Thursday, January 14/16
Try this one on for size and let me know what you think "This Is The Best" by USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker)
So there I was plugging away at that darned worksheet trying to ascertain some revenue splits for our company in Singapore when my system pinged so I looked over at the other screen, I use multiple monitors at home so I can do a couple of things at once, and noticed my work email account showed a new email, we use a VPN to work from home that allows us direct access to the network and it's like we are sitting at our desks in the office.
The subject line was "New Mexico Tax Cheque" and from J our Accounts Payable Specialist. One of my first tasks when I started at the new job was to review the outstanding sales and use tax VDA's and clear them up before year end. New Mexico was a big one with a potential cost of almost US$200K that I managed to reconcile down to US$62K and an agreement that payment wasn't due until Feb 15/16 a big win in my first month or so on the job and I was really happy to be able to reduce our total liability from almost US$800K down to a little over US$125K
So I opened up the email to read that J has left the signed cheque on my desk so I can coordinate the delivery via FedEx with our logistics team as she thinks she might take off tomorrow. Nothing to special about that part of the message, nothing to really make me smile.
That actually came when I read the last line of her message......
" You are such a cheerful person, this place is like a morgue when you aren't in the office ;-) "
Talk about making my day and so validates my efforts to be happier with life and let people see the real me. When I started this job I blogged about how I was going to try and be more open and proactive in how I dealt with people as I'm very much an introvert and tend to keep to myself way more than I should, something that C pointed out and encouraged me to do more often, and here is the living proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks.
I replied thanking her for the info on the cheque and even more so for the compliment. She pinged me back telling me she was just being honest and that she really thinks I'm rubbing off on people as she has noticed a pick up in attitude when I'm around. Can you colour me beaming with joy as I read that one.
I think it just goes to show that it's possible to not even realize the impact you can have on people and that this is path that offers me the most inner satisfaction.
I get more done when working from home but really do miss the interactions with the people in my group and logistics, some of them sit near us, and know it's one way I've evolved as a person as the old me would have worked at home every single chance I could.
My name is Marcus and I created this blog to document my efforts to be the best father possible, a good friend, attempts to master the perfect 8 iron from 135+ yards, miscues and wins when it comes to potentially dating, and the hope that one day my one taps me on the shoulder and says hi.
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