December 02/15
My musical suggestion might be "So Down Low" by The Elwins :)
Good beat for that time spent on the treadmill this morning as part of my cool down.
Great first session with the trainer and found out that all the golf I've played this past year has kind of caused my right side to be slightly more developed than the left muscle wise in my back, this has led to a bit of stiffness in my shoulders that is sort of hampering my ability to fully rotate my shoulders back to the optimal position for working out.
Interesting solution is some stretching exercise with a resistance band before I begin my workouts.
So this morning was really about the legs and let me tell you, I'm feeling the burn right now and will feel it even more tonight and tomorrow morning!!!
Didn't sleep all that well last night as I was worried about missing my session so pretty confident sleep will come much easier tonight, especially since I'm going to be back in the gym tomorrow morning at 6am working the same equipment and doing some cardio as well.
My one year goal of dropping from 245 to 185 is doable and the next two months will be me on a good path to success, the key being to stay with it and not get discouraged if I suffer any setbacks along the way as they'll happen sure as Spring brings rain :)
Next training session is Sunday at noon, hoped for Friday morning but schedule is in flux as I have to work around his schedule as well as my son's soccer and drivers training. Funny, I might be single but my time isn't always my own to do with as I please.
Hope you all have a great day, stay safe, stay the course, and be open to what's happening around you as the one could be just around the corner :)
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