Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Disturbing Call at 2:30AM

January 02/16

Yesterday was one of those recovery days we all have after the holiday's. I worked out a bit in prep for today's session with Connor and ended up at East Side Mario's with my son for dinner as someone was Jonesing for some Italian Wedding Soup!!!! wasn't me craving the soup. No, I had a nice little strip loin with rice and broccoli. Got myself some good proteins and starch :)

Last night was laundry and just relaxing down in the man cave. I ended up heading to bed around 11pm as I wanted to be up early and get the groceries done before hitting the gym for my 12:30 execution, reminding my son his mom was coming by to get him for a haircut around 1pm.

Around 2:30am I was jolted out of my sleep by my phone going off next to me on the nightstand and my first thought was that I'd set the alarm clock wrong, but one look showed me it was an incoming call from the father of one of my sons friends. I answered and the first thing I heard was K asking if his son G was at my place with my son. I said no he wasn't here and what's up?

K told me that G had said he was going over to Tim Horton's with my son and his girlfriend and he hadn't come home yet. He asked if I could call my son and see he if knew where G was and I told him my son was with me this week and had been home all night. I told him to give me a second and I'd go ask my son if he knew what was going on.

I got up and knocked on his door, opening it to flip on the light switch, and asked him if he'd been talking to G at all before he went to bed, he looked a bit confused and said he hadn't spoken to him since the New Years Eve party and asked what was going on so I explained and asked him to text/call his girlfriend T to see if she knew where G was, he said he couldn't do that as they'd broken up just before Christmas.

Not sure how stunned I looked at that moment but he quickly said he was sorry for not telling me but he didn't want me to get mad at him. I said we'd talk about it later and I still needed him to call her and see what the hell was going on. He sent a text and got no response and tried calling without any luck as well.  I called K and told him my son wasn't getting any responses and gave him all the contact information I had for her and her parents and he thanked me and said to let him know if I heard anything from G.

All of this sounded so unlike G as he has played on several soccer teams I've coached and he's that kid who every one wants to be friends with, very much like my own son and one of the reasons I liked having him on the teams. G is bright, think top 2% of his class, and a natural athlete so as I hung up I turned to talk to my son.

He said he really didn't know anything about where G was or what he was up to. I told him that was ok and I believed him but was actually bothered that he felt I'd get mad at him for the breakup of his relationship when all I want is for him to be happy in life.  Things sort of made more sense as he's been a bit more withdrawn the past week or so and we talked about it and what it means and how he'll deal with it.  I told him I'm here if he wants to talk but this is one of those life events that have to be lived and experienced on his own, with some guidance available but not any answers as what we experience is unique to each person.

We headed back to bed and I fell asleep to only be woken back up at 6:30 with a call from my ex asking of I knew what K was looking for as she had two missed calls from him around 2:15am.

I explained what I knew and that it looks like some teenage behavior was going on but thankfully our son wasn't involved.

When I did get up for good at 9:30 I sent K a text asking if G had shown up and he said he was home safe and sound but under some severe punishments for his actions. I was just glad to hear he was home. Around the same time my son got up to get some water and without even thinking asked him if he'd heard anything back from T or G and he had this sad look on his face and told me G had been at T's place all night...........I just walked over and gave him a hug as there are no words I could say to try and make sense out of this.

There used to be a code among friends, regardless of the ages of the people involved, that you don't date the ex of one of your friends but from everything I've heard this doesn't seem to be true anymore and teenagers seem to switch off with each others friends all the time. Kind of sad when you think about the lack of honour and respect they show one another.

As we had some breakfast I smiled at him and said that once people learn about his being single I'm sure his phone will be blowing up with texts from the girls...he laughed and said I thought way too highly of him and I said no, you don't think highly enough about yourself son. He looked up from his bacon and eggs and gave me one of those rueful smiles he seems to be developing.

As I was leaving for the gym I went to check on him and saw him on the phone and asked which game he was playing now and he kind of blushed and said he was chatting with R & from school as they'd texted him to see how he was doing.  My money is on R to ask him out first but I think L has the better shot as he's always had a soft spot for her and she is a real looker.

So over course of a few hours I went from my heart pounding with worry about a good kid I've known for almost his entire life to a heart heavy with sadness for my son and what he is feeling right now to one a bit lighter as I saw him smiling once again.

Being a parent means running the range of emotions and not something they cover very well in that parent course they make us all take...wait, they don't have such a course and sometimes I think more is the pity they don't....................

My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing and evolving thoughts about being a father, a friend, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from 130 yards, how I found and lost my "One", and my struggles to move onwards with my life. Some will make you laugh, some smile, some angry, and hopefully most will leave you thinking about life, love, and finding your own "One"

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