December 31/15
Today's musical recommendation is "Let It Go" by Laidback Luke featuring Trevor Guthrie.
It might be a bit indicative of where I'm heading with my life and the recent changes :)
Today's blog title sort of sounds like a 50's rock band doesn't it?
Last night I was lounging on the couch down in the man cave watching the movie Ashby with Mickey Rourke, Nat Wolff, Emma Roberts, and Sarah Silverman. A little more thought provoking than I was expecting but a good watch nonetheless.
So about halfway through the movie Moki was snuggled up next to me when she suddenly raised her head and looked at the opposite end of the couch and let out a huge sigh before turning to look at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen her flash me and trust me that dog knows how to work the eyes.
I paused the movie and rubbed behind her ear asking what was wrong and she, I kid you not, looked back at the other end of the couch and gave another sigh before resting her head on my thigh.
Now to say I was both perplexed and worried might be an understatement as Moki can be very chatty when she wants, what with her looks and playful nipping at my hands, but I've never seen her act like this before.
I sat there watching her and glanced over to where she'd been looking when she made the sighs and it suddenly hit me like a Nolan Ryan fastball........she had been looking at the spot C used to sit when she was over and expressing her own sense of loss as she had a wonderful connection with C, sometimes such that I think the little diva would have gladly gone with C up the valley if given the opportunity.
As this all dawned on me I could see in my mind past moments where we'd been watching Suits and Moki had been curled up in C's lap or stretched out along her legs and I knew that Moki was missing C in her own special way and letting me know that I wasn't the only one to suffer from my actions.
Thinking about this made me realize that Moki has been more on edge to noises around the house and now I think it was her being ultra alert to C coming home and not understanding where her other human friend had gone.
I'm pretty confident my kids are doing fine, other than worrying about me, as we hadn't really interacted enough with the kids on a regular basis to have that bond develop but I totally forgot all about Moki and how excited she'd get when C was at my place or we made the "valley drive" as I used to call it to go and see C at her place this summer.
It is kind of a sad funny how when we go through something we don't always think of the impact it has on anyone else let alone our furry family.
I restated the movie and made a note to myself to be a little more attentive to Moki as she has had a loss in her life just as much as I have with the departure of C.
My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing and evolving thoughts about being a father, a friend, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from 130 yards, how I found and lost my "One", and my struggles to move onwards with my life. Some will make you laugh, some smile, some angry, and hopefully most will leave you thinking about life, love, and finding your own "One"
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