Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Just in case I get too busy and forget........

December 22/15

So life is picking steam with the fast approach of Christmas and my need to finish off my shopping.

Last year I was so much more prepared and far more proactive in getting all of my shopping done in a more timely manner, possibly another example of the positive influence someone had on me :)

I'm off this afternoon to try and get it all done and then home to have dinner before heading back out with the kids to see Trans Siberia Orchestra in concert at the Canadian Tire Centre - they put on an amazing show and the only drawback is who won't be there but nothing I can do about that now.

So with all that's going on this week it means the posts may be a little slower or even less frequent so I thought it best to send all of you the following:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's to each of you and your loved ones. May 2016 bring you health, happiness, prosperity, love, and peace.


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