Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Crazy Tuesday Night

Wednesday, January 13/16

So Monday I was joking around with my boss about how I'd be giving my notice on Thursday as I was planning on winning the Power Ball Lottery and she laughed and asked if I had a ticket for it, I told her no but I was thinking of driving down to Ogdensburg and buying one or two on Tuesday after work. She handed me some money and said if I went to get her two as well and she'd also pay me 1% of any winnings.

So last night after work I swung by the house to let Moki out for a bit, grabbed my passport, and headed down the 416 for the hour trip.

Now some might say I was a bit nuts given the distance, horrible weather (it snowed literally all day long in Ottawa), and the odds. But from my point of view what else did I have going on that made this a chore? Nada, nothing so off I went.

The drive wasn't too bad and I took my time and listened to some sports talk radio shows while enjoying the peace and quiet.

The US customs agent found my response to his "what are your reasons for visiting the US?" kind of amusing and waved me through upon clearing my name through the system.

The toll booth operator smiled when I told her I'd be back on Thursday to claim my prize.

The gentleman near the vet's center down by the river who gave me directions to a couple of spots to buy tickets wished me good luck and reaffirmed for me that small town people are the best when it comes to being friendly and helpful.

The clerk at the gas station told me to remember her if I won and smiled when I said I would.

The Canadian customs agent seemed more than a little pissed off when I told him I'd only been out of country for a little less than an hour and the look he gave me was his way of telling me he thought I was completely stupid for driving down to buy a lottery ticket.

Maybe I am but it's my crazy world and I enjoyed my drive there and back.

If I somehow defy the odds and come out of it with the winning ticket then the craziness will set in.

I mean I can't even comprehend how my life might change if I suddenly come into such a huge windfall. I do know those around me won't need for much and there are a few charities that will suddenly get cheques in the mail without any return address or name on them.........

My golf game won't suffer from lack of playing time nor will my passport go as unused as it has the last few years.

The only drawback to the night was having to drive over the bridge that spans the St. Lawrence River as I'm afraid of heights.......and doing so at night with rain/snow falling made that one scary ride both ways..........

Do you have your ticket?  Will you take the 30 year annuity or immediate payout?

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