Friday, November 20, 2015

I need........

November 20/15

So I'll be the first to agree that the blog title is kind of an open ended statement and just leave it at that ok as there are many things I need these days....

  • some peace of mind that my most recent self inflicted emotional wounds from dating won't haunt me forever

  • to drop a few pounds, ok more than just a few but baby steps here folks

  • to continue being as supportive as possible to both my kids

  • start my Christmas shopping

  • to work on my excel skills

  • amalgamate all my music libraries into one master data base

  • hire an interior decorator to give me some paint scheme suggestions for my one colour home

  • remind myself that it's better to have loved and lost than never having loved at all

  • to be thankful for that which I have

  • to work with my son on fulfilling his volunteer hours

  • expand the number of dishes I'm comfortable preparing

  • review and purge some unused contacts in my cell phone

  • to sort out all the damn golf clubs I own and consider listing some on Kajiji

  • a vacation

That last point was almost taken care of last month when C was looking to get away between Christmas and New Years as we are both sans kids during that period and she really needs to get away from the stress of her position.

She told me a little while back that she had almost booked a trip for us to Cuba as a surprise but didn't know how to list her insurance on the booking forms since she has special coverage through her work and it wasn't one of the options on the drop down menu. Oddly enough she still had my information from when she booked our Jamaica trip back in March.  I'll say one thing for C, when she went big, she really went big :)

I'm sure in hindsight that little menu glitch worked out for the best given how we ended up but I can still visualize a week in Cuba with her and it is pretty damn good in my head right now, not that it's what you are thinking I'm visualizing but then again, whose to say I'm not as that was always pretty damn great as well :)

Now I think I need a cold shower................

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