Friday, December 4, 2015

The Weekend is Here!!!!

December 04/15

So it's Friday and the weekend is here once again, Hooray!!!!

My son rotates back to my place tonight to begin his dad week so my schedule starts to become less mine and more a hostage to the demands of a teenager and I have to say I love it :)

I know my parents loved me but I can't really say with any certainty that they were anywhere near as involved or even up to date on my life when I was my son's age as they should have been.  There are times being an involved parent can get really frustrating and down right tiring but knowing my son understands that I'm always there for him no matter what, that my love is unconditional and shall always be so, and that he can count on me when needed makes it all worth while.

Nothing really big planned other than the usual stuff with him. Drivers training tomorrow and soccer training on Sunday. Around that he'll have to work on any homework, attend the Nutcracker with his girlfriend, and help me and his sister decorate the tree on Sunday.

My only big thing is my training session on Sunday and I'm really looking forward to it.

Might be having drinks with a friend tonight but that sort of depends on whether she gets a babysitter and hasn't made up with her boyfriend lol  If she hasn't then I get the joy of hearing how all men are jerks and why can't we just be not going down that road but it'll still be nice to hear how she's doing and her plans for Xmas with her little ones as I sort of miss all of that now that my own kids are grown up.

So what's on your plate this weekend??

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