Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My own private sadist reminded me......

December 30/15

I think the Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony is the perfect pairing to this blog entry :)

So over the weekend I wasn't at the gym as much as I should have been and this morning I was reminded once again that my goal of dropping weight and getting more toned is part of a continuous process that requires my active, willing or not, participation if it's going to succeed.

How was I reminded? Connor took no pity on me and using some highly thought out routines proceeded to blow my legs up with standard squats mixed with bar bell presses that were followed by the worst torture ever and put on display for everyone on the floor to see.......

Walking lunges!!!!

Here is what they look like:

Now I'm not going to try and kid you into thinking that's me above or that the weights I was carrying across my shoulders were that heavy but when you've not been active almost any weight is going to be tough....especially as you attempt the walking lunge across a 30 yard distance and than back.

I was fairly good on the way out but lost it half way back as my thighs just turned to jelly.

Connor took some pity on me and didn't make me crawl the last 10 yards but I think he considered it for a few moments.

He reminded me that because our sessions only last 30 minutes they have to be highly intense in order to get the most out of them and that I need to be committed to coming in on my off days and doing the equipment circuit he has outlined for my training if I hope to get the most results, and I do, I really do.

I finished off with 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, my self chosen instrument of pain, as my cool down period before heading home to shower and head off to work.

I had some shirts hanging in the armour in the basement and went down to find one and had a rude awakening when I started back up the stairs when my right thigh muscle went into spasms in protest lol

I could picture it looking up at me and saying "You might want to rethink that whole going to work thing as I think we're down here for a bit buddy" lol

Happy to report after a moment I was able to power my way up the stairs, not without a bit of pain, and get my ass to work.

You can guess where I'll be tomorrow morning and at some point on New Years Day as I'll be damned if that sadist is going to get the best of me again come this Saturday!!!!!

My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing and evolving thoughts about being a father, a friend, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from 130 yards, how I found and lost my "One", and my struggles to move onwards with my life. Some will make you laugh, some smile, some angry, and hopefully most will leave you thinking about life, love, and finding your own "One"

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