December 30/15
Give this one a listen and let me know what you think: Legendary by Powers
So late last night I'm laying in bed making some notes for the blog on my iPad when my phone pings that I've got some new emails so I pause to check them out and lo and behold I've got a couple asking me where the blog entry is for today.......
Reading them made me chuckle and remind myself that a promise made must be kept and I did make a promise a while back to blog more often, and to be fair I do think I've been doing better, what with the days I've posted multiple entries for your amusement and edification. (Yes, the blogger is now into using big words these days for some strange reason)
My last post talked about how this time of year gets one to reflecting on things that have transpired over the course of the preceding twelve months and the trend continued yesterday as I got into a discussion with my friend Andy from the logistics department over lunch.
I've been doing a much better job of being more extroverted at the new job and can say I've made some new friends, Andy & Victor among them and both work in logistics, which is kind of odd since I don't really deal with that group as part of my day to day activities.
So as we headed down to the cafeteria to grab lunch before they closed, it's on reduced hours this week given the low attendance in the building, Andy asked me how my weekend was and what cool things I got for Xmas. We exchanged details and as we stood in line waiting for our orders he turned and asked me what I got from C. I didn't respond for a moment and he asked me what was wrong and I told him that we'd broken up back in October. He seemed flustered and apologized saying he had no clue as I hadn't said anything about it. I told him I was still dealing with it and just trying not to think about her too much. He sort of laughed and asked how that was going for me, I asked what did he mean by that, he just shook his head and said there were many times lately that he'd noticed me sitting at my desk apparently lost in thought and that he wasn't the only person in our area to comment about it. I sort of ruefully shook my head and said some days are better than others but all in all not too great.
As we sat down he asked me what happened, prefacing it by saying it was none of his business and if it was too hard to talk about we could discuss how crappy my beloved ManU is playing these days.
I said it was ok and maybe talking would help me a bit so I gave him the scoop. His first comment was that "You were fine with the distance when she was up the valley but as soon as she's down in the city not being able to get a hold of her bothered you?"
I looked up from my soup and replied "I never said I wasn't an idiot now did I?"
I think he sensed my mood shifting and asked me if I'd seen any movies over the weekend and I explained my daughter and her boyfriend had showed me a streaming site and I was able to watch a few new ones over the past few days. He asked for some of the names and I mentioned Sunshine on Leith, The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, Pitch Perfect 2, and Sleeping With Other People.
He laughed and said does he dare ask what the last one was about and I chuckled in response.
So before I go on I'll provide the obligatory "SPOILER ALERT" and let you decide if you want to continue or go surf another site................
Ok, guessing if you're still reading this that you've decided to read on or are just too damn lazy to bother trying to find a more interesting site. Trust me there are a lot of them :)
The movie is about a good-natured womanizer and a serial cheater who form a platonic relationship that helps reform them in ways, while a mutual attraction sets in.
Jason Sudeikis plays Jake the womanizer and Alison Brie plays Lainey the serial cheater. Both have great chemistry in the movie and you can see them falling for each other at some point, after of course dealing with some internalized issues. I explained the premise to Andy and talked about the scene where Jake has his bullshit called out by his boss on why he treats women like he does and he pleads innocent but you can see the wheels turning as he starts to understand his actions better and realizes his first sexual encounter was with the woman of his dreams and how he pushes all others away after a bit as they can't measure up to his memories. Of course this woman is Lainey and they lost their virginity's to one another back in college. Don't be mad, I did warn you about the spoiler alert now didn't I?
As I finished describing the scene I looked outside at the snow and didn't say anything for a bit so Andy asked if I was ok. I shrugged and said I could see some of me in the character of Jake. Andy sat back and asked "you think you are a womanizer?"
Not in the sense of the character in the movie but in a more loosely defined way I do think I am.
You see I tend to talk to women and things go along smoothly and then when it comes time to do the whole meet and greet thing, whether it's for drinks or a meal, I find an excuse and bail. My history is replete with examples. I once posted a blog about my dating numbers and they aren't huge but here is the fact that I left out of that blog, most likely subconsciously, that for each date I've been on with a woman there are probably two to three that I've bailed on. None of this is because they were bad people but mostly because I just couldn't see anything happening long run and because of that I didn't want to waste either of our time. Sounds kind of harsh and maybe another reason I can legitimately be called an asshole.
Andy pushed his tray back and said that might have been true in the past but he couldn't say for sure since we only became friends in June and anyways how do I explain dating C if that is my modus operandi?
I smiled and said in the grand scheme of things C is my Lainey. The one who made me see the world around me in a different light. Plus it didn't hurt that she was the bolder one of us and made all the first moves thus removing those opportunities for me to cut the line and run.
As we headed for the elevator and back to work he asked me how I even met C and I told him on eHarmony. He asked what it was like in the dating world and I told him honestly my worst nightmare being as I'm a total introvert around women and thank goodness for eHarmony lol He asked if I was on other sites and I told him I'd tried Plenty of Fish years ago but its more a meat market than anything, basically the place to go to find sex. He looked at me kind of oddly so I explained that sex is easy but real love so much harder to find, to build upon, and to keep for the duration, case in point my results with C.
He asked what was going to happen now between C and myself and I replied nothing. I had reached out at Xmas to see how she was and if there was a chance of meeting and been told it was not something she was interested in. He asked if I thought that meant she'd found someone and I said I didn't really know and would prefer not to ever know as that might be too much for me to handle at the moment.
As I sat down at my desk and begin pretending to review the revenue allocation worksheet used to calculate transfer pricing among our foreign subsidiaries it dawned on me that I don't know what is going on with her and hadn't really thought much along those lines.
It's almost comical how this breakup has left me feeling more down than the ending of my marriage did eight years ago. How I took a vow at that point to never let myself become involved with anyone or have a real relationship and C came along and blew those vows to dust, lighting up my life and actually getting me contemplating asking her the big question.
Not sure what to make of all this other than maybe it's Karma for something I did in a prior life but sure beats believing in reincarnation and coming back as the gnat on a donkeys ass doesn't it.
My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing and evolving thoughts about being a father, a friend, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from 130 yards, how I found and lost my "One", and my struggles to move onwards with my life. Some will make you laugh, some smile, some angry, and hopefully most will leave you thinking about life, love, and finding your own "One"