Thursday, January 14/16
So today finds me working from home as I've got to make some progress on the consolidated revenue worksheet in order to correctly calculate transfer prices and the corresponding cost of goods sold for our foreign subsidiaries. Sounds pretty complicated and it can be if you don't pay attention and since this is my first go round I'm paying close attention. Hence the whole working from home thing as I'm finding more and more people are coming my way for help with things, which isn't a bad thing except when I have deadlines to meet.
Last night as I was folding the last of the laundry, doesn't it seem like I'm doing laundry an awful lot of the time for a single man, my son sent me a text asking if he could come to my place after school on Thursday with his new girlfriend, he bounced back pretty quickly from his own breakup, and watch a movie in the man cave.
I wasn't sure he meant to be texting me and he confirmed he was asking me since his new girlfriend lives near my place and he was going to walk to her place after school and they'd walk over to my place and watch some scary movie. I told him yes as long as his mom was ok with it and he said it was my night with him. Now since our custody arrangement has the weeks switching over on Friday's after school this one had me further confused so I replied that he was with me starting Friday upon which he said he was spending the weekend with mom doing things with her. Now being totally confused I asked what hell did he mean by that.........
As I sat there waiting for his reply my phone rang and lo and behold if it wasn't the by product of my loins calling me.
I said hello and before I could say anything else all I could hear was him laughing.
I asked what was so funny and he said you. I asked what he meant by that and he said I had the memory of a gnat at times and started laughing again with his mom doing the same in the background.
Now starting to feel a little angry I asked him to explain and he asked me if I remembered any conversation with his mom about her trip down south........and then the bells started going off as a conversation came slowly trickling back along my synapses.
Seems I agreed to switch things up to let her have him this weekend and get him back on Tuesday night as she leaves early Wednesday morning and isn't back till the following Wednesday afternoon.
So now what was my dad mode weekend has become another bachelor mode weekend with two dad mode weekends to follow. I'll still see him briefly Saturday morning as he has a 8am soccer game for me to endure and then I'm free to do whatever my heart desires.
Now this is where you might be saying I should out these types of things into my cell phone or maybe get a calendar and keep it updated. Well I normally do note them down in my iPhone but think I was driving and on speaker phone when the original conversation took place and I do have a very nice calendar hanging on my fridge courtesy of C that I haven't been updating as much as I should have over the past month or so......but I did put everything I know is happening over the next two months so I'm current once more.
As I got ready to end the call with my son he reminded me that of his game on Saturday, my training session with Connor at 12:30 the same day, and his sisters game on Sunday.
No smart ass there now is there................
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