Friday, January 1, 2016

Now I'm the Sadist I Dread

January 01/16

Welcome to the new year and I hope you had a great night, without any adverse morning after headaches :)

My night was pretty calm with watching some football and Netflix on the couch with Moki as we waited for the ball to drop and my son to text when he was ready to be picked up at the party he attended.

Now at 16 he's developing into his own man but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to being worried last night when I dropped him off as from what I could see there had to be over 30+ people at the party and we've all been there....young and raging hormones that leads to make out sessions or even fights as males try to establish a pecking order.  Glad to say nothing like that happened and he had a good night without too much of a hangover this morning.

I was up and out the door by 11am as I wanted to hit the gym as I know Connor will be in fine form tomorrow and make me hurt more than I'm expecting. My legs are still really sore from Wednesday's walking lunges so I wanted to do some lifts today to keep them from getting too tight.

There is a circuit of eight machines I use one after the other with each station getting 12 reps and then I start all over again until I've done the circuit three times. I was pushing hard today and could really feel my heart pounding and my legs burning when I got done and headed off to the treadmill for my 30 minute cool down period. The nice thing I've noticed is that the last few times I've completed my workout that I haven't felt it so bad walking down the stairs from the workout floor to the locker rooms. Though I usually do feel it when I get home and find myself going down into the basement lol

When I got home my son was up and asked me how it went and I gave him a brief rundown and as he walked past me he tapped me on the shoulder and told me he was proud of me for sticking with it and the results were beginning to show. I smiled and said it was too early to see any results and he shook his head in the negative and told me my attitude has been better since I've started my program and my legs look really tight :)

So even though I hurt all over these days those comments made me realize that I am changing and for the better.

Day one of the new year has been pretty good. Day two is going to suck as I know Connor has new tortures to test out on his human guinea pig, namely me, but I'm game as I'm starting to look forward to seeing how long I can last before tapping out.

How was your first day of 2016?

My name is Marcus and these are my ongoing and evolving thoughts about being a father, a friend, trying to hit the perfect 8 iron from 130 yards, how I found and lost my "One", and my struggles to move onwards with my life. Some will make you laugh, some smile, some angry, and hopefully most will leave you thinking about life, love, and finding your own "One"

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