December 02/15
Today's suggested song has no bearing to the post other than I was playing it while writing it :)
Haim's " Don't Save Me" great band of 3 sisters from Socal and have some kick ass beats!!
So first off, I'm going to admit that I gave some serious thought to not posting this blog entry and then thought to myself "Self, why the hell not?" so here you go.....enjoy lol
Question - Have you ever tried BDSM?
No, can't say it's ever come up and not sure how I'd respond if asked. I like to think I'm open minded and my stance has always been that what two consenting adults do is between them but I'm not sure if I'd consent to partaking in this as I think the potential is there to abuse or be abused and this cowboy don't ride that way.
Question - Ever have a ménage-a-trois?
No, but not for lack of opportunities. I know the general perception is that this is supposed to be every guys fantasy but my experience has been that women get into just as much and it was actually former partners who asked about arranging one, one before I moved to Ottawa and the other right after my separation back in '07. Neither came about as I just can't see myself sharing my partner with another in such an intimate way. I don't share well with others :)
Question - How endowed are you?
Really? that's what you want to know? OK.......not going to give you an exact measurement, though I do know as all guys check lol, but I'll answer like this. I'm smaller than John Holmes or Ron Jeremy but not worried about being talked about in the same circles as a micro-penis. Google them if you don't understand the references. Two things I'm never going to have to worry about hearing are "You want to put that thing inside me" and "Is it in yet?" That made me chuckle.
Question - Do you like foreplay or prefer to just get it on?
This one is really simple - no foreplay no sex! Plain and simple. I love foreplay and have been known to be quite the tease in my prep work but have never had any complaints. The one thing I've learned over the years is that when you put your partners pleasure first it's usually returned in spades!
Question - What is your take on oral?
I'm going to assume this refers to oral sex and not oral hygiene though my answer is the same for either one in that I'm in favour big time, but there's a kicker, isn't there always a kicker with me, in that I prefer to give then receive. It's not that I don't enjoy myself when my partner performs but more that I find I really have to concentrate to achieve the desired results and that feels like it's counter to how things should go. Now I've had one partner who was able to overcome that obstacle and literally blew my mind, no pun intended, when I was on the receiving end. The best part about giving is that it lets me control the pace and allows me to bring her to the peak and then ease back, doing this several times until there is almost a sense of frustration before breaking the dam.
Question - Anal?
It's an exit, enough said. I don't judge those who do but the thought does nothing for me in the least.
Question - Craziest place you've ever had sex?
My cousins wedding with one of her bridesmaids when I was 18 on the 18th green at Torrey Pines North. It came about as part of a dare from my cousins as I was the baby of the family and pretty much a massive shy introvert. Originally thought she was doing it due to all the champagne flowing that night but she confessed to me afterwards she was stone cold sober and had already decided I was going to be her wedding memory before I even approached her. In hindsight I really wish I paid more attention to her and not so much looking around to see who might catch us. My cousin found out later and was really pissed off at her bridesmaid as she thought I deserved better. I was the apple of all my very protective females cousins and the source of many dares to my male cousins :)
Question - Wildest sex you've ever had?
When my first marriage ended I was pretty much in shock as sex was the issue and I was led to believe that I completely sucked at it, and not in the good way. I was lead contact with a head hunter for my organization and when she learned I was single she started dropping by the office all the time and after getting nowhere with her flirting asked me at lunch one day what was wrong and for some reason I told her about my marriage and what ruined it. I think she took this as a challenge as she asked me what my plans were for Friday night, knowing that I commuted from San Diego to Cerritos for work, and I said I didn't have any but might see about leaving early to play some golf down in Newport Beach. She smiled and said sounded like fun. Friday came around and she showed up at my office at 2pm and as I mentioned some projects we needed to staff she smiled and said she wasn't the rep for our account anymore and that she was there for me, laid a hotel key on my desk, and said over her shoulder as she walked out of my office that she'd be across the street at the Marriott Cerritos and it was worth my while to come and have drinks with her. I thought about it and said what the hell and we ended up staying the weekend in that room only leaving to get some fresh clothes and stretch our legs. It was pure sex and did so much to restore my confidence in myself and my abilities. We dated for about 3 months and I'll always be grateful to her for what she did. Oh, I found out later that she called my ex and told her the biggest mistake she ever made was divorcing but she appreciated it as I rocked!! Pretty damn cool :)
Question - Ever use sex toys?
Not yet :)
Question - Biggest sexual regret?
This will sound kind of crazy but the fact that I was in Jamaica and didn't have anywhere near as much sex as I wanted. I sort of hesitated as I didn't want the woman I was with to think that was all I wanted from her as I wanted oh so much more with her than just sex, but the sex was pretty damn good with her and she had me feeling like I was on cloud 9 all of the time.
Question - Do you have any sexual fantasies?
Do I breathe? Of course I do, hell we all do if we're honest with ourselves, and I am that. But those are private for me to know and maybe someone to find out one day. Nothing kinky but just something I'd like to have happen before I can't partake worries as I don't see that happening for a lot more years!
I'm going to close this session out for now and maybe post another down the road when I've had a chance to bring the blushing under control :)
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