Tuesday, November 3, 2015


November 03/15

As you may have guessed from some of the recent entries I've sort of fucked things up with C and find myself single once again.

The blame totally rests with me and I accept full responsibility as she was more than patient and tried to help me deal with my insecurities but sometimes no matter how hard you try it doesn't work and in order to keep your own peace of mind you've got to let the other person go.......she had the strength to understand that she needed to do it despite strong feelings for me and more importantly, the courage to actually act upon it.

So you can expect a few morose entries as I wrestle with the consequences of my actions but I promise to try my best not to let them all be that way.....I mean being that way is just such a damn downer and nobody really wants to be that guy now do they....I know I don't

One benefit is that when I do have this, or anything else sad, happen to me I tend to blog a hell of lot more often.......guess there are pros and cons to that depending on one's point of view

So what will get me through this? Well golfing is sort of out of the question given the change in weather, though I hear we are due some good weather this week and it might mean a round this weekend....yes, I'm the idiot who would golf in a light snowfall if they'd let me....actually I did just that back in the fall of 2013 up at Arnprior Golf Club.

Oh....think I digressed from the question of how I'll get over this hopefully a bit quicker this time around........music, movies, books, and Moki!!!!

I've been rocking out to Marianna's Trench and Metric this morning while plowing through some fixed asset reports and will be looking at adding some Kings of Leon, Mother Mother, Said the Whale, and Mumford & Sons this afternoon after I get back from lunch.

Music soothes my soul even at the moment it makes me want to cry.

I'm not afraid to shed those tears as they help release the pain and let the healing begin.

Music more than anything impacts my moods so my goal is to let it take over and burn away the scar tissue over the next few weeks........do I have enough music to do that? You'd be surprised at how much I have on my iPod and available on my system at home.....so no worries about this guy having enough tunes!!!!!!

Maybe for sneezes and giggles I'll add some Michael Jackson to that play list....anything is possible at this point :)

Stay warm, smile, and remember.......the blogger cares

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