December 23/15
Last night was the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert and as usual they tore down the building!!!
It was one of the first traditions I established with my kids post separation and something we look forward to each year. Nothing beats seeing my son's eyes as he takes in the spectacle of the story or seeing my daughters head swaying to the rhythm of the songs.
If you've never been to one of the concerts or heard the music I highly suggest you take a moment to YouTube them and possibly start with Christmas Eve/Sarajevo or Wizards in Winter.
I never thought I'd see a heavy metal concert but in many ways that is what TSO is like, with ripping guitar riffs, pounding drums, keyboards and electric violin adding notes, all mixed with a locally secured string ensemble and vocals that make you feel like crying at times when listened too in conjunction with the story.
Last night was the first time we've ever sat in the front row and it blew my mind like no other concert has ever done. Both of my kids commented on how we've been slowly working our way around the concert seating chart and agreed we just need to stay front and centre from now on.
I won't go into details on the play list other than to say, music moves me and I've blogged about it many times before and will do so many times again over the life of this blog. TSO has the unique ability to put notes together that leave me sobbing at times and that is pretty damn awesome.
Any time an artist, whether it be a musician, writer, or thespian can make you feel an emotion, any emotion, and have you crying or gasping for air they've given you an impressive performance, one worth talking about and trying to see as often as you can.
TSO mixes things up year over year while still bringing the classics back as well. It stays fresh and yet still feels all warm and comfortable.
The only negative about last night was in who wasn't there with us but maybe the future will remedy that down the road. No, that isn't a revelation of any kind but more me having some holiday hope that something could happen in my favour at some point. A guy can dream can't he?
So one more concert in the books and hopefully many more to come, age won't matter as the couple sitting next to me had to be in they're sixties and they were bouncing around like teenagers!!!
My thanks to all the artists and support people who make Trans Siberian Orchestra one of the best concerts in the world.
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