Friday, December 18, 2015

Moki - The Update

December 18/15

I've received more than a few messages asking how Moki is doing from her procedure and thought I'd post this instead of responding to each individually.

She did super well and both vet technicians and the vet herself commented on what an awesome dog she is and if I ever think of giving her up, which is never happening folks, to call them right away and they'd be more than happy to have her come live with them.

It always warms my heart to hear and see people react to her as she really is an amazing little puppy.

OK, I know that at four years old she isn't considered a puppy any longer but her personality is so much that of a puppy that in my mind that is just what she'll always be.

I'm working from home today to keep an eye on her and at this moment she is curled up on her pillow next to the chair in my home office. Every now and than she makes a noise to remind me she is there and get me to lean over and rub her back.

I woke up this morning to find her laying on her pillow just staring up at me with those puppy dog eyes almost as if mentally trying to get me moving. As I carried her down the back steps off the deck to the backyard I was asking her if she was ok and my response was a big sigh, almost as if in response.

Yes, I talk to my dog all the time, sometimes complete conversations, well one sided conversations as she doesn't respond verbally, unless you count sighs or low guffs.  My sanity is fine and I'd only worry if I thought she was actually talking back to me and that hasn't far

Thank you for the messages and rest assured that the little four legged diva that runs my life these days is doing fine and getting all the attention she needs and deserves :)

Wishing everyone a great weekend and hopefully not too much of it is spent battling crowds doing last minute Christmas shopping :)

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