Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My End of Year Goal

November 18/15

So I have a new end of year goal and it doesn't involve golf, dating, my job, or my interactions with the world around me. Well not directly at least as those things will help me reach my goal, I hope :)

No, the goal is pretty simple. I want to reach 8,000 views by end of the year.

I'm sitting at 7,070 right now so that means that between today and New Years Eve I've got to draw in an additional 930 views or about 22 hits per day over the next 43 days.

Not sure what made this jump out to me as a goal but something did and now here we are.

Oh, and the other items I listed are always goals to accomplish with some more realistic than others, like golf won't be undertaken too much between now and May but my desire to drop some weight and improve my pear shape is most definitely within the realm of possibilities :)


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