November 04/15
Lot of things happening today.
Canada gets a new Prime Minister in Justin Trudeau. I didn't vote Liberal but the majority did so we'll see how this turns out.
Beautiful day outside. Actually nice golf weather but that isn't an option
Month end at work so busy but still happy to be busy
My daughter is now aware of my relationship status and texting me all the time to make sure I'm doing ok. I've asked her to keep it to herself but that's sort of like asking the French not to surrender at the first sign of a fight and then acting superior about it lol
It is Wacky Wednesday, to quote one of the worlds greatest authors "Dr. Seuss"
I'm single............
The last one has me feeling pretty crappy today, more so than yesterday, but hopefully worse than I'll feel tomorrow.............
Some of the music I've been playing isn't helping with the mood but that's ok, I can deal with it as even though it may make me sad or feel the pain all over it also helps to begin the healing process and eventually I'll be of the hurt and pain but never free of the feelings
Tom Odell's "Supposed To Be" got things off and was helped along by Marianna's Trench "One Love"
One Love has a line about a phantom limb in reference to the loss the lead singer feels over his missing girlfriend. The first time I heard that line it made me stop and wonder how they could make such a comparison but now hearing the song this morning I totally understand what he is trying to convey.
The ending of a relationship doesn't mean that everything just stops. No, things continue and some should but others can' tendency to text first thing in the morning or when I'm on the golf course with pictures has had to stop....though I'll admit to starting a text without even giving it any thought but have managed to catch myself before hitting send.
I've never wanted to be that person in a breakup who keeps reaching out...regardless of being told to stop. The last time this happened I never thought about deleting the contact information but I think it's something I've really got to consider this time around as the ending was pretty clear without any hope of a reconciliation like last time.
I'll say this for myself........when I mess up I go fucking big time!
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