Thursday, December 10, 2015

My Trainer is a Sadist

December 10/15

Today's song might be "Felicia" by the Constellations

My trainer is a sadist and I love it!!!!

Yesterday was my session with Connor and I have to say he kicked my ass and left me with legs that feel like wet noodles and all of the muscles from my knees to my waist on fire whenever I attempt to use them.

It made doing the Christmas tree really hard last night as I had to go down into the man cave to get things set up for use when the kids came over. I forgot that I had to change a burned out light bulb and debated with myself for close to 3 minutes the merits of just yelling to my son to bring me a new bulb versus trying to walk back up the stairs and then back down again as the walk up is bad but the walk down is like thousands of little needles getting stuck into my legs.

Now you'll be happy to know, and I'm proud to say, I didn't give into temptation and went and got it myself.  This morning was a repeat as the pain is worse and I had to get the recycle containers out of the basement to put them out for trash collection today.  Moki stood at the top of the stairs and I've convinced myself she had a look of sympathy in her eyes urging me on, letting me know I'm a good boy.  Now it's entirely possible she is smart enough to realize her morning walk also depended on me being able to climb back up the stairs but I'm going with the first theory of her feeling bad for me and offering up support, just like I do for her in her numerous attempts to catch Sammy the squirrel when she sees him in the backyard.

So here is my advice for you.....when you see your trainer positioning a 35 lb kettle bell near a chair so you can do dead lifts near to a weighted lift bar that is next to a weight sled loaded with 50 lbs take a moment and say your final goodbyes because by the time they've finished with you it'll be too late to say anything.  This comes from first hand experience so you can take it to the bank.

After he got done reminding me how much I hated two-a-days when I played high school football he took me out onto the main gym floor and showed me some various equipment he wants me to use on my solo workout days. Now these didn't look like they would  inflict the same pain on me but as the saying goes "looks can be deceiving" as they were just as bad this morning when I went through the cycle on my own.

The one good thing about this whole process is this physical pain is helping to distract from the emotional pain and making me so damn exhausted I'm sleeping through the night and not really dreaming all that much, least I can't seem to recall any dreams lately.

Wait, that would be the second good thing as the first is getting my physical conditioning back in line and improving my quality of life - have to keep things in perspective :)

After I finished the workout I returned to the treadmill for my cool down cycle and who do you think was there in the row in front of me again but my gym bunny running away as fast as her legs could carry her on one of the treadmills. She looked over her shoulder and smiled while reminding me to take that first step off slowly when I'm done as the face plant is only funny the first time lol

So life continues and I'm moving forward with little baby steps. Now you might mock these little baby steps but we have to learn to walk before we can run.

My name is Marcus and I'm a single part time custodial dad and full time father. Give that sentence a moment and it'll make sense when you consider some of my other posts :)

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