year I'm sticking with this one and would love to hear what makes up your own top five or ten movies for the holiday's.
Moki Update: The princess has started eating as well as drinking water once again so all is well for the worlds bestest puppy. Yes, I know that bestest isn't really a word but I'm using my bloggers exemption on this one so no spelling police messages please..............
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