Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Huge Breaking News on the Today Show!!

November 17/15

So this morning on the Today show Charlie Sheen made the shocking announcement that he tested positive for HIV.

Take a moment to and let that sick in.  Hard to understand isn't it?

Now here is the real interesting aspect to that announcement....just how many people really give a damn about it?

I'd say the number that it really concerns is more than likely under one hundred!

The people who he slept with, the people who sold him drugs, the people who depend on him for an income like his publicist and personal assistant, and his family.

As for the rest of us I'm quite confident that none of us really care all that much.

I know it doesn't impact my life in any way, shape, or form.

But of course Hollywood wants us to think that somehow we are expected to feel bad about it and spend countless moments thinking and worrying about him.

Sorry, I've got better things to do with my time. I've got my family to think about, a job to attend, a golf game to continue working on, and at some point a dating life to resurrect.

It's kind of like feeling sorry for the guy who keeps pushing the metal coat hanger into the wall outlet and than being surprised when he gets a shock.....Common sense tells one not to act in a certain manner unless one wants to get burned.

Now Charlie lived the good live, partied hard, drank a tonne of alcohol, snorted and injected only God knows how much crap into his system, and slept his way around with some rather unsavory types to decide to come out today so he could stop paying people not to expose his dirty little secret.

Well the dirty little secret is really that it took it this long to come out given his wild life, I'm more shocked the news didn't break six years ago versus today.

I'm not happy he has the disease just as I'm not happy anyone gets it or any other disease and I feel bad for his kids and former partners who now live wondering what the health impact might be on them going forward, more his partners on this one than his kids as they'll be ok health wise in terms of body but probably suffer some emotional damage.

So why do we need to know about Charlie Sheen announcing to the world he has HIV versus John Q Public getting it??  Because Hollywood thinks one person is more important than another due to being a celebrity.  Can you imagine what the reaction would be if one of those K girls made this kind of announcement? We'd have to declare a national day of mourning is my guess.

How about we just treat people like people and stop putting some up on pedestals to be worshipped because they can recite lines or hit a ball.............

Sorry Charlie, but I just don't care enough to care!

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