Saturday, December 26, 2015

Boxing Day Laughs

December 26/15

Today's musical suggestion is "11:11" by the Arkells, another Canadian Indie band. What can I say, we rock good music in the True North!!!!

So this morning I received a text from a friend telling me she was heading out to do some Boxing Day shopping and she wondered if I wanted to tag along and she'd buy lunch afterwards.

As tempting as that was, I mean who doesn't like a free meal, I declined saying I'd rather have both my testicles removed with a rusty butter knife without any anesthesia than face any more shopping.

She texted me back a smiley face and called me a wuss!. I can live with that as I've been called much worse in my life for much better reasons lol

I ended up taking Moki for her morning walk , why not as I was awake now, and worked on her off leash commands as I like letting her off her leash and running around like the puppy she is. As we were walking down the path towards the elementary school we came across a woman walking her dog and pushing her baby in a stroller. Moki got all excited as the other dog was off leash as well but she did really good and stayed by my side. As we passed one another Moki hesitated and I let her go and say hello thinking she would try and play with the other dog but no, she wanted to say hi to the other human instead, which sort of miffed the other dog a bit.

We proceeded on our walk and made the circuit around the park and once again came across the other dog and her owner. They'd stopped at the big end of the park and she was throwing a ball for her dog to chase down. Moki looked at me and I said "Go" and waved my hand outwards and she didn't need a second invitation and shot off like a puck off of Erik Karlsson's stick on a power play!!!

She sprinted across the grass only to find her efforts ignored as the other dog paid her no attention, possibly out of revenge for Moki's earlier transgression. Moki ran over to the lady and got some attention and then sprinted full out back to where I was standing and jumped up at me for some love.

She kept looking from me to the other dog and I smiled down and said "You had your chance puppy and looks like she doesn't want to play" and started to walk home once more. As I did Moki begin spinning around in circles, something she does when she gets excited, and I couldn't help but bursting out in laughter and smiles as she is just so darn cute.

Our walk ended with a treat and fresh hugs and now I'm going to get ready to head off to the gym for my own endorphin rush.

No shopping for this guy....maybe a movie later and I've still got to run by my ex's place as my daughter texted me that there is a sugar pie in the fridge for me from my former mother-in-law, pays to stay on good terms with your partners as you never know what kind of treats you could end up with :)

For those braving a mall today, my hat is off to you and remember to have a cold one when you get home as I hear it aids in recovering from the shock lol

Day two of my four day weekend :)

My name is Marcus and this blog marks my journey in life as a father, friend, golfer, and potential partner when and if I am lucky enough to find the one who appreciates the quirkiness that is me...

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