November 14/15
Yesterday saw another attempt on the world by a group of cowards in Paris.
They may call themselves freedom fighters or the persecuted but they are nothing more than young cowards hiding behind the misinterpreted words of a religion.
I know of no religion that calls upon it's followers to take up arms, cross national borders, and systematically seek out those locations where an attack on innocent people will generate the greatest publicity in an attempt to cowe the public into not standing up and fighting back.
I beg you to show one that does that.
In the meantime I'll continue to call these people what they are........fucking cowards!!!
Cowards bully those they think won't stand up, they try and intimidate people opposed to their cause into silence, to get them to decry the actions of their governments so as to make the attacks stop, to give into the radicals demands.
The last time we did this on a large scale we ended up with something called World War II that saw the death's of over 30 million people globally and the attempt to completely eradicate a culture from Europe by one megalomaniac.
We cannot buckle under to the terrorists for to do so would invalidate all the sacrifices made by those we recently honoured on Remembrance Day.
I believe the quote goes something like......The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.
We are a better world when we work together and face evil head on, devoting our time and resources to overcome it and triumph in a manner that reminds the world that we are stronger as one than many.
At some point we as a society will have to make the hard decisions about where individual liberties override the liberties of society as a whole. We have moved past the point where we can view these individuals or groups as disenfranchised and within their rights to strike out to get their point across.
Accountability needs to be factored into the response and I will not shed any tears for the world of pain the west will soon bring down upon those responsible for these cowardly actions, either responsible directly or through support.
Tonight I cry for those lives lost in Paris, those lives left shattered by injury and loss of loved ones, and for the changes we will all now endure due to the actions of a few.........
Paires, je pleure à votre douleur et de prier pour ceux qui ont perdu des lâches sur ce jour sombre
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