December 06/15
What a shit show of a weekend and now I'm actually looking forward to Monday so it can come to a freaking end already!!!!!!
Nothing went as planned and the one thing I was looking forward was the worst and I had to cancel it.
Just wanted to decorate the Christmas tree with my son and daughter but it was such a headache to get them to agree on a time and then even that blew up as my daughter was questioning how late it was going to be with dinner when we got done and then my son asked to have dinner at his girlfriends as she was having a tough weekend............
I'm not sure I'm the bad guy when I politely decline his request to have her join us as I only ask for one day to do something and even than feels like I'm somehow inconveniencing them......sorry, not my role to make her weekend better and maybe her own damn parents need to start stepping up.
She's a nice girl so it's not like I don't like her but I just want a small measure of time with my two kids, just the three of us.....but that makes me seem inconsiderate somehow.
I love my kids but am realizing how much it is all about them and I'm getting tired to always being the one to put my plans on hold....of course I'm going to be told how wrong I am for taking this stance but I honestly don't give a flying fuck at the moment.
Oh...and to top things off my trainer blew off our noon session and tried to say we agreed to meet at 9:30 when that is total bullshit given my son had soccer from 9-11 this morning and there is no way I booked a session when I was going to be in a soccer now I'm thinking of changing trainers and waiting to hear back from the coordinator.
Don't even get me started on the nightmare that was drinks and pizza on Friday as that turned out to be a total bitch-fest from S and several of her friends...........I left there wishing someone had just fucking neutered me........think it's going to be a long time before I have drinks with S again as I so don't appreciate being ambushed with a date night that ends with everyone present dumping on me for all the sins a man has ever committed upon picked them ladies so sit down, shut up, and live with your choices........
Yes, I'm in rare form tonight but again, I don't give a fuck as I'm tired of always being there for everyone else and feeling slightly used.......think it's time I start putting my wishes and desires first and see how everyone likes it.............
Please, Dear God, make the week better and help me forget this weekend................
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