Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday the 13th!

November 13/15

So today is one of those days a lot of people dread as it is considered very unlucky day.

Hell, the number 13 is considered so unlucky that most buildings omit it as a floor number, which is kind of dumb as we all know the floor after the 12th is the 13th regardless of if they say it's the 14th. Like we would fall for something as dumb as that.

I remember living in an apartment building and one day realizing that while my apartment number was 15 it was really 14 and the woman living next to me was really in apartment 13!!

Not sure if there was any correlation between the number and the woman residing within, but she had to be one of the strangest people I've ever come across and when I moved out it was with some relief.

It's funny the things we find superstitious isn't it?

The number 13, black cats crossing our path, walking under a ladder, and throwing salt over your left shoulder to name just a few off the top of my head.

I debated working from home today but decided that to do so would be to give into whole notion and thus I'm sitting at work right now. Of course I did only drive 10 miles per hour to get here, stayed in the right hand lane, avoided the elevator and took the stairs, double knotted my shoe laces, and won't be leaving the building till it's time to go home but I'm not letting this day affect me in the least......

M to the X

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